Please see the letter from Bp. Douglas Kessler, Bishop of the West and host of the 2018 National Convocation in Henderson, NV.  Below his letter you will find a .pdf of the current schedule of events.  For more information, visit the Convocation web-site.

God graciously gives us special times, special seasons and special events.  Please mark your calendars right now for a very special and anointed time as the people of the Charismatic Episcopal Church in North America gather for our national convocation in Henderson, Nevada.

As the Bishop of the Diocese of the West I am honored to host you all for this exceptional time together.  The sooner you sign your self, spouse or family up, the better we can prepare to serve you.  Time is important, as this is your vacation time, but is most everyone else’s to, right.

We pride ourselves in the CEC on being a generational church.  No greater treasure has God given us then or children.  Its no surprise our emphasis for this time is on family and children.

Henderson is a suburb of Las Vegas. As well as the nearly infinite man made attractions, it’s surrounded by major natural wonders such as the Grand Canyon and Lake Powell. 

While we intend to see God move in a mighty way in our midst, with powerful worship and anointed words, we have purposely arranged our sessions so that families can have the most effective and convenient times for family outings.

 Our theme is “Rise Up” and there’s no better time to then right now.  Please mark your calendars, start planning your trip and signup so I know you’re coming.

I’ll see you soon.

Your servant and His,

Bishop +Douglas Kessler