Church of the Messiah to Host Life & Leadership Conference

We are excited to announce that on Saturday, December 14th, Church of the Messiah will host the first-ever Life & Leadership Conference in America.

Throughout history, the biggest changes in the tide of time were brought about by dedicated servant leaders.  This training brings those leaders to life and offers intense spiritual instruction that will equip Christians to change their world.

Fr. Terry Genesmer, the Director of CEC for Life and long-time friend of Church of the Messiah, has led several Life & Leadership conferences in Europe, usually over three days.  This event will be an intensive one-day course geared towards men and women (ages 17 & up) who are currently in leadership or actively seeking to become leaders in their church or community.

The cost is $30 and covers your leadership booklet, light breakfast and lunch.  Only 35 spots available!  To register for the conference, click HERE.  To pay for the conference, you may give Sunday at church or you may pay on-line by clicking HERE (select “Life & Leadership Conference” option).

Join with Church of the Messiah and Fr. Terry Gensemer on Saturday, December 14th, as we learn how to become focused servant leaders who will turn the tide for this country and the Kingdom of God.

Celebrate Thanksgiving with Church of the Messiah

This Wednesday night, November 27th, Church of the Messiah will hold its annual Thanksgiving Eve Service.  St. James reminds us that “Every good gift and every perfect gift is from above, and comes down from the Father of lights, with whom there is no variation or shadow of turning.” (1:17)  Since every good gift we have comes from Our Father in Heaven, it is only right that we come together and give thanks to Him as we celebrate our Thanksgiving Feast.

Our service begins at seven o’clock and will combine our regular adult Bible study and Youth Service into one service for the entire congregation.  The service will include praise & worship, readings from Holy Scripture, a special guest preacher, the Litany of Thanksgiving, and the celebration of Holy Eucharist.  There will be childcare for those younger than 6th grade.  We know that Thursday will be an especially busy day, so we remain committed to conclude the service by 8:30 so that everyone can be ready to go early on Thursday morning.

Please join us this Wednesday night, beginning at 7 o’clock as we “enter into His gates with thanksgiving, and into His courts with praise. Be thankful to Him, and bless His name.”

Funeral Information for Linda Luck

On November 4th, Linda Faye Luck, the sister of James Luck, left this life and went to be with her Lord and Savior.  A memorial service in Faye’s honor will be held Saturday, November 16th, beginning at 10 o’clock in the morning.  The service will be at the Hobson Auditorium of First Baptist Church (Click HERE for a map) where she was a long-time member.

Rest eternal grant to Linda, O Lord:
And let light perpetual shine upon her.

May her soul, and the souls of the the faithful departed,
Through the mercy of God, rest in peace.  Amen.

Major Changes Coming to Wednesday Night Services

Church of the Messiah is excited to announce that there will be major changes coming to our Wednesday night, mid-week services beginning this Wednesday night, November 6th.  The most significant change is that the Youth Group will be taking over Wednesday Nights.  The Youth will have the run of the service from 7 o’clock until 8:30 in the main sanctuary while everyone else attending church in the evening will be attending Bible studies elsewhere in the building.

When Church of the Messiah first relocated to our current location in 2013, we began having Wednesday night services which had previously been impossible while we were worshiping at Jacksonville University.  In 2018, Casey Harlow was appointed as the Youth Pastor of Church of the Messiah and our Youth Group began meeting during our regular mid-week services.  As our Youth Group has grown, however, fitting everything needed for a youth meeting, into the time we had previously allotted for the Youth simply became unmanageable.  After prayer, and in consensus with his Rector’s Council, Fr. Looker made the decision to cede the mid-week services entirely to the Youth Group.  This decision gives them triple the time that they previously had for their meetings and more than enough room to grow and thrive.

Those who are over eighteen are not left out in the cold.  We will be leading a series of Bible studies for those adults who are attending church on Wednesday night.  We will start off with Max Lucado’s Anxious for Nothing in the church conference room this Wednesday at seven o’clock.  It is not necessary to purchase anything to participate in the Bible Study, however, if you would like to do so, you may buy copies of the individual book by clicking this LINK.

