Church of the Messiah A Church For The Generations Tue, 11 Jun 2024 02:24:58 +0000 en-US hourly 1 Church of the Messiah 32 32 Foundation Day is June 23rd Tue, 11 Jun 2024 02:24:15 +0000

Foundation Day began as Founder’s Day. It was an offering to be taken on a Sunday close to the date of the consecration of Austin Randolph Adler as the first Bishop of the Charismatic Episcopal Church. The offering would be given to him to be used at his discretion.

I am not sure how the name changed from Founder’s Day to Foundation Day, but I assume it had to do with a decision made by Abp. Adler to use the offering for the purchase of property and the repair of property. One-third of the money would be given as direct grants, one-third as low-interest loans, and one-third to be put in interest-bearing accounts.

So much has happened with the money given to this account. The most recent event is the building of a cathedral in the Mid-Atlantic Diocese. I have seen the land and the pictures of the construction. The building will soon be finished, and I am already planning on being there on July 28, 2024. At the time of the CEC-NA Convocation in Orlando, the building will have been completed (except for many small details). I am sure Bishop Northwood, his wife Sarah, and each of their children (and spouses) will have plenty of pictures on their phones to share with you. They can be proud. And we can be proud that we were a part of it.

There is a long list of projects funded in one way or another by the Foundation Day Offering. My own cathedral, which, under Bishop Brett Crompton, is now debt-free, also benefited from the offering as we added an addition to our very small facility. Again, the folks of Intercessor gave and gave over the years, but we are well aware that it was also sacrificial giving on the part of people all across the country who helped contribute to the endeavor.

So this year, once again, we will take an offering that will be given to the Primate of the Church in North America. Yet again, it will go into that special fund. The only difference is that the money is no longer being used only for buildings and property but also for activities and ministry that will grow the communion.

I believe the money in the account is “legacy money.” It is always tempting to spend “savings” or “investments” rather than wait. We have spent some, but this is a fund that the founding generation, many of whom are now retiring from the ministry, is leaving the new leadership who are living the future. The Primate—that’s me—believes that this “passing of the baton” is critical.

I hope that each rector or vicar will take this offering seriously. It is $10 per person. Cathy and I are always thankful to put in our $20, plus $80. I am particularly excited because the Church I attend somewhat regularly is looking to purchase a building. The future is still before us.

Under His mercy,

+Craig W. Bates,


For more information, visit the Foundation Day website.

Church of the Messiah Co-Sponsors March for Life Florida Wed, 10 Jan 2024 16:42:05 +0000 As State Supreme Court Prepares to Hear Challenge to Abortion Amendment, Floridians Rally for Life in Jacksonville

JACKSONVILLE, Fla., Jan. 8, 2024 /Christian Newswire/ — This Saturday, January 13, at 10 AM, pro-life Floridians from across the state will gather at James Weldon Johnson Park in Jacksonville for the 2024 March for Life & Special Liturgy for the Preborn.

Speakers include national pro-life leader Frank Pavone of Priests for Life, Florida State Representative Dean Black, and Sarah Neely of Operation Rescue. Fr. Scott Looker will lead the special Liturgy for the Preborn.

The March kicks off with a one-hour rally set to be a time of encouraging words from national and local leaders, as well as a special moment of corporate prayer for the preborn, for their mothers and fathers, and for the end of abortion in the state of Florida. A prayerful walk that will pass by the nearby county and federal courthouses will follow.

Fr. Scott Looker, rector at Church of the Messiah in Jacksonville and one of the main organizers for the event comments, “Florida is a true battleground state and stands at a crucial crossroads for children in the womb, especially as we await two huge decisions from our state Supreme Court — one that could uphold a previously passed six-week ban and one that could stop a dangerous effort to enshrine even late-term abortion in our constitution. Now is the time to stand together, to pray together, and to make every effort we can to peacefully, prayerfully and legally uphold the sanctity of life.”

It was recently announced that pro-abortion groups collected the required amount of signatures to move forward with an “Amendment to Limit Government Interference with Abortion,” which they aim to see on the November ballot. However, first the Supreme Court will hear a challenge from the Florida attorney general that could prevent the amendment from going any further.

