It’s A Packed Weekend At Church of the Messiah

It’s a busy couple of days this weekend for us at Church of the Messiah.

Saturday, January 7th, is our property Work Day.  We will meet at our new property across from Craig Field and begin working at 9am.  Bring your gas-operated power tools, rakes, hoes, and work gloves as we come together and start clearing the property to prepare for exciting things to come.  Lunch will be provided afterwards.

Sunday, January 8th, we will observe the Feast of the Epiphany.  Remember that, as the Magi brought gifts for the young Jesus, we will bring our gifts to support our troops serving in Afghanistan.  This is a part of Operation Valentine, which, though collected in January, will bless our troops mid-February.  If you need to know which items to bring, click this LINK.

Don’t miss either of these opportunities to spend time with each other and bless those who bless us!

Don’t Forget Parish Council!

This Tuesday, January 3, we will have our first Parish Council meeting of 2012. Please meet at the Parish Office at 7pm and RSVP to Carla.  We will discuss upcoming events for January, February, and March.  Please pray for the Parish Council members as they seek the will of the Lord for these upcoming events.

Don’t Forget the Pan Cake Breakfast New Year’s Day!

The pancake breakfast on Christmas day was a huge success. Don’t forget that we are having all you can eat pancakes one more time. Starting at 9:30 on Sunday morning, January 1, you can have as many pancakes as you like for just $5! All of the profits will end up going to help off-set the cost of the youth group traveling to March-for-Life later this January.

Our Christmas Services Schedule

Saturday night at Church of the Messiah we will celebrate our Christmas Eve Family Service. Join us as our children lead us in worship to celebrate the birth of Our Lord. Then, on Sunday morning, we will celebrate the birth of Jesus Christ with our Christmas Day Eucharist beginning at 10:30. Childcare is provided at both services.

Additionally, you can support the Youth Group as they head to March for Life in January by showing up starting at 9:30 Sunday morning for a $5 all-you-can eat pan cake breakfast.

7pm Saturday–Christmas Eve Family Service
9:30am Sunday–Christmas Morning Pan Cake Breakfast
10:30 am Sunday–Christmas Day Eucharist

Thinking Ahead to Operation: Valentine

Now, it is way too early to be thinking about St. Valentine’s Day, but it is not too early to bless our troops.  This year on Epiphany Sunday, January 8, 2012, we will be honoring the Lord by bringing our gifts along with those of the wise men.  We will be collecting supplies to bless our troops overseas in Afghanistan.  We are calling this “Operation: Valentine” because by the time our troops receive the gifts, it will be February.  As you are picking up last minute Christmas goodies, or doing your day after Christmas shopping, don’t forget our troops who are overseas defending our freedom during the Holidays.

Care Package Item Recommendations(Remember, please only buy non-aerosol items, nothing illegal, and nothing that will melt or be crushed.  Also, I have been told that travel-size/individual serving size items are usually preferred.)

  • Nerf balls, footballs, hacky sacks, etc.
  • Baby Wipes
  • Laundry soap (small, single load packs, trial sizes, or tablets)
  • Shampoo/Conditioner
  • Soap &/or body wash
  • New or used (in good condition) Beanie babies (the troops give them out to local children)
  • Lotion (tubes only) for dry/rough skin
  • Hand sanitizer
  • Aloe Vera (tubes only)
  • Sunblock
  • Trial size containers of Febreeze
  • Insect repellant (with DEET)
  • Non-aerosol shaving cream/lotion
  • Eye drops
  • Ziplock bags
  • Individual packs of tissue
  • Travel size packs of Q-tips
  • Baby powder &/or foot powder
  • Dr. Scholls Moleskin (pads for sore feet)
  • Toothpaste/toothbrush
  • Lip balm
  • Cough drops
  • Individual, hand held fans (battery powered)
  • Batteries
  • Multi-vitamins
  • Mouthwash (travel size)
  • dental floss/dental picks
  • Hand/foot warmers
  • Writing paper, envelopes, pens
  • Games & puzzles (hand held only)
  • Plastic spoons
  • Disposable cameras
  • Canned fruit (pop-tops only) or dried fruit
  • Chips (individual snack packs in plastic containers, like Pringles, are best)
  • Trail mix, beef jerky, nuts, fruit snacks, crackers, &/or cookies (in individual snack packs)
  • Instant oatmeal
  • Cereal (individual, plastic cup style servings)
  • Power Bars
  • Pop tarts
  • Powdered drink mix (Gatorade, Crystal Light, instant coffee, hot cocoa, instant tea, etc.)
  • Cheese crackers/peanut butter crackers
  • Spices (sugar packets, salt, powdered creamer, seasoning salt, Tabasco, other spices [sour, hot, sweet… anything]) – I am told that the MREs get very bland over time & they need a little extra flavoring.
  • Gum/Lifesavers/Twizzlers/Hard Candy
  • Ravioli (pop top cans only) &/or Ramen Noodles (in a cup, ready to heat)
  • Soups (individual plastic containers, like Campbell’s brand ‘Soup at Hand’) 

Don’t Forget Parish Council!

Tomorrow, Tuesday, December 13, is Church of the Messiah’s monthly Parish Council meeting.  We will convene at 7pm in the Parish Office.  If you will be attending, please send an e-mail to let Carla know.  If not, please keep the Parish Council in prayer tomorrow night!

The Christmas Party Is This Saturday!

The Church of the Messiah will host our annual Christmas party Saturday, December 10, from noon til four o’clock.  This year the party will be at the Woods Community Clubhouse (click HERE for a map).  This is the same location we held the Founders’ Day Barbeque back in August.  Check in at the gate and they will point you in the right direction.  The Church is providing ham, roast beef, and paper products.  Please, bring a side dish or a dessert to share.  This will be a great time of fellowship and fun for the whole family.  Invite your friends and family.

Tuesday Night is COM’s Monthly Ultreya

Tuesday night, December 6th is Church of the Messiah’s monthly Ultreya.  An Ultreya is a reunion gathering for anyone who has attended a Tres Arroyos weekend or another similar four-day retreat (like Cursillo, Walk to Emmaus, Via de Christo, etc…).  We will have a fellowship meal, time for grouping, brief lay and clergy talks, and conclude with the Holy Eucharist.  The Ultreya will be at the home of Greg and Diane Looker (click for MAP)and begins at 6pm.  Feel free to bring a side dish to go along with the ham the Lookers are providing.  Be sure to RSVP to 904-221-7550 in order to make it easier to get through the gate.

Then, later on this week, don’t forget the Church’s annual Christmas Party on Saturday, December 10th!

Pray for the Men’s Committee Planning Meeting

This Saturday, a group of six men will gather together to seek the Lord’s will for the direction of our newly revitalized Men’s Ministry.  Please pray for Roger Barr, Casey Harlow, Greg Looker, James Luck, Carter Pardee, and Greg McGrew as they gather together for the first time.