Church of the Messiah Hosts Messiah This Monday Night

Women Alive LogWomen Alive is a monthly gathering of women from all over the city of Jacksonville and surrounding areas. Its meetings are a safe place to encounter Jesus through extended worship, teaching, and prophetic ministry. Every woman is invited to join in and pursue more of Jesus and discover more of who He is. Monday night, December 7th, Church of the Messiah is blessed to host Women Alive.  Participants will be blessed by Nicole Norris, the worship leader from New Life Christian Fellowship of Lake City, leading worship and Sharon Williams, the executive director of Acts 4 the Nations, speaking on “What Do You Have? A little oil in the Lord’s hands, a little bread and fish lifted up to Jesus produces much.”  The service begins at 7pm and childcare will be provided.  For more information and regular updates, a Facebook Event Page has been created HERE.  Everyone is welcome.  Invite your friends.

Women Alive

Coming Events at Church of the Messiah

December is jam packed with lots to do at Church of the Messiah.  Be sure to mark everything on your calendar so you don’t miss any of the special events.

Men's BreakfastSaturday, December 5th, is the Men’s Fellowship Breakfast at Church of the Messiah.  Join with all of the men of the church as we gather at 8 o’clock in the morning for a manly breakfast and time of sharing.  This month we will also help stuff Christmas cards for our Christmas Caroling outreach event later on this month.  Join us for great food and great fellowship with great men of God.

Advent BannerSunday, December 6th, is the Second Sunday of Advent and a special day for our kids.  The Advent theme of Reaching Out and Reflecting In will continue but there will be an extra surprise in store for the kids this Sunday.



Women Alive LogMonday, December 8th, Women Alive has is monthly meeting at Church of the Messiah.  Women Alive is a monthly gathering of women from all over the city of Jacksonville and surrounding areas. These meetings are a safe place to encounter Jesus through extended worship, teaching, and prophetic ministry. Every woman is invited to attend as we pursue more of Jesus and discover more of who He is in us!

UltreyaTuesday, December 9th, is the December Ultreya for Northeast Florida.  These are monthly reunion meetings for those who have attended a Tres Arroyos weekend or similar three-day retreat (Cursillo, Walk to Emmaus, etc…).  The night begins at 6:30 with a potluck meal, includes grouping, and concludes with the Holy Eucharist.


FusionSaturday, December 12th, is our monthly Fusion Service.  Fusion is our Young Adults Ministry which reaches out to those between 18 and 35(-ish) who are un-churched or whose home churches have no young adults ministry of their own.  This month  we will be addressing self-condemnation and seeing ourselves as God truly sees us, having been created in His image and likeness.  We will begin at 6:30 with light appetizers and the service begins at 7 o’clock.  Everyone is welcome and childcare is provided.  A Facebook event has been created HERE.  Click to join and invite those you know who would be blessed to attend.

ugly sweatersSunday, December 13th, following our service for the Third Sunday of Advent, our ladies will head our to their Christmas Progressive Luncheon and Ugly Sweater Contest.  The ladies will be preparing Christmas Cards for our Christmas Caroling outreach event as well.  By the way, they will be wearing those ugly sweaters to church on Sunday morning!


christmas-carolers-1Sunday, December 20th, is the Fourth (and last) Sunday of Advent.  After our service we will have lunch together and then head out into the ice and snow to bring merriment to the local neighborhood with Christmas Carols!  We will sing Christmas songs and invite people from the local neighborhood to join us at our upcoming services on Christmas Eve and Christmas Day.  Be sure to join us for this incredibly fun outreach event.

Christmas EveThursday, December 24, is Christmas Eve!  We will celebrate the night beginning at 7 o’clock with our family service.  There will be special music and offerings from our Kids’ Church and a special Children’s Sermon.  Join with us as we celebrate the Incarnation of Our Lord Jesus Christ!



BethlehemSunriseFriday, December 25, is our Christmas Day service.  We gather bright and early at 10 o’clock on Christmas Day to observe the Feast and celebrate the Birth of Christ.  This special service is holy and unique throughout the year and helps to keep the focus on the “Reason for the Season.”


Church of the Messiah to Host Women Alive December 7th

Women Alive LogWomen Alive is a monthly gathering of women from all over the city of Jacksonville and surrounding areas. Its meetings are a safe place to encounter Jesus through extended worship, teaching, and prophetic ministry. Every woman is invited to join in and pursue more of Jesus and discover more of who He is. On December 7th, Church of the Messiah is blessed to host Women Alive.  Participants will be blessed by Nicole Norris leading worship and Sharon Williams speaking on “What Do You Have? A little oil in the Lord’s hands, a little bread and fish lifted up to Jesus produces much.”  The service begins at 7pm and childcare will be provided.  For more information and regular updates, a Facebook Event Page has been created HERE.  Everyone is welcome.  Invite your friends.

Women Alive

Money for Women’s Retreat Due this Sunday

1000x430_captivate2015This year Church of the Messiah’s Women’s Ministry will be joining Christian Healing Ministries at the Captivate 2015 Conference.  If you are going to attend Captivate 2015, please have $85 ready by this Sunday.   Captivate is CHM’s annual conference and the focus of this event is worship, teaching, and ministry.  The conference runs October 1st through 3rd and will begin Thursday evening, will have sessions all day Friday, and conclude Saturday afternoon.  You can click HERE for last year’s schedule. For all the information on the conference, you may click HERE. Church of the Messiah will be reserving one room at the Hyatt Regency as a women’s hospitality lounge during the conference. If you would like to stay at the hotel, visit Christian Healing Ministry’s website.

Lots To Do This Weekend at COM

WeekEndThere are activities going on everyday this weekend at Church of the Messiah.  The Women’s Ministry kicks things off on Friday night with the movie night when they will watch God’s Not Dead.  The movie begins at 7 pm at the home of Diane Looker.  Snacks and drinks will be provided so just come looking to enjoy the movie.  Then the Men’s Ministry will takeover on Saturday morning with their “Labor of Love” Work Day.  The men will be doing some gardening from 9 am til noon at the home of a family who have recently been under some physical attacks and are dealing with a variety of medical issues.  The men will take a morning and make sure their yard is not one of their issues they have to deal with.  Contact John Cunningham for more information on this work day.  The the whole parish will gather together on Sunday as we begin the observance of Holy Week with the celebration of Palm Sunday!  Be sure to arrive a few minutes early for Church this Sunday morning because we will begin the Liturgy of the Palms in the courtyard in between the churches and process into Church of the Messiah singing Hosannas to the King of Kings!  This is an incredible service each and every year and you will not want to miss it this year.  Finally, Confirmation classes begin after Church on Sunday.  For those attending the classes, we will be going out for lunch following services on Sunday, having lunch together and discussing the topic for the Confirmation Classes.  Those interested in attending please download the New Catechism of Charismatic Episcopal Church (click the link to download).  It’s going to be a busy weekend.  You don’t want to miss any of it!