Join with Christians throughout Jacksonville this Saturday morning, September 29, as we pray for an end to abortion in Jacksonville.  We will be leading a Jericho March around the site of the newly purchased Planned Parenthood facility at 5978 Powers Avenue.  This facility is not yet opened and we will march around the building seven times and pray that their doors never open; that not a single child is ever murdered on that spot!

The image in this posting may be copied and reposted.  Share it with your friend on Facebook, create an event, tweet it and re-tweet it.  Invite your real world friends.  Get the message out!  We are accomplishing two things this Saturday.  We are praying and interceding on behalf of the Pre-Born, and we are showing Planned Parenthood that it is not worth the hassle to open a new facility because we will be there telling them to stop the whole time!  The more people we have, the more clearly they will get the message.  Let’s stop Planned Parenthood in their tracks!

Contact Fr. Scott or Lizz Looker for more information.  Click HERE for more information on 40 Days for Life including a map including parking information (Scroll down).