FusionFusion is Church of the Messiah’s ministry and outreach to young adults.  It is a monthly worship service directed at those who are between the ages of 18 and 35.  We begin each night with appetizers and light refreshments at 6:30 before the service starts at 7 o’clock.  The service consists of contemporary worship, a powerful teaching testimony, and a time of ministry before the Holy Eucharist.  Everyone is welcome and childcare is provided for those who require it.  This month, Casey Harlow will be speaking to those present on overcoming self-doubts and seeing ourselves as God sees us based on Genesis 1:27.  It will be, as it always is, an incredible night of worship and ministry.  Fusion, the ministry, has its own Facebook page which you can find HERE and this month’s Fusion service has its own Facebook event page which you can find HERE.  Be sure to invite those you know who should be attending.