This Saturday is an Opportunity for Pro-Life Outreach

Saturday, February 12, our youth are participating in a “Work and Play” day at the Arlington Branch of Emergency Pregnancy Services.  We will gather at Brian and Amy Sewell’s at 8:45 or just meet at the Merrill Road location at 9:00 am.

While we were unable to attend the March for Life in Washington, D.C., this year, we can still stand up and put our support behind the pre-born!  While protesting and marching are one way, getting out and assisting those who are one the front lines of the abortion battle is another.  Emergency Pregnancy Services provides assistance to hundreds of women every year and their facility needs to be a warm and welcoming place.

Tomorrow we will spread a few bags of mulch, weed their flowerbeds and trim their roses.  While this may not be “life-saving” work, it allows them to save money on landscaping and direct that money to helping women in need.

While this is a youth event, everyone is welcome.  We will finish up by noon and have pizza together afterwards.

Fr. Looker’s Blog Gets Published on International Web-Page!

CEC Home, the news page of the International Communion of the Charismatic Episcopal Church has published a promotional piece regarding Fr. Looker’s weekly weblog, The Hilltop Shepherd’s Watch.  In addition to announcing the blog, CEC Home has added the Blog to the “CEC Links” sidebar (right between Facebook and Wikipedia!).  This means readers from all across the communion could now be introduced to Fr. Looker’s writings.

Father David Calls a Congregational Meeting

On Sunday, February 6, Fr. David announced that we would be having a congregational meeting in two weeks.  He stated, “Although is it not required by the canons (laws) of our Church, we have said that we would always be as transparent as possible and we would live within our means.  Because of that, we will hold a congregational meeting on February 20 to review last year’s budget, present this year’s  projected budget and discuss our plans for the future.”  The meeting will occur immediately after our regular 10:30 service and should be no longer than 45 minutes.  We encourage everyone to make plans to attend.

Henry Update

Bebe Reese sent us an update regarding Henry’s tests yesterday.  This is what she said:

More news, we guess.  Today at Mayo was interesting.  The short of it is that Henry needs to finish this cycle of chemo, go back to his pulmonologist for re-evaluation and another lung function test, and have an updated PT/CT scan.  At this point, probably the middle of March, we will probably confer with Mayo again to determine if he is a candidate for transplant. If he is, the stem cells will come from his own blood.   We understand that this is a very rigorous, 4 month long commitment, with a four week hospitalization period.  Help us pray for wisdom and peace.  The long of it is that the reality of the situation is almost overwhelming – with so many ifs.  As one of the oncologists said, “It is not for the faint-hearted.”  Once again, we thank you for your thoughts and prayers and we cherish your love and friendship.  Bebe

Videos from Youth Sunday…

… have been posted on the Church of the Messiah’s Facebook page.  Click here to view them!  We have one song from praise and worship and the offertory skit “Population Me.”  Hunter’s sermon should be up very soon.  All of our youth did an incredible job and thanks to Brian and Amy for all their hard work in putting the morning together.

Oaks of Righteousness

In Bible Study this morning, Fr. Ed read this poem:

Oaks of Righteousness

by Ralph I. Tilley 

“They will be called oaks of righteousness,
a planting of the LORD for the display of his splendor.”
–Isaiah 61:3 (NIV) 

In the midst of moral confusion,
Surrounded by darkness and despair,
God has planted His servants,
Who breathe in Heaven’s air. 

With roots reaching deeply into God:
His holiness, mercy, truth and love;
Each moment they are nourished
On nutrients from above. 

Having weathered many storms and droughts,
More than once appearing far weaker;
What would have killed lesser souls
Only makes these much stronger. 

With their arms ever-stretching upward,
And faces gazing into the light;
They taste the dews each morning,
Drinking in the Spirit’s might. 

While many others lie on the ground,
Casualties to the flesh and shame;
These stalwarts have stood the test of time,
Protected through Jesus’ name. 

They are the Lord’s own chosen planting,
Displaying His splendor all around;
“Oaks of Righteousness,” He says—
May their number, Lord, abound.

Copyright © 2010 by Life in the Spirit Ministries

Don’t Look Now!!!

The brand new Church of the Messiah web page is up and running!

Well… at least it is up.  Check back on a daily basis for updates and see what I’ve managed to get accomplished on the new page!

A Call To Intercession!

Calling all intercessors:

On Monday, Jan 31st, at 6:30pm, come join the prophetic intercessors of the Church of the Messiah at the Shimp’s home for a time of instruction and prayer. A light dinner will be provided. This is open to all who feel the call of the Lord to prophetic intercession. Please let Cathie know if you will be attending.

Contact the Church office for directions and phone numbers.