Church of the Messiah to Host a Christmas Block Party

As we draw closer to Christmas, Church of the Messiah will partner with Kim’s Open Door to host a Christmas Block Party for a local community.  This will be our second time working with Kim’s Open Door to provide a Christmas celebration for a neighborhood in need.  We threw our first Christmas Bl0ck Party in 2018 when we visited the La Esperanza apartment complex and played games, made crafts, taught a Bible lesson, and ate lunch with dozens of members of the local community.

This year, on Saturday, December 17th, we will host our second party.  We will need at least fifteen volunteers from two until five o’clock.  Children are welcome to volunteer alongside adults and many of our children still vividly remember the last party we hosted.  We also need financial contributions in order to fund this block party.  Donations can be made by putting a check in the Sunday morning offering basket with “Christmas Block Party” in the memo or by donating online by clicking HERE and selecting “Christmas Block Party.”   To sign up to volunteer or for more information, contact Darla Shiell or Lizz Looker.

As we draw near the seasons of Advent and Christmas, the look forward to sharing the love of God and the Good News of the birth of Christ with those in our community.