Sarah Neely, Project Coordinator for Operation Rescue, says, “With Roe gone, abortion extremists around the country are pushing for constitutional amendments that will enshrine abortion in state constitutions and upend life-affirming laws that currently protect children in the womb at the state level. These amendments are shrouded in euphemisms and dangerously vague language meant to persuade voters to believe they are voting for so-called reproductive freedom when, in reality, they are often voting for unfettered abortion through all nine months of pregnancy. This proposed Florida amendment is no different.”

The Florida State Supreme Court will hear arguments for the amendment on February 7. Floridians are also waiting for the Court’s decision on a 15-week ban, which they heard arguments for back in September. If the Court upholds this ban, it will automatically uphold a 6-week ban that was passed in the interim.

The 2024 March For Life is co-sponsored by Church of the Messiah, Charismatic Episcopal Church for Life, Jacksonville for Life, Operation Rescue and Pro-Life University of North Florida.

Convocation Website is LIVE! Sat, 06 Jan 2024 03:55:14 +0000 We are so excited about the National Convocation coming this Summer!  We are excited to announce that the CEC North American Convocation has launched its website.  By visiting the website, you can review the calendar and schedule of events, register for the Convocation, book your hotel rooms, and volunteer to be part of the team working to make the Convocation an incredible time of revival for the Charismatic Episcopal Church in North America and throughout the world.  Be sure to bookmark the website and check back in for updates.  The 2024 North American Convocation is going to be a phenomenal gathering to worship The Lord.  Be sure to get started making you plans to attend so you won’t miss any of what God is doing.

Diocesan School of Discipleship Begins in September Fri, 04 Aug 2023 18:44:55 +0000 Bishop David Simpson has instituted the Diocese of Florida School of Discipleship.  This is an on-line, virtual opportunity for lay people throughout the Diocese of Florida to grow in their knowledge and love of Our Lord Jesus Christ as well as an opportunity to strengthen their relationships with other believers throughout the Diocese.  These courses are not seminary courses, but are rather discipleship classes intended to deepen one’s walk with The Lord.

Bp. Simpson will teach the first course in Apologetics, or explaining one’s faith to another.  The only text for the course will be I Don’t Have Enough Faith to be an Atheist by Norman Geisler and Frank Turek.   The class will meet Saturdays from 10 – 12 beginning on September 9th.  The deadline to register for the course is August 15th.

If you are interest in taking the course or more information, please reach out to Fr. Looker for registration information.

Foundation Day is June 25th Wed, 21 Jun 2023 17:47:14 +0000 There are so many stories to tell about how the Foundation Day Offering has been able to assist churches not only in doing renovations but to purchase buildings and properties. Right now, we have given grants and loans to help churches around the United States. In particular, we have invested in building a new Cathedral in Bel Air, Maryland. The project is enormous, and we are so thankful that God has used you to provide sufficient funds to plant in our future.

Coming up on Sunday, June 25th, is the Celebration of Foundation Day. It is the Sunday closest to the consecration of A. Randolph Adler as the first Bishop of the Charismatic Episcopal Church. The event happened almost 31 years ago at St. Michael’s Church in San Clemente, California. Since then, we have seen churches develop around the globe. (Not only are we building a Cathedral in Bel Air, but we are also building a Cathedral in Manila.)

None of us can predict the future of the Charismatic Episcopal. I know that the CEC is God’s Church, and He is not a God of failure. The vision of the CEC is still in place, and the mission continues even as I write this letter.

On Foundation Day, we ask every member, young and old, to give ten dollars each to a special offering that will be used to plant seeds for our future and the next generation of believers. The money will be used for building, property, renovations, and for church growth projects. As the first generation, we are called now to continue being faithful. We are asked to walk by faith and not by sight. We are asked to hear God’s voice and obey.

I was taught, and I have lived, the truth that there are “givers” and there are “takers.” Givers understand the heart of God, who is generous in giving, even to the point of “giving” His own Son. His demonstration of love is in the act of giving.  As we participate in the life of Christ Jesus, we are made into givers who will give not only generously but sacrificially.

