Beginning this Wednesday, January 18th, and continuing through Wednesday, February 22nd, Church of the Messiah’s mid-week services will focus on the mission of the Church.  As the Church observes a variety of special events in the liturgical year, we will delve into how the Church is called to live in the modern era and how each of us as Christians can participate individually in the call to reach the world.

Each evening will begin with a soup supper from six o’clock to 6:45.  The service itself begins at seven o’clock.  Childcare is provided during the service for those younger than 6th grade and Church of the Messiah’s Youth Group (6th-12th grades) will be meeting during the service as well.  The evening will conclude by 8:30 so that everyone can have plenty of time to return home and prepare for work and school the next morning with plenty of time.

Wednesday nights are always amazing at Church of the Messiah.  Bring a friend.  Have dinner and fellowship, then hear about the mission of the Church and our call to live in the world today!  It’s going to be an incredible few weeks.