School-Supplies-DonationsChurch of the Messiah’s Second Annual School Supply Give Away is just over a week away on August 6th.  This means that this is your last weekend to go shopping to get supplies!  We have had great turn out so far but there are still a lot of supplies that we still need.  We gave away supplies for over a hundred students last year and we expect more this year.  Last Saturday, our Men’s Ministry went out after their breakfast and canvassed the neighborhood, so we could have a huge turnout on August 6th and we do not want people to leave empty handed.  If you still want to purchase supplies, here is a list of what we need:

  • Pencil Boxes
  • Scissors (Elementary and High School)
  • Crayons
  • Pencil Pouches
  • WIDE-RULED Notebook Paper
  • Three-Ring Binders (2 or 2 1/2 inch)
  • Notebook Dividers
  • USB Thumb Drives

If you want to help but do not have time to shop this weekend, you may donate money either this Sunday or on-line (mark it “school supplies) and we will have a group go out next week and purchase supplies.  Also, do not forget that we will need volunteers on August 6th to help distribute supplies and food to the people who show up!