We will still have childcare for children who are younger than fifth grade and we will still honor our commitment to be out by 8:30 so that everyone can get home in time to prepare for work and school the following morning.  While this means that Wednesday nights will not regularly be Eucharistic services, we will occasionally join with the youth in having special Eucharistic services.  The first of these services will be November 27th, when we celebrate Thanksgiving.


The Patriarch’s All Saints’ Mission Offering Letter

Every year the churches throughout the CEC take up an offering on All Saints’ Day to support International Missions.  This year, Church of the Messiah will collect the All Saints’ Mission Offering on Sunday, November 3rd.  Please read the following message from our Patriarch Archbishop Craig Bates.

Since the early days of the Charismatic Episcopal Church, we have taken an annual offering to support international missions.  Over the years, this money has supported numerous projects and missions, including equipping the church in developing nations in becoming the three streams.  After several years, we have been led to assist the church in Africa in becoming self-sufficient.  This led us to develop micro-businesses in various regions and financially support a multitude of projects.

The generous offerings from people throughout the North American Church have built and supported cathedrals, churches, a seminary, schools, orphanages, and ministry to poor children.  This is in addition to the phenomenal work already done by our Diocese in Africa.  Not only does the work continue to be self-supported, but there will be additional projects that I will be able to see in my 2020 visit.

Perhaps the most exciting thing in the life of our communion is that I will install the first Kenyan CEC Archbishop in Kenya.  The Most Rev. Joshua Koyo will be installed during my visit in August 2020.  Bishop Koyo was one of the first CEC Bishops in Africa.  He is a holy man of God who has a heart not only for convergence but for bringing the Gospel to the least, lost and the lonely.  He is a man highly respected by his brother bishops, by area clergy, and by secular leaders.

Africa continues to have many difficulties.  There are civil wars, corruption, disease, lack of medical services, hunger, HIV/AIDS, child soldiers, and the ever-present danger of terrorism or war.  Our bishops and clergy are in the center of this.  They are where the conflicts and struggles are the most evident.  Many are struggling to spread their message without transportation, materials, adequate housing, and in some cases, food for their families.  Yet, they never complain.  They look to the Lord for Him to provide and rejoice in their relationship with the CEC.

These men are our brothers!

I pray that we can even be more generous than we have been in the past, If we can purchase some more fields for growing crops, more rice culling machines, pigs, cattle, and buildings to store the crops.  If we can expand our present micro-business, we will see a people who trust in God being able to feed their children physically and spiritually.

Join Cathy and me in giving the most generous amount you can imagine.  Every penny will go to ministry.  No money goes to administration or travel.  It goes directly to the ministry.

Be assured of my prayers.

Under His mercy,

+Craig W. Bates,Patriarch, ICCEC


For more information on the All Saints Mission and Development Offering, including how funds are spent and how much money has been received, visit the ICCEC Missions website by clicking HERE.  To watch a video on the All Saints Mission and Development Offering, click below.

The Patriarch’s Letter on the Fourth of July

Please take a few moments and read this letter to the Bishops and clergy of the CEC in North America on the Fourth of July.

I know some of you who will receive this letter are not citizens of the United States of America However, to save someone the task of taking names off a mailing list for this one letter, you are included. I hope you enjoy it and that some of my thoughts will minister to you as well.

During the development of Cable News and the beginning of the internet, especially social media, we are all assaulted with news and information. Some are true, and some are false. Social media and the internet have given rise to the validation of the “tabloid” press and, for better or worse, has given everyone a place to express their opinions or ideas without the necessity of facts or concern for truth.

I love reading history. I love reading historical novels (if you know of a good one let me know). I would have focused more on studying history, except that it meant remembering dates. Dates meant “numbers” and for some reason, anything that involves “numbers” escapes me. If I can get things in the right century, I am okay with myself.

