Avengers and Jesus PosterFr. Looker’s Bible study Converting the Conversation will continue this Wednesday night, January 28th.  This series takes seven of the highest grossing movies of all time and discusses how to reshape conversations about those movies into conversations about Jesus Christ.  We have already discussed Disney’s Frozen and the Star Wars franchise.  Tonight we discuss The Avengers and Iron Man 3, both of which made over a billion dollars, as well as other movies in the “Marvel Cinematic Universe.”  This series equips those who attend to better witness to their families, friends, and co-workers using conversations about wildly popular movies as springboards to begin conversations about the Gospel.

The services begin at seven o’clock each night and childcare is provided.  We promised to finish by 8:30 every night so that everyone can be home in time to prepare for work and get their little ones ready for school the next morning.  These services are open to everyone so be sure to invite your friends and childcare is provided.  We look forward to seeing everyone together this Wednesday nights!