Foundation Day is June 23rd

Foundation Day began as Founder’s Day. It was an offering to be taken on a Sunday close to the date of the consecration of Austin Randolph Adler as the first Bishop of the Charismatic Episcopal Church. The offering would be given to him to be used at his discretion.

I am not sure how the name changed from Founder’s Day to Foundation Day, but I assume it had to do with a decision made by Abp. Adler to use the offering for the purchase of property and the repair of property. One-third of the money would be given as direct grants, one-third as low-interest loans, and one-third to be put in interest-bearing accounts.

So much has happened with the money given to this account. The most recent event is the building of a cathedral in the Mid-Atlantic Diocese. I have seen the land and the pictures of the construction. The building will soon be finished, and I am already planning on being there on July 28, 2024. At the time of the CEC-NA Convocation in Orlando, the building will have been completed (except for many small details). I am sure Bishop Northwood, his wife Sarah, and each of their children (and spouses) will have plenty of pictures on their phones to share with you. They can be proud. And we can be proud that we were a part of it.

There is a long list of projects funded in one way or another by the Foundation Day Offering. My own cathedral, which, under Bishop Brett Crompton, is now debt-free, also benefited from the offering as we added an addition to our very small facility. Again, the folks of Intercessor gave and gave over the years, but we are well aware that it was also sacrificial giving on the part of people all across the country who helped contribute to the endeavor.

So this year, once again, we will take an offering that will be given to the Primate of the Church in North America. Yet again, it will go into that special fund. The only difference is that the money is no longer being used only for buildings and property but also for activities and ministry that will grow the communion.

I believe the money in the account is “legacy money.” It is always tempting to spend “savings” or “investments” rather than wait. We have spent some, but this is a fund that the founding generation, many of whom are now retiring from the ministry, is leaving the new leadership who are living the future. The Primate—that’s me—believes that this “passing of the baton” is critical.

I hope that each rector or vicar will take this offering seriously. It is $10 per person. Cathy and I are always thankful to put in our $20, plus $80. I am particularly excited because the Church I attend somewhat regularly is looking to purchase a building. The future is still before us.

Under His mercy,

+Craig W. Bates,


For more information, visit the Foundation Day website.

Foundation Day is June 25th

There are so many stories to tell about how the Foundation Day Offering has been able to assist churches not only in doing renovations but to purchase buildings and properties. Right now, we have given grants and loans to help churches around the United States. In particular, we have invested in building a new Cathedral in Bel Air, Maryland. The project is enormous, and we are so thankful that God has used you to provide sufficient funds to plant in our future.

Coming up on Sunday, June 25th, is the Celebration of Foundation Day. It is the Sunday closest to the consecration of A. Randolph Adler as the first Bishop of the Charismatic Episcopal Church. The event happened almost 31 years ago at St. Michael’s Church in San Clemente, California. Since then, we have seen churches develop around the globe. (Not only are we building a Cathedral in Bel Air, but we are also building a Cathedral in Manila.)

None of us can predict the future of the Charismatic Episcopal. I know that the CEC is God’s Church, and He is not a God of failure. The vision of the CEC is still in place, and the mission continues even as I write this letter.

On Foundation Day, we ask every member, young and old, to give ten dollars each to a special offering that will be used to plant seeds for our future and the next generation of believers. The money will be used for building, property, renovations, and for church growth projects. As the first generation, we are called now to continue being faithful. We are asked to walk by faith and not by sight. We are asked to hear God’s voice and obey.

I was taught, and I have lived, the truth that there are “givers” and there are “takers.” Givers understand the heart of God, who is generous in giving, even to the point of “giving” His own Son. His demonstration of love is in the act of giving.  As we participate in the life of Christ Jesus, we are made into givers who will give not only generously but sacrificially.

I continue to pray daily for all the churches. You are all so very faithful and obedient. I am humbled to be among you as one who is given the opportunity to serve you.

Under His mercy,

+Craig, Patriarch

Read the Patriarch’s Foundation Day Message

The challenge to the Church in every age is both evangelism, assimilation, and leaving a legacy.  The Bishops are actively seeking the Lord, even during this pandemic, and listening to His voice regarding all these areas of mission and ministry.  And, on all levels, things are happening to give glory to God.  There is not a Church in the CEC that isn’t about doing all we can to lead people to the phenomenal, awesome, and glorious savior named Jesus.