I love, however, reading about the characters who made history and being able to hear the stories of those involved. I like to have things clarified as to the reasons things happened, how thing evolved, how things got settled, and the implications of those events on modern history. It is one of the reasons I can watch the PBS documentary on the Civil War repeatedly.

When it comes to the Revolutionary War, I grew up understanding the war with the limited information I was told in school. I thought that there was the “big bad British” who took the freedoms away from the “good and wonderful people of colonies.” When there was a tax imposed on the people, a group of colonists “threw tea” in the Boston Harbor, provoking a “shoot out” in Lexington & Concord with the “shot heard around the world.” The colonist signed a Declaration of Independence (which I had to memorize in high school). Then the British sent more “Red Coats.” Until finally, ALL the colonists came to arms, endured great suffering (especially in Valley Forge), and finally in Virginia defeated the English (after the French showed up).

Of course, there was much more. But what I knew and what my environment reinforced, made me proud to be an American. I still am. Plus, growing up in metro-Philadelphia, where the Declaration was signed, the Fourth of July, was a major feast day and a source of pride.

The point of this rambling is that much of what I knew about the Revolution was through filters. One of those filters is that every colonist supported the Revolution. The fact is that they didn’t. As many as 20% of Americans remained loyalists to the crown. Further, somewhere between 20% to 30% were considered “patriots” and wanted to break with England. Surprisingly, 50% plus just wanted to live in peace and didn’t take sides. American was divided. It was divided even after the war. There was a lot more work to unite and form a Union.

Perhaps the election and re-election of George Washington were the only uncontested elections in US History. From the time George Washington retired, every election reflected a division in the nation. Often a very serious division. Campaigns involved name-calling, false accusations, and even threats of death.

The compromises of the first Constitution, particularly regarding slavery, barely held the nation together. Hence, the nation fell into the great Civil War. Certainly, slavery was a major issue but underneath or behind that issue were concerns, attitudes, and beliefs about the nature of government and man’s relationship to that government. So much so that many in the Confederate states called the civil war, ‘the second revolution.”

Reconstruction divided the nation. Segregation divided the nation. The nation was divided about entering World War I. In the years before World War II; the nation was divided about entering into the war in Europe. Pearl Harbor united us for a moment as we came against the evil in Europe and the Pacific. But after we returned, we remained a divided nation. I remember the election of 1960 when the nation was divided. My father, normally not a political type, worked for Richard Nixon because he believed that if John Kennedy were elected, the United States would be ruled by the Pope. The election was one of the closest. There were accusations of voter fraud with some claiming that even the “dead” came out to vote.

The 1960s saw even more division. We watched on television not only the horror of racism and segregation but the horror of war. The nation again was divided, and we every night the media showed us the division. We saw that “hatred” and “rage” that one side expressed towards the other side. There was violence in the streets as some believed the only solution was the overthrow of the government and the establishment of a new social state. College campus were centers of revolution and groups like Students for a Democratic Society, or Young Socialist Alliance captured the minds of the youth.

Out of this division and turmoil, the country moved forward, and we talk about a new order. The evil of legal segregation ended. There was a new South. The Civil Rights Act and the Voter Rights Act changed forever the way Americans thought about each other. The War in Vietnam (not unlike Korea) has made us more cautious about entering battles overseas. Perhaps a lesson we are still trying to learn. They also brought about a renewed respect for our military.

I could go on and on, but history shows us that the American Experiment of a free people forming a Republic that governs “by and for the people” has always existed in tension and at times on the verge of collapse. The good, old days were not always that good, but as a country, America has normally come back to the values that have fueled the Experiment since the signing of that Declaration two hundred and forty-three years ago (a short time in light of world history).

We are still, as a people, trying to apply the core values of our nation to a host of problems. Do we have a strong federal government or is the best government that which governs least? Are we going to address, finally, the systemic racism that keeps one group from obtaining the same advantages as the majority? Or, have we already addressed these issues and are now living in a post-racist society? What about immigration? Is it open borders with Lady Liberty inviting all, or do we close our borders to protect ourselves from crime and drugs? What is the balance of power? What about the right to bear arms versus the protection of our children in the schools?

