Testimony of the Priests – Church of the Messiah https://messiahcec.com A Church For The Generations Tue, 29 Nov 2016 17:11:43 +0000 en-US hourly 1 https://wordpress.org/?v=6.5.5 https://messiahcec.com/wp-content/uploads/2021/07/cropped-cec-32x32.png Testimony of the Priests – Church of the Messiah https://messiahcec.com 32 32 All of the Priests’ Testimonies Are Now Available On-Line https://messiahcec.com/all-of-the-priests-testimonies-are-now-available-on-line/?utm_source=rss&utm_medium=rss&utm_campaign=all-of-the-priests-testimonies-are-now-available-on-line Tue, 29 Nov 2016 17:11:43 +0000 http://mycomjax.com/?p=3119 messiah-priestsOver the last month, four of the priests at Church of the Messiah had a chance to present their testimonies to the congregation.  The testimonies were recorded and are now available on-line.  Click the links below to listen to Church of the Messiah’s clergy tell their story.

October 26th – Fr. Scott Melanson

November 2nd – Fr. Lon Pardee

November 9th – Fr. Ed Shiell

November 16th – Fr. Scott Looker

New Teaching Series Begins This Wednesday Night https://messiahcec.com/new-teaching-series-begins-this-wednesday-night/?utm_source=rss&utm_medium=rss&utm_campaign=new-teaching-series-begins-this-wednesday-night Tue, 25 Oct 2016 20:42:32 +0000 http://mycomjax.com/?p=3074 all-messiah-clergyThis Wednesday night, October 26th, Church of the Messiah will begin its new teaching series called “The Testimony of the Priests”.  This series will provide each of the active pastors of the parish with an opportunity to share their own personal testimony with the congregation.  While each of the priests at Church of the Messiah has been with the parish for over a decade, they have never had an opportunity to share their own story of how God moved in their lives.  Over the next four week, each of the clergy will have an opportunity to do so and satisfy 1 Peter 3:15 where the Apostle calls us to “give an answer to everyone who asks you to give the reason for the hope that you have.”  This will both help the congregation get to know their pastors better and encourage all of us by sharing stories of how God has moved in the lives of our own people.

“The Testimony of the Priests” is part of Church of the Messiah’s regular Wednesday Night Worship Service.  The evening begins with a soup supper at 6:00-6:45 and the service itself begins at seven o’clock.  In order for everyone to be home at a reasonable hour in order to prepare for work and school the next day, the service ends by 8:30 each night.  Childcare is provided during the service portion of the evening.  This is an excellent opportunity to introduce new people to our parish by introducing them to our clergy in an open worship setting.  Everyone is welcome and we would love for you to join us.