I want to address legacy for a moment.  This June, we once again have what is called “Foundation Day.”  On this day, each Church in the CEC is to take up a special offering.  It is suggested that each person give ten dollars.  When collected, the money will go to a fund where 1/3 will be given out in loans, 1/3 will be given out in grants, and 1/3 will be invested for the future.  For what purpose?  To build the Church through the building, purchasing, or repairing of Church facilities.  It will also be used for programs that can advance the growth of the Church.   It is building a legacy.

My children grew up in convergence worship and the Charismatic Episcopal Church.   They now have children (my grandchildren and inheritance from the Lord).  It is possible, in my case, that in the not so far away future the children of my children could have children.  (Not the near future as they are still young, but time goes by fast).  We will be a fourth-generation CEC family.  (Some have already reached that point in their families and their church families.)

I would encourage you to give generously to the foundation offering.  We are still under the mandate to build places of prayer, worship, and unity.  We are called to be part of the three streams of evangelical, charismatic, and sacramental/liturgical worship that makes visible the ancient and historic faith in Jesus.  We are small, but our call is not about size but faithfulness to the mission.  We are called to be faithful to build a legacy for the next generation to continue this very holy and worthy mission.

The pandemic is coming to an end, and we can now get together face to face.  We soon can return to receiving communion in both kinds from a common cup.  We can once again greet one another with a sign of God’s peace that might involve a hug.  It is a good day that is in front of us.  Let us rejoice and be glad.

Under His mercy,

Craig W. Bates,


To give to the Foundation Day offering through Church of the Messiah, click HERE.  For more information on Foundation Day, including the history of the offering and financial accountability, click HERE to visit the Foundation Day page on the web-site of the Charismatic Episcopal Church of North America.  

This Sunday Is Foundation Day

The Foundation Stone of the Cathedral Church of the Intercessor. They met in the basement for thirteen years until they could build the first floor. A Cathedral was born from those faithful people worshiping in a basement for over a decade.

Please take a few moments and read the Patriarch’s letter on the 27th anniversary of our communion and our annual observance Foundation Day.

I have been hearing about a number of churches in the United States who are celebrating their twenty-fifth or more years since the founding of their Church. The time has gone by so fast.  I have been in the CEC for twenty-five of our Communion’s twenty-seven-year history. That is correct; it has been twenty-seven years since Austin Randolph Adler was consecrated the first bishop in the Charismatic Episcopal Church. Though twenty-seven years is a long time, it is really just a short period of time, and we are still a young fellowship within the larger Body of Christ.

The American House of Bishops decided many years ago to celebrate the “founder” of our communion on the anniversary of his consecration. Archbishop Adler stated very emphatically that he did not want an offering taken and given to him. Rather he wanted the Communion to take up a thank offering that would be used to assist churches in purchasing property or restoring property so that a CEC community could occupy it. Every year, an offering has been taken, and we have seen the vision unfold before our eyes. You can read about our successes on the CEC-NA website.

We have so much to be thankful for over the years. I am thankful for a Communion that has remained faithful to the vision of convergence worship, consensus government, and to living out the historic and ancient faith passed down to us through the centuries.  I am thankful for a Communion that has remained steadfast in proclaiming the Gospel. I am thankful for a Communion that is Sacramental and is centered in the Eucharist. I am thankful for the ministries of our churches to the least, the lost, and the lonely. I am thankful for the schools that are educating our children. I am thankful for the friendships that I have established over the past 25 years of my membership in the CEC. And, I am especially thankful that my children and grandchildren have a church family they can call home.

So, we will take a thank offering.  The offerings will be sent to the Primates of each territory to be used for the construction, purchasing, or repairing of buildings. One-third of the money will be distributed as grants, one third will be distributed as low-interest loans, and one third will be placed in an investment account where the interest can be used in future generations.

The Communion continues to grow under the guidance and anointing of the Holy Spirit. I expect God to grow the Church as we water and plant. As we abide in Christ and walk by faith, we will see good fruit, the kind that will endure.

Under