As everyone prepares for the incredible celebration that is Thanksgiving Day, let us not forget that you cannot just give thanks; you have to give thanks to someone.  Since “every good gift and every perfect gift is from above, and comes down from the Father of lights,” (James 1:17) then let us come together and give thanks where it belongs–to Our Heavenly Father who loves us and has given us all the blessing which we have to be thankful.  Join Church of the Messiah Wednesday night at 7 o’clock and begin the celebration of Thanksgiving by first “entering into His gates with Thanksgiving and coming into His courts with praise.” (Psalm 100.4)

We will have an easy, hassle-free, non-turkey themed fellowship meal from 6:00-6:45 and then our worship time begins at seven o’clock.  The service includes a time of praise and worship, reading of Holy Scriptures, a short homily, a special series of prayers of thankfulness, and the Great Thanksgiving itself, the Holy Eucharist.  Our Youth Group will meet during this time and childcare is provided throughout the service time.  We know that you have a lot of work to do on Thursday morning, so we promise to have you on your way home by 8:30 so that you can get to making pies and brining turkeys.

As we begin what is perhaps the busiest six weeks of the year, let’s not lose sight of the focus of all of the holidays and start this entire season of properly.  Let’s begin the season by taking the time out to give thanks to Our Lord who makes all of our blessings possible.  We look forward to seeing everyone this Wednesday night.