I continue to pray daily for all the churches. You are all so very faithful and obedient. I am humbled to be among you as one who is given the opportunity to serve you.

Under His mercy,

+Craig, Patriarch

The Patriarch to Visit on Pentecost Wed, 24 May 2023 19:04:00 +0000 This Sunday morning, May 28th, as we gather together to celebrate the Feast of Pentecost, Church of the Messiah is blessed to welcome the Patriarch of the International Communion of the Charismatic Episcopal Church, Archbishop Craig Bates.  Having served in ordained ministry for over 40 years, Abp. Bates has ministered all over the world.  Of course, Abp. Bates and his wife Cathy are no strangers to Church of the Messiah as they live in Jacksonville and join in worship whenever their busy schedule allows, however this weekend Abp. Bates will preach the Word of God and celebrate the Holy Eucharist.

Pentecost is the Feast we commemorate the gift of the Holy Spirit as described in chapter 2 of Acts of the Apostles.  Along with Christmas, Easter, and All Saints’ Day, Pentecost is one of the four principal feasts of the Church year.

Be sure to join us on Sunday, May 28th, starting at 10 o’clock, as we welcome Abp. Bates and celebrate the Feast of Pentecost.  You will not want to miss this anointed man of God on this day when we celebrate the Holy Spirit.

Men’s Prayer Breakfast on May 6th Fri, 28 Apr 2023 17:52:32 +0000 On Saturday morning, May 6th, the men of Church of the Messiah will be gathering for a prayer breakfast.  This is a free event that is open to all men, young or old.    As part of Church of the Messiah’s re-vitalized and re-launched fellowship, our Men’s Ministry meets on monthly basis for an event that is either outreach, fellowship, or discipleship.  This prayer breakfast is an opportunity to grow deeper in our relationship not only with The Lord but with other men.  The theme of this month’s meeting is “Being a Godly Man in an Ungodly World.”  The event is free, but we would appreciate you letting us know that you will be attending.  You can do so in three ways: you can scan the QR code in the image above, you can fill out the sign-up sheet in the lobby of the church, or you can click the LINK.  We look forward to seeing the men of the Church gather together and grow in the knowledge and love of Christ on Saturday morning, May 6th, beginning at 8:30.

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Holy Week at Church of the Messiah! Fri, 31 Mar 2023 18:04:50 +0000 We are about to enter one of the most powerful and moving seasons of the entire Church year and we would love for you to join us.  Holy Week is the week before Jesus’ Resurrection and includes so many incredible events in the life of Our Lord.  This year, Holy Week begins on Sunday, April 2nd, and Church of the Messiah will be having five services throughout the week.

Holy Week begins with the celebration of Palm Sunday.  This morning we remember Our Lord’s Triumphal Entry into Jerusalem when the crowd received Him with shouts of “Hosanna in the highest!”  Our service begins Sunday morning, April 2nd, at 10 o’clock, and you will not want to be late because we begin in the church courtyard with the Blessing of the Palms and process together into the church remembering how Our Lord entered the Holy City.  The service also includes a special dramatic reading of the Passion Gospel.

On April 6th, we will observe Holy Thursday and recall the evening Our Lord celebrated the Passover with His Disciples on the night before He was handed over to suffering and death.  Following Our Lord’s instructions, this service includes the powerful foot-washing ceremony in addition to the deeply moving Stripping of the Altar as a symbolic re-enactment of Jesus having everything taken from Him as He was arrested.

From noon to 3 o’clock on Friday, April 7th, we will commemorate Good Friday.  Church of the Messiah’s Good Friday service is unique and impactful.  The service is built around a series of prayers, reflective worship presentations and meditations on the seven last words of Jesus.  The service also includes a reading of the Passion Gospel, veneration of the Holy Cross, and the Mass of the Pre-Sanctified.  While this service is three hours long, it is structured in such a way to allow for worshippers to enter and exit without disruption, so, please, plan on attending even if you cannot stay for the entire service.

