Thursday, August 18, Church of the Messiah will sponsor an End of Summer/Back to School Bash.  Rather than doing “yet another” pool party, we will be having two hours of fun at Pump It Up, Jacksonville’s “Inflatable Party Zone.”  The party runs from 7pm til 9pm and refreshments will be provided.  Please contact Lizz Looker to RSVP or if you have any questions.

Additionally, once again we have an opportunity to bless students in our local community who do not have the resources to begin the school year successfully.  We are stuffing backpacks for Arlington Middle School and helping to ensure that student are equipped to succeed this school year.  You may either make a cash donation (write “Arlington Middle School” in the memo line of your check) or you may purchase supplies.  This year the students need:

  • 1” binder
  • Spiral notebook
  • Notebook paper
  • Pens
  • Pencils
  • Glue stick
  • Crayons
  • Highlighters(set)
  • Ruler
  • Hand sanitizer
  • Ear buds

Please make sure to get your donation of either cash or supplies in to Church of the Messiah no later than August 21!  This is the day before school gets back in session and will also be the day that we pray for our teachers, students, and the coming school year.