New Bible Study Starts Tonight!

According to Scriptures AdvertTonight at seven o’clock, Church of the Messiah will start its first Bible Study series of the new year “According to the Scriptures”: The Biblical Basis for Our Worship. The series will run from next Wednesday, January 15th, through February 26th, and will explain why we worship the way we do according to what the Bible teaches. This is not going to be a newcomers’ class nor will it be a church history class. This Bible Study will look how we at Church of the Messiah worship the Lord and find in the Holy Scriptures why we do it that way rather than like anybody or everybody else. Since 2014 is a year dedicated to Evangelism, we all need to able explain what goes on in our Church worship services. This Bible study will enable you to answer the questions your friends have when you bring them with you to Church and give you the resources to explain–according to the Bible–why we do what we do! This Bible Study is vital to fulfilling our call in the new year.

Each service will begin at 7 o’clock with a time of praise and worship, followed by the time of Bible study, and concluding with a time of corporate prayer. Church of the Messiah’s Youth Group meets at the same time as this service and child-care is provided as well. The services dismiss prior to 8:30 so that everyone can be home in time to prepare for work and school on the next day.

We encourage everyone to begin planning to make this Bible Study a part of their schedule for the next seven weeks. It will change the way you talk about your church with your friends!

Topic of New Bible Study Announced!

According to Scriptures AdvertLast night at the Epiphany Eucharist, Fr. Looker announced the topic for the new, upcoming Bible study!  The title of the series will be “According to the Scriptures”: The Biblical Basis for Our Worship.  The series will run from next Wednesday, January 15th, through February 26th, and will explain why we worship the way we do according to what the Bible teaches.  This is not going to be a newcomers’ class nor will it be a church history class.  This Bible Study will look how we at Church of the Messiah worship the Lord and find in the Holy Scriptures why we do it that way rather than like anybody or everybody else.  Since 2014 is a year dedicated to Evangelism, we all need to able explain what goes on in our Church worship services.  This Bible study will enable you to answer the questions your friends have when you bring them with you to Church and give you the resources to explain–according to the Bible–why we do what we do!  This Bible Study is vital to fulfilling our call in the new year.

Each service will begin at 7 o’clock with a time of praise and worship, followed by the time of Bible study, and concluding with a time of corporate prayer.  Church of the Messiah’s Youth Group meets at the same time as this service and child-care is provided as well.  The services dismiss prior to 8:30 so that everyone can be home in time to prepare for work and school on the next day.

We encourage everyone to begin planning to make this Bible Study a part of their schedule for the next seven weeks.  It will change the way you talk about your church with your friends!

Tonight is the Feast of the Epiphany

EpiphanyTonight, Wednesday, January 8th, Church of the Messiah will observe the Feast of the Epiphany, the revelation of the Light of the Messiah to the Gentiles.  It is on this night that we commemorate the Three Wise Men travelling from afar, bearing gifts to worship the newborn king.  As the Magi brought gifts to honor the King of Kings, we will bring gifts to support our local crisis pregnancy center, Emergency Pregnancy Services.  This will be a special Eucharistic service that begins at seven o’clock.  Youth Group will join us for this service and child-care will be provided.

ICCEC North American Convocation 2014

For the Life of the World

ICCEC North American Convocation 2014 // A Prophetic Witness

 ICCEC North American Convocation 2014 is not just another series of meetings, luncheons, and workshops – it is a vision being brought to life.  A vision that looks into the future and sees an entire generation dedicated to LIFE in Christ and the building up of His kingdom.

It is a vision that can see the end of abortion in this nation, the strengthening of traditional marriage, and the sanctity of life acknowledged in all aspects of life.  It is a training ground, a think tank, and a new chapter in the North American pro-life movement. It’s for the Life of the World (John 6:51).

In July 2014, we invite every person in this nation — adults and youth — to follow your heart for pro-life work and join the International Communion of the Charismatic Episcopal Church (ICCEC) in Olathe, Kansas!  For three full days, the ICCEC, along with nationally known pro-life leaders, will offer expansive teaching on pro-life issues and hands-on training in effective pro-life activism.

Keynote speakers will include ICCEC Patriarch Bishop Craig Bates, Fr. Terry Gensemer of CEC For Life and other pro-life leaders. And, we have also invited pro-life ministries from around the nation to come and share the resources that can equip us all to build a culture of Life.

We will join together as a pro-life prophetic witness to the nation and strengthen our stand for the sacredness of all life.  Philippians 1:27 commands us to “stand firm in one Spirit, striving together as one for the faith of the gospel.”  We will stand for the least, lost and lonely — for those who cannot act for themselves — making visible the life of the Lord Jesus Christ in a culture of death.

Come together with your family, your church group, your pro-life community!  Bring that young person in your home church that has a love for justice and a heart for the preborn!

Come expecting The Lord to act! (Isaiah 64:4)

Bishop Craig Bates, Patriarch of the ICCECICCEC Patriarch Logo

Bishop Michael Davidson, ICCEC Central Province

To Register:

“Coming Out of Exile” Returns This Wednesday Night!

