Tonight We Celebrate the Annunciation!

annunciation-illustration-for-the-life-of-christToday is an incredibly special day.  Yes, though still technically in the middle of Lent, it is the highest feast this side of Easter.  Today is the Annunciation of Our Lord to the Virgin Mary.  It is officially nine months until Christmas today!  Today is the day in the Church when we celebrate the Archangel Gabriel’s announcement of the coming birth of Christ to the Virgin Mary.  This was a day in the history of the world when everything began to change.  This was when the Word actually became Flesh.  This is one of the greatest feasts of the entire Church year and tonight we have an opportunity to gather an celebrate it together.

Please join us tonight at seven o’clock for a special Eucharistic service to commemorate the angelic proclamation which changed the world forever.  Childcare will be provided and we will end in plenty of time to have everyone home in time for work and school in the morning.