Work Invitation Part IIIn order to get everything finally ready for the big Grand Opening of Our New Sanctuary and Church Office on Sunday, November 10th, we are holding one final FALL WORK DAY this Saturday, November 9th, beginning at 9 o’clock.  On Saturday, there are four specific tasks we need to accomplish:

  1. We need to clear out and prepare the Youth Room and New Moms’ Nursery for use and for the Grand Opening.
  2. We need to clean up the bushes in between Ft. Caroline Presbyterian Church’s parish hall and our own building using hedge-trimmers.
  3. We need to prepare Ft. Caroline Presbyterian Church’s parish hall for the reception after our Grand Opening service, including setting up tables, laying out table cloths, plates, silverware, and generally getting ready for a fancy soiree, and
  4.  If anyone has a working pressure-washer, we would love to pressure wash our sidewalks.
We have cast the nets wide with invitations and hope that you have done the same for the Grand Opening.  Please join us in this final push to get everything ready for our big day!