Coming Out of ExileAfter a week off for the Thanksgiving holiday, Church of the Messiah’s Mid-Week Service Bible Study returns this Wednesday Night at 7 o’clock.  In the first two weeks we studies the causes of the Exile and surviving the Exile, but now, as we head into Part 2 of the study, Fr. Looker will be examining the prophets who helped rebuild the Temple in Jerusalem after the Exile.  This Wednesday night the focus will be on the Prophet Haggai.  If you missed any of the previous sessions, you can visit Church of the Messiah’s Sermon Archive and visit the “Wednesday Night Bible Study” section to download both the audio recording of the teaching and the entire PowerPoint Presentations for each night’s teaching!

The service begins at seven o’clock with praise and worship and includes intercessory prayer following our time of study.  Childcare is provided and Church of the Messiah’s Youth Group meets on Wednesday Nights at the same time.  The service dismisses prior to 8:30 so everyone can be home in time for work and school the next day.

Thanksgiving Eve Eucharist Tonight

Give Thanks To God!As the whole nation prepares to celebrate Thanksgiving, do not forget that you cannot gives thanks without giving thanks to someone! Since St. James tells us that, “Every good gift and every perfect gift is from above, and comes down from the Father of lights,” (1:17) it is entirely appropriate to come together and give thanks to Almighty God for all the many blessing in our life at the very beginning of this annual national feast. Church of the Messiah will hold its annual Thanksgiving Eve Eucharist tonight starting at seven o’clock. We will be sure that our Thanksgiving is directed towards the one from whom all of our good gift originate. Childcare will be provided and Youth Group will be a part of the service. We hope to see you there.

Wednesday Night is Our Mid-Week Service

Coming Out of ExileThis Wednesday night Church of the Messiah continues our Mid-Week service with the second week of Fr. Looker’s teaching series “Coming Out of Exile: Returning to the Promised Land.”  The service begins at 7pm and includes praise & worship, Bible study, and intercessory prayer and we have everyone out by 8:30 for work and school the next day.  Our Youth Group meets during the same time and childcare is provided for our little ones as well.  For anyone who is interested, we have created a new page on our web-site under the Sermon Library called Wednesday Night Bible Studies.  You can either click on “Sermon Library” in the upper left and then click on “Wednesday Night Bible Studies” or you can simply click HERE.  Once you are there you can listen to the teaching from each night as well as download the PowerPoint slideshow that was on the screens during the teachings.  Admit it!  There is nothing really good on Wednesday night TV you can’t DVR anyway.  We will see you Wednesday night at 7pm because Wednesday night is Church Night at Church of the Messiah!

Typhoon Haiyan in the Philippines


Funds raised to Date, Thank You!

$5345.00 to date

I know you all have seen the devastation that Typhoon Haiyan did in the Philippines.

The Patriarch, Archbishop Craig Bates who is currently in the Philippines wrote:

“Our Bishops, Priests, and Deacons have all become part of the rescue and restoration process. The Church community, even those who have lost everything are reaching out to their neighbors and helping.

The people continue to have faith, hope, and love. With everything gone their faith has not diminished. Rather they seek God who alone is their refuge.

I pray for my brothers and sisters. Tonight I travel to San Paulo and we will cry out to God who will comfort His people. We will gather around the table where the God of compassion who suffers with us will be really present to remind us of His love that endures forever. We will see His love in bread and wine but especially in each other.”

If you or your parishioners would like to donate funds to help the people of the Philippines, please send your check to:

Patriarch’s Office
“Philippines Relief”
122 Broadway
Malverne, NY 11565
Make Check payable to ICCEC

Or click this link to make an online donation Click Here to Donation Online

Thank you!

Pray for the Rector’s Council Meeting Tonight

Rector's Council Tile Cheap and EasyChurch of the Messiah’s Rector’s Council meets tonight, November 14, starting at 7 o’clock.  Fr. David Paysinger, as the Rector of the parish, serves as the chair of the council, which includes all of the priests in the parish as well as Earl Shimp and Craig Stafford.  The Rector’s Council currently meets on the second and fourth Thursday of each month to pray over key issues in the governance and future of Church of the Messiah.  Operating via the rules of Government by Consensus, issues are not dealt with by majority rules but rather by asking each member “What do you believe The Lord is saying?” When the group comes to consensus as to what The Lord is saying, the we have our decision.  Each and every member covets your prayers during these meetings.  Pray for your leadership and for the Church of the Messiah.

New Mid-Week Service Starts This Wednesday!

Coming Out of ExileThis Wednesday Night begins a new work for Church of the Messiah!  We have not had a church-wide Mid-Week Service in several years and starting this Wednesday night at seven o’clock that all changes!  We will open up with praise and worship, thanking God for, first and foremost, who He is and all that He has done in our lives, and then we will go in to a time of Bible study.  The first topic of the Bible study will be “Coming Out of Exile: Returning to the Promised Land” and will focus on the period of time after the Jews were released from their seventy years of exile in Babylon but before they were able to rebuild the Temple in Jerusalem.  As Church of the Messiah sets out from Jacksonville University and begins planning to build on our property on St. Johns’ Bluff, this time in the life of the Children of Israel is especially relevant to where we are as a Church community.  Look for Biblical history and well as pertinent life application.  We will conclude with a time of intercessory prayer and dismiss by 8:30 so that everyone can be home in time for work and school the next morning!

So set your DVR’s to record your favorite shows from now on because Wednesday nights are Church Nights at Church of the Messiah!  We’ll see you starting November 13th at 7 o’clock!