It Is Time to Start Planning for This Year’s SEP Convocation!

This year’s Southeastern Province Convocation for both clergy and laity is being held June 15-17. The convocation will be held at the Ramada Plaza Beach Resort in Fort Walton Beach, Florida. Details of the convocation are forthcoming. However, this is a perfect time to go ahead and reserve your room for the event.

According to Archdeacon Brent Keith of the Diocese of the Central Gulf Coast, a block of 70 rooms have been reserved for the convocation. Prices per night is as follows:

Beachfront Two Doubles: $159.00
Poolside Two Doubles: $151.00
Courtyard Two Doubles: $135.00
Parking Lot Two Doubles: $127.00

These rates are also available for three nights before or after the convocation making it possible to turn this event into a wonderful vacation for the family. You may book the event using the following information below. Be sure to tell them you will be attending to Southeast Province Convocation to be sure to get the reduced room rates.

Ramada Plaza Beach Resort
1500 Miracle Strip Parkway SE
Fort Walton Beach, FL 32548
Toll Free 800-472-1790
Hotel Operator 850-243-9161 x 7561
Fax 850-244-5763

Don’t Forget: This Sunday Is Our Instructed Eucharist!

This Sunday, March 6, for the first time ever on a Sunday morning, we will explain why we do all the things that we do on a Sunday morning service.  We will skip the sermon and in stead the service will pause at various points in the service while one of our priests takes a moments and explains the in’s and out’s and up’s and down’s of what is going on.

This is a fantastic opportunity to bring friends to Church, especially if they have come before and had questions that you could not answer.  There will be a special annotated bulletin with additional explanations, room to take notes, and even a glossary. 

Contact the Church office for further information.

Single Moms’ Bible Study Postponed Until March 12

The Single Moms’ Bible Study that had been planned for March 5 has been postponed until March 12 in order to accomodate to Inner City Mission Trip.  The meeting will begin at the usual time and will return to the first Saturday of the month in April.  For more information contact Lizz Looker.

Wonderful Response for Inner City Mission

On Sunday, Father David announced that he wanted to see Church of the Messiah have 100% participation in our Inner City Mission Trip this coming weekend, March 4th-5th.  The response was wonderful!  We have four trays of food donated, three people volunteered to go along (including our much needed female chaperon!), and we received at least four scholarships already (and the count is not finished yet)!  There are still opportunities available.

  • We still need volunteers–we have eleven volunteers and we would like to have twenty people helping.  You can come Friday night and stay through the whole time or you can come for any part of the event.
  • We still need food–we need to feed around 70 people and we have food for forty right now.  Make a caserole, buy a frozen lasagna, make a run to Sam’s, BJ’s, or Costco’s and pick up some treats for the kids.
  • We still need money–We’ve already received four scholarships, but it is $39 per participant, not just per child.  If we are taking twenty people, we need $780!

You can still participate.  Click here to see how and view testimonies.   Call Fr. Scott or Lizz Looker for more info. 

Remember: Our Goal is 100% Participation!

Father David Wants 100% Participation at Mission Event

Father David announced that he wants 100% of the congregation participating in the upcoming Late Night at His Warehouse event.  Friday and Saturday, March 4 – 5, our Youth Group will be ministering in downtown Jacksonville in some of the poor neighborhoods in the city.  The Youth Group needs your help.  There are three ways you can participate:

  1. You can give money–the cost is $39 per participants and we would love to scholarship students;
  2. You can send food–we need to bring enough food to feed between 50 and 70 people Friday night;
  3. You can come along–We would love to have twenty people attending and ministering this weekend.  Our Youth Group has eight students; we need your help.  We particularly need female chaperons.  

100% participation means that we need YOU to do SOMETHING! 

Contact Fr. Scott or Lizz Looker to volunteer!

News of the Youth Group

On Sunday, February 20, Fr. David announced the resignation of Brian and Amy Sewell and the youth pastors of Church of the Messiah.  He also announced that Fr. Scott and Lizz Looker would be the interim youth pastors until further notice.   Fr. Scott stated that all of the planned activities, including the steak sale deliveries from Longhorn Steakhouse and the Late Nights @ His Warehouse, would be continuing as planned.  The Youth Group will be meeting Wednesday nights from 6:30 to 8:00 at the Looker home.  One of Fr. Scott’s first actions was creating a youth group web-site.  That site may be found by clicking here.  It will also be in the links sidebar from now on.   On Sunday evening,  Lizz wrote on Facebook, “We are so excited to be named as the interim youth pastors. We have so many great plans!”

Father David Announces Instructed Eucharist

Did you ever wonder why some people kneel at times during our service?  Do you want to know when you are supposed to make the Sign of the Cross or, more importantly, why we make the Sign of the Cross at all?  What’s the deal with the incense?  Most importantly, what does any of our worship have to do with the Bible?

Sunday, March 6, Church of the Messiah will be having an Instructed Eucharist.  This means that we will “skip” the sermon that day and in stead we will have someone “narrate” all of the actions taken during the service.  We will explain why we do what we do, what it has to do with the Bible, and answer all of the above questions and more! There will be a special bulletin that will include narrated comments.

This will be a great service to bring a friend and an excellent outreach opportunity.  If you’ve ever brought a friend and they had questions you could not answer, invite them back and tell them they’ll get their answers on March 6!

It’s a Busy Weekend at COM!

There is a whole lot going on this weekend at Church of the Messiah!

This Saturday, from 12:30-3:30, we have our annual Fish Fry at the Arlington Senior Citizens’ Center (see below for a map and directions).  Bring a side dish or a dessert and the church will provide the dinner-ware, fish, and, a new addition by special request HUSH-PUPPIES!  There will also be hotdogs for the kids and land-lubbers.  Bring your friends to this wonderful event!

Then, Sunday, immediately after Church, we will be having our Annual Congregational Meeting.  We will be reviewing last year’s budget, presenting the 2011 budget and discussing future plans for Church of the Messiah.  The meeting should be over in less than an hour. 

We’ll see you this weekend!

Don’t Forget Our Annual Fish Fry!

This Saturday, February 19, is the first of our three Community Gatherings for the year.  We will be having our annual Fish Fry at the Arlington Senior Citizens’ Center at 1078 Rogero Road (see the map below).  Once again Earl Shimp will be providing us with some ofhte best fish in all the seven seas!  There will be hot dogs and hamburgers provided for the little tykes and land-lubbers.  Bring a side dish or a dessert.  There will be activities for our children and youth.  Come together and celebrate our Church Family.  Everyone is welcome; bring your friends!