On Holy Saturday morning, April 8th, starting at 9 o’clock, Church of the Messiah will gather outside of A Woman’s Choice of Jacksonville, one of Jacksonville’s local abortion clinics, to pray the Liturgy for the Pre-Born, a special service which was created as both a service of Last Rites for those children who will die during this holy season and a series of prayers to end abortion in America and the world.

Having recalled Our Lord’s passion and death, we can triumph in His Resurrection as we celebrate Jesus’ victory over the grave on Easter. We will have an incredible time of praise, special worship offerings and events for the children including an Easter Egg Hunt immediately following the service.  We look forward to celebrating the most incredible moment in the history of the universe with you on Sunday morning, April 9th, beginning at 10 o’clock.

Each of the services will be live streamed via Facebook Live for those who are unable to attend in person.  Childcare will be provided at all service except Holy Saturday.  Facebook events have been created for each service so that you can easily invite you friends and family to join you at any or all of our services.  Simply click the underlined service to visit the Facebook event and share the event.  We are so excited to celebrate these incredible moment in the life of Christ and these wonderful church services.  We pray that you will worship with us and invite your friends and family to gather and celebrate with us the saving deeds of Jesus Christ Our Lord.

Church of the Messiah to Welcome International Bishops Mon, 06 Mar 2023 01:59:15 +0000 This Sunday, Church of the Messiah is very pleased to welcome four bishops from the International Communion of the Charismatic Episcopal Church.  On Sunday, March 12th, Archbishop Craig Bates, the Patriarch of the ICCEC, will visit Church of the Messiah and welcome three international leaders to Jacksonville.  Bishop Elmer Belmonte is the Bishop of the Diocese of Europe.  Many will be familiar with Bp. Belmonte from his daily live streams during the pandemic and beyond.  Bishop Ariel Santos is the Bishop of the Diocese of Metro Manilla & Northern Luzon and Bishop Paulino Villavicencio is the Bishop of Diocese of Southern Luzon.  Both Bishops Santos and Villavicencio are mighty leaders in our church in the Philippines.

These leaders in our international church will be visiting Church of the Messiah prior to the House of Bishops the following week and we are truly blessed to be able to receive men of God who labor for the Kingdom across the globe.  Be sure to make plans to attend on Sunday, March 12th, to experience what these incredible pastors and leaders have to share.

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Lots of Exciting Events in February at Church of the Messiah Mon, 23 Jan 2023 17:28:13 +0000 There will be lots going on in February at Church of the Messiah!  As the year is rolling on, be sure to read below because you will not want to miss any of these powerful events.

First, on Saturday, February 4th, starting at 8:30 am, Church of the Messiah’s Men’s Ministry will come together over breakfast to share the vision for the ministry in 2023.  We will prepare all the standards of a good southern breakfast and outline plans for discipleship, fellowship, and outreach in the upcoming months.  This is open to men of all ages, so, men, be sure to bring your sons.  To sign up to attend, click this LINK or sign up in the lobby in church on Sunday mornings.



So many people were blessed beyond measure by the small groups which met during the Fall of ’22.  We are so excited to announce that we are launching another season of Church of the Messiah’s small groups.  Small groups meet at individuals’ homes for about an hour once a week.  These groups will meet for six weeks starting the week of February 19th.  This will allow the groups to meet throughout the season of Lent and finish before Easter.  If you are interested in participating in one of the small groups this February, click this LINK or sign up in the lobby in church on Sunday mornings.


On February 22nd, starting at 7 o’clock in the evening, the church will come together observe Ash Wednesday.  This is the service that begins the holy season of Lent with a period of 40 days of prayer, fasting, and alms-giving prior to the celebration of the Resurrection of Our Lord on Easter Sunday.  The service includes a time of praise and worship, reflective readings from Holy Scripture, Holy Communion, and the once a year Impositions of Ashes from which the day takes its name.  This is a very powerful, once a year service, which everyone should plan on attending.


There are so many incredible events going on at Church of Messiah throughout the month of February.  Be sure to make plans to attend them all to continue to grow in the knowledge and love of The Lord throughout February and all of 2023.

