Preparing for Pentecost BannerThis Wednesday night, April 6th, Church of the Messiah will begin their new mid-week teaching series entitled “Preparing for Pentecost.”  As part of the Charismatic Episcopal Church, we believe in the power of Pentecost, but it has been a long time since we participated in a thorough study of the things of the Spirit.  This study help everyone to understand what the outpouring of the Holy Spirit means and how it empowers us today.

“Preparing for Pentecost” is part of Church of the Messiah’s mid-week services and is included in the context of praise & worship, prayer, and Holy Communion.  Prior to the service, from 6:00-6:45 there is a free soup supper for any who wish to attend the service.  Childcare is provided during the service and we are committed to ending the service by 8:30 so that those who have to prepare for work and school the next day may do so.

Join Church of the Messiah Wednesday nights in April and May as we begin “Preparing for Pentecost,” so that, when the great day comes, we are fully ready to receive the power from on high which Our Lord promised.