The Patriarch’s All Saints’ Mission Offering Letter
Every year the churches throughout the CEC take up an offering on All Saints’ Day to support International Missions. This year, Church of the Messiah will collect the All Saints’ Mission Offering on Sunday, November 3rd. Please read the following message from our Patriarch Archbishop Craig Bates.
Since the early days of the Charismatic Episcopal Church, we have taken an annual offering to support international missions. Over the years, this money has supported numerous projects and missions, including equipping the church in developing nations in becoming the three streams. After several years, we have been led to assist the church in Africa in becoming self-sufficient. This led us to develop micro-businesses in various regions and financially support a multitude of projects.
The generous offerings from people throughout the North American Church have built and supported cathedrals, churches, a seminary, schools, orphanages, and ministry to poor children. This is in addition to the phenomenal work already done by our Diocese in Africa. Not only does the work continue to be self-supported, but there will be additional projects that I will be able to see in my 2020 visit.
Perhaps the most exciting thing in the life of our communion is that I will install the first Kenyan CEC Archbishop in Kenya. The Most Rev. Joshua Koyo will be installed during my visit in August 2020. Bishop Koyo was one of the first CEC Bishops in Africa. He is a holy man of God who has a heart not only for convergence but for bringing the Gospel to the least, lost and the lonely. He is a man highly respected by his brother bishops, by area clergy, and by secular leaders.
Africa continues to have many difficulties. There are civil wars, corruption, disease, lack of medical services, hunger, HIV/AIDS, child soldiers, and the ever-present danger of terrorism or war. Our bishops and clergy are in the center of this. They are where the conflicts and struggles are the most evident. Many are struggling to spread their message without transportation, materials, adequate housing, and in some cases, food for their families. Yet, they never complain. They look to the Lord for Him to provide and rejoice in their relationship with the CEC.
These men are our brothers!
I pray that we can even be more generous than we have been in the past, If we can purchase some more fields for growing crops, more rice culling machines, pigs, cattle, and buildings to store the crops. If we can expand our present micro-business, we will see a people who trust in God being able to feed their children physically and spiritually.
Join Cathy and me in giving the most generous amount you can imagine. Every penny will go to ministry. No money goes to administration or travel. It goes directly to the ministry.
Be assured of my prayers.
Under His mercy,
+Craig W. Bates,Patriarch, ICCEC
For more information on the All Saints Mission and Development Offering, including how funds are spent and how much money has been received, visit the ICCEC Missions website by clicking HERE. To watch a video on the All Saints Mission and Development Offering, click below.