Not only is there division, but merely suggesting a position on your Facebook page can result in a long “sophomoric” chain of rantings, name-calling, labeling, and judgment. It is amazing to me that we even attempt to resolve extremely complex issues and do a theological inquiry on a medium that is designed to share what you had for dinner, your recent vacation, your plans for the summer, or an occasional joke.

There remains one issue that is exposing more than any other the division that exists in America.  ST. Teresa of Calcutta said, “the nation that will abort its young has lost its soul.” Is America losing her soul, or has it lost her soul? In either case, the redemption of a nation, a nation, and homeland I love, is not a political solution or a judicial solution. Men without a soul will not bring about an end to a holocaust. We see troubling things in our past and future like genocide, slavery, segregation, sex trade industry, the abuse of women, systemic racism, and the other great causes. Seeing this, one sees a call for social justice with a Church in leadership as a voice for the oppressed, the disenfranchised, and the poor. But, abortion is by far the greatest evil ever to happen in America and worldwide. It is not millions of babies that have been burned alive or butchered in the womb since 1973; it is billions worldwide. One hundred and fifty thousand babies are murdered in the womb every day.

I rejoice at the great victory in Alabama and other states that have made abortion all but illegal with criminal penalties for so-called doctors, nurses, or other persons who abort babies for profit. I am sickened to live in a State where a baby who survives an abortion can be left to die or be euthanized. Whether or not it is rare or never used at all, the fact that it is legal and possible is abhorrent. The Governor, who claims to be a Roman Catholic yet lives with his mistress, along with legislators applauded and cheered with joy at the signing of this bill into law. Are we losing our soul, or have we lost our soul?

I am an American because I was born in America. I was born into a family that loved America, and to parents who survived the Great Depression, served in World War II, and taught me to love America. My parents were Republicans because Eisenhower was a Republican. My grandfather was a Republican because he believed Franklin Roosevelt was a communist. We were Episcopalians and were proud that the government of the United States and the Episcopal Church complimented each other. We were proud that the majority of Presidents were Episcopalians. While at the same time, I think my mother would have been a loyalist during the Revolution because she loved Queen Elizabeth and everything British. She was proud that we had a relative that fought in the Revolutionary War. My father was proud that we had a great uncle that died at Gettysburg fighting for the Union. He also supported States Rights and segregation. At the same time, he was proud of my civil rights activism and my anti-war activities. I was taught to vote because we were free, and we were Americans. I have voted in every election (even local) since I became voting age.

I was raised and surrounded by men (and women) who saw evil and believed that the Church had an obligation, in fact, a mandate, to speak against injustice. This was to be done in the tradition of Dietrich Bonhoeffer, William Wilberforce, John Wesley, William Temple, Jonathan Daniels, Martin Luther King, Ralph Abernathy, Paul Moore, and several clergies who would not be silent in the light of evil. I learned that the Church had a role in the streets and the market place when it came to injustice. It had to be a voice, resisting violent solutions to social problems and was to make visible Christ’s love even if it meant martyrdom. When the world had engulfed itself in hatred and violence, the Church was to be light.

I was taught that we engaged in social ministry (Matthew 25) because we did it unto Jesus. The image of Jesus was being formed in us through the Eucharist, Scripture, Prayer, Service, Fellowship, and especially in surrender to the Holy Spirit.

I believe things in America might become more divided. America refuses to recognize that if we continue to kill our innocent children in the womb, we will keep open the doors for the destruction of the family, the dehumanizing of human sexuality, gun violence on the streets, prolonged wars. It will also add to the using of people in groups for political ends, the abuse of women, and even the increase of opiate addiction to numb the emptiness that our culture offers in the name of freedom. It is no wonder that we want to legalize marijuana.

