JMarchThe first Saturday event for the 40 Days for Life campaign is this Saturday morning beginning at 8am.  If you are going to be in town on Saturday, please make plans to attend this important prayer rally.  We have received word that Planned Parenthood intends to open this clinic on October 7, so it is all the more important that Pro-Life Christians gather in prayer and ask God to spiritually bring down the walls of this stronghold of abortion in Jacksonville.

As the flyer says, we will gather at Planned Parenthood (click HERE for a map) at 8am and march around the building seven times, praising God with loud shouts of acclamation on the seventh time.  This is a city-wide event and Christians from many different churches will be present.  Parking will be available at the end of University Boulevard Court under the University Blvd overpass (see the map below).  You can also RSVP and find more information at Church of the Messiah’s Events Page.  Thank you for supporting this important event.

Parking for the Jericho March

Parking for the Jericho March