Bishop David Simpson has instituted the Diocese of Florida School of Discipleship.  This is an on-line, virtual opportunity for lay people throughout the Diocese of Florida to grow in their knowledge and love of Our Lord Jesus Christ as well as an opportunity to strengthen their relationships with other believers throughout the Diocese.  These courses are not seminary courses, but are rather discipleship classes intended to deepen one’s walk with The Lord.

Bp. Simpson will teach the first course in Apologetics, or explaining one’s faith to another.  The only text for the course will be I Don’t Have Enough Faith to be an Atheist by Norman Geisler and Frank Turek.   The class will meet Saturdays from 10 – 12 beginning on September 9th.  The deadline to register for the course is August 15th.

If you are interest in taking the course or more information, please reach out to Fr. Looker for registration information.