As a Bishop, a Priest, and a Deacon, my place is to minister at the Table of the Lord. I am first and foremost called to preside at the Eucharist, where Christ is made present among us. Christ is the only one who can redeem and restore our soul. It is in Christ that we have our freedom, that no one can take away. It is in Christ that we find our eternity and the eternal destiny of all creation. It is at the Eucharist that we enter not only into the redemption of the world and every soul but also the great eschatological banquet, which is the source of hope for all humanity.

My diaconate reminds me that not only am I to wash the feet of those who have become weary from the world, but to wash them, equip them and send them forth into the world with the Good News. It is the Good News, not political platforms or Supreme Court rulings that are going to give us back our souls. My diaconate reminds me that the Church needs schools, emergency housing programs, ministry to the dying, outreach to the homeless, street counselors outside of abortion clinics, Christians in the halls of Congress, programs that offer help to single mothers and fatherless children. We must be engaged in social justice because Christ Jesus has a heart for the broken, the least, the lost, and the lonely.

In the Eucharist and the poor, we will find our soul. Whether times get worse or better, let us call out for a revival that is found in Jesus, and sustained in the Eucharist, and the poor; 2 Chronicles 7.14. Jesus is the One who brings healing and deliverance not only individually but to entire nations as we immerse them in the Holy Spirit and teach them to obey.

God bless America. America bless God. I am thankful for the freedom that those men and women proclaimed and shed their blood for over two hundred years ago and throughout two hundred and forty-three years. I will continue to pray for our country and our leaders and teach others to do so. No matter what the outcome of an election. I will continue to work for the advancement of the Kingdom, thankful that it is much easier here in the United States than other places. And, I hope that this Fourth of July, we can stop for a day and celebrate us without damning, hating, and railing against those who disagree with us.

Under His mercy,

+Craig, Patriarch

This Sunday Is Foundation Day

The Foundation Stone of the Cathedral Church of the Intercessor. They met in the basement for thirteen years until they could build the first floor. A Cathedral was born from those faithful people worshiping in a basement for over a decade.

Please take a few moments and read the Patriarch’s letter on the 27th anniversary of our communion and our annual observance Foundation Day.

I have been hearing about a number of churches in the United States who are celebrating their twenty-fifth or more years since the founding of their Church. The time has gone by so fast.  I have been in the CEC for twenty-five of our Communion’s twenty-seven-year history. That is correct; it has been twenty-seven years since Austin Randolph Adler was consecrated the first bishop in the Charismatic Episcopal Church. Though twenty-seven years is a long time, it is really just a short period of time, and we are still a young fellowship within the larger Body of Christ.

The American House of Bishops decided many years ago to celebrate the “founder” of our communion on the anniversary of his consecration. Archbishop Adler stated very emphatically that he did not want an offering taken and given to him. Rather he wanted the Communion to take up a thank offering that would be used to assist churches in purchasing property or restoring property so that a CEC community could occupy it. Every year, an offering has been taken, and we have seen the vision unfold before our eyes. You can read about our successes on the CEC-NA website.

We have so much to be thankful for over the years. I am thankful for a Communion that has remained faithful to the vision of convergence worship, consensus government, and to living out the historic and ancient faith passed down to us through the centuries.  I am thankful for a Communion that has remained steadfast in proclaiming the Gospel. I am thankful for a Communion that is Sacramental and is centered in the Eucharist. I am thankful for the ministries of our churches to the least, the lost, and the lonely. I am thankful for the schools that are educating our children. I am thankful for the friendships that I have established over the past 25 years of my membership in the CEC. And, I am especially thankful that my children and grandchildren have a church family they can call home.

So, we will take a thank offering.  The offerings will be sent to the Primates of each territory to be used for the construction, purchasing, or repairing of buildings. One-third of the money will be distributed as grants, one third will be distributed as low-interest loans, and one third will be placed in an investment account where the interest can be used in future generations.

The Communion continues to grow under the guidance and anointing of the Holy Spirit. I expect God to grow the Church as we water and plant. As we abide in Christ and walk by faith, we will see good fruit, the kind that will endure.

