Major Changes Coming to Wednesday Night Services

Church of the Messiah is excited to announce that there will be major changes coming to our Wednesday night, mid-week services beginning this Wednesday night, November 6th.  The most significant change is that the Youth Group will be taking over Wednesday Nights.  The Youth will have the run of the service from 7 o’clock until 8:30 in the main sanctuary while everyone else attending church in the evening will be attending Bible studies elsewhere in the building.

When Church of the Messiah first relocated to our current location in 2013, we began having Wednesday night services which had previously been impossible while we were worshiping at Jacksonville University.  In 2018, Casey Harlow was appointed as the Youth Pastor of Church of the Messiah and our Youth Group began meeting during our regular mid-week services.  As our Youth Group has grown, however, fitting everything needed for a youth meeting, into the time we had previously allotted for the Youth simply became unmanageable.  After prayer, and in consensus with his Rector’s Council, Fr. Looker made the decision to cede the mid-week services entirely to the Youth Group.  This decision gives them triple the time that they previously had for their meetings and more than enough room to grow and thrive.

Those who are over eighteen are not left out in the cold.  We will be leading a series of Bible studies for those adults who are attending church on Wednesday night.  We will start off with Max Lucado’s Anxious for Nothing in the church conference room this Wednesday at seven o’clock.  It is not necessary to purchase anything to participate in the Bible Study, however, if you would like to do so, you may buy copies of the individual book by clicking this LINK.

We will still have childcare for children who are younger than fifth grade and we will still honor our commitment to be out by 8:30 so that everyone can get home in time to prepare for work and school the following morning.  While this means that Wednesday nights will not regularly be Eucharistic services, we will occasionally join with the youth in having special Eucharistic services.  The first of these services will be November 27th, when we celebrate Thanksgiving.


Fusion Is This Saturday Night!

FusionFusion is Church of the Messiah’s ministry and outreach to young adults.  It is a monthly worship service directed at those who are between the ages of 18 and 35.  We begin each night with appetizers and light refreshments at 6:30 before the service starts at 7 o’clock.  The service consists of contemporary worship, a powerful teaching testimony, and a time of ministry before the Holy Eucharist.  Everyone is welcome and childcare is provided for those who require it.  This month, Casey Harlow will be speaking to those present on overcoming self-doubts and seeing ourselves as God sees us based on Genesis 1:27.  It will be, as it always is, an incredible night of worship and ministry.  Fusion, the ministry, has its own Facebook page which you can find HERE and this month’s Fusion service has its own Facebook event page which you can find HERE.  Be sure to invite those you know who should be attending.