There are so many stories to tell about how the Foundation Day Offering has been able to assist churches not only in doing renovations but to purchase buildings and properties. Right now, we have given grants and loans to help churches around the United States. In particular, we have invested in building a new Cathedral in Bel Air, Maryland. The project is enormous, and we are so thankful that God has used you to provide sufficient funds to plant in our future.

Coming up on Sunday, June 25th, is the Celebration of Foundation Day. It is the Sunday closest to the consecration of A. Randolph Adler as the first Bishop of the Charismatic Episcopal Church. The event happened almost 31 years ago at St. Michael’s Church in San Clemente, California. Since then, we have seen churches develop around the globe. (Not only are we building a Cathedral in Bel Air, but we are also building a Cathedral in Manila.)

None of us can predict the future of the Charismatic Episcopal. I know that the CEC is God’s Church, and He is not a God of failure. The vision of the CEC is still in place, and the mission continues even as I write this letter.

On Foundation Day, we ask every member, young and old, to give ten dollars each to a special offering that will be used to plant seeds for our future and the next generation of believers. The money will be used for building, property, renovations, and for church growth projects. As the first generation, we are called now to continue being faithful. We are asked to walk by faith and not by sight. We are asked to hear God’s voice and obey.

I was taught, and I have lived, the truth that there are “givers” and there are “takers.” Givers understand the heart of God, who is generous in giving, even to the point of “giving” His own Son. His demonstration of love is in the act of giving.  As we participate in the life of Christ Jesus, we are made into givers who will give not only generously but sacrificially.

I continue to pray daily for all the churches. You are all so very faithful and obedient. I am humbled to be among you as one who is given the opportunity to serve you.

Under His mercy,

+Craig, Patriarch