Under His mercy,

The Most Rev. Craig W. Bates, Patriarch


For more information on Foundation Day, click HERE.


Celebrate the Ascension with a Night of Worship and Intercession

This Wednesday night, May 29th, Church of the Messiah will celebrate the Ascension of Our Lord with a night of praise & worship and intercession.  Forty days after Our Lord rose from the dead, He went out with His disciples to a mountain and ascended into Heaven.  This Wednesday night, Church of the Messiah will commemorate that event with a night of prayer and praise as we prepare our hearts for the coming of the Holy Spirit on Pentecost in ten days (June 9th).  There will be prayer and praise all through the evening, culminating in the Holy Eucharist.  Childcare will be provided and the service will end at approximately 8:30 so that everyone can prepare for school and work the next morning in a timely manner.  For more information contact Fr. Scott Melanson or Cathie Shimp. This service will also be Church of the Messiah’s last Wednesday night service until school resumes in the Fall.  Be sure to attend and send Wednesday nights out with a blast.

Church of the Messiah to Host Financial Peace University

Church of the Messiah is excited to announce that this summer we will be hosting Financial Peace University by Dave Ramsey.  FPU is a nine-lesson course designed to help participants build a budget, dump debt, grow wealth, and leave money stress behind.  Each lesson, taught by Dave Ramsey and his team of financial experts, is based on biblical wisdom and common sense. In every FPU group, participants are motivated and encouraged by others who have gone through the same struggles and have succeeded using FPU’s proven methods. Whenever someone signs up for FPU, they receive a member workbook and one free year of Financial Peace Membership, with access to exclusive online tools to help them on their journey to financial security.  The first of the nine sessions will begin Wednesday night, June 12th, starting at 7 o’clock.  To sign up for the sessions now, click THIS LINK!  Contact Fr. Scott Looker or call the parish office at 904-721-4199 for more info.

2019 is the Year of Evangelism

The North American House of Bishop met in Bel Air, Maryland just prior to the consecration of Bishop Rob Northwood. A great deal of the meeting centered around our morning time of prayer. Following this time of prayer, the Bishops decided to call for a year of evangelism.

Every year should be a year of evangelism. The call for a year of evangelism is not suggesting that at the end of the year we stop evangelizing. Rather, that together we are taking a year with every parish, mission, and ministry in the North American Church to pray, listen, reflect, and evaluate the churches evangelist works. Bishops have committed themselves to; teach evangelism at our clergy gatherings, to engage in conversation with every Rector/Vicar and his councils, to develop a diocesan plan of evangelism, and to engage is spirit directed evangelistic efforts. It also is calling for every pastor to engage his congregation in the work of evangelism.


They recognized that every region of North America is different and will call for different types of activity. They recognized that every parish is different with a different demographic. They recognized that every person is unique and yet, they believe that every one of us, every parish, and every region is called to evangelism. 1 Timothy 2.4 informs us that the will of God is that every person is saved and comes to know the truth.

There are many definitions of evangelism, but I think Archbishop William Temple gave the best definition. He said, “Evangelism is to so present Jesus Christ in the power of the Holy Spirit, that men shall come to put their trust in God through Him, to accept Him as their savior and serve Him as their King in the fellowship of the Church.”

Evangelism is fulfilling what our Lord Jesus commanded in Matthew 28.16-20. This is the Church’s mission statement.

I am excited about what God, in the power of the Holy Spirit, is going to do within our communion and among us as a people. I am excited because when people set their heart towards the presence of Jesus and His Kingdom, the Holy Spirit moves in miraculous and supernatural ways to fulfill the purposes of God.

Let us pray every day, a simple prayer from the Book of Common Prayer, “Lord Jesus Christ, you stretched out your arms of love on the hardwood of the cross that everyone might come within reach of your saving embrace. So, cloth us (me) in your Spirit, that we (I), reaching forth our (my) arms in love, may bring those who do not know you to the knowledge and love of you; for the honor of you name.”

Under His mercy,

+Craig, Patriarch, Primate