hollies baby shower

The Ladies from Church of the Messiah Gathering Together to Bless Hollie Soward

First, we received word on Friday that our building permit process for the renovations to the sanctuary space on University Club Blvd is now showing as “under review” and that David Monk is ready to move forward with the demolition portion of our job.  He will be mobilizing his team from ShayCore Enterprises and begin preparing the job on Tuesday.  He currently plans to start the demolition work either Wednesday or Thursday of this week!  Also this week, our resident interior designer, Brooke Shimp, will be helping us with color scheme suggestions.  Things are really beginning to come together in our new home!

Secondly, WE HAVE MOVED! Saturday morning a dozen of our mighty men gathered at our old office building and emptied the place out.  There were five ladies there to help them along, but, when all was said and done, everything from our old offices was moved into our new home on University Club Blvd.  It did take the better part of seven hours, a full moving van, several packed out trucks and vans, and one trip to the emergency room, but by God’s grace, everything was moved and it did not rain until the last box was inside.  May God pour out a special blessing on all those who showed up to help that day and heal them of all their stiff joints and sore muscles (and concussion)!

Moving Day

Thankfully, what we believe is the ONLY picture of “The Great Office Move of August 30th”

Third, while that was going on, ten ladies from Church of the Messiah gathered together to bless Hollie Soward with a baby shower.  Hollie was very blessed to have her church family shower gifts on her and baby Ashton (only a few weeks away now).  There was even something special there for big sister Aliyah as well.  There was amazing food and fellowship and opportunity to gather together as sisters in the body of Christ to anticipate and celebrate the expected gift of a new life into our family and congregation.

Finally, we gathered together to worship Our Lord and Savior Jesus Christ and to Celebrate His Resurrection on Sunday morning.  The sermon is available in our Sermon Library, by the way.  While many of us capped off the long weekend with an extra day of rest, there were still some stout-hearted volunteers back up at our new offices making ready for the offices to open next week.

All in all, it was an amazing weekend at Church of the Messiah.  By God’s grace, next week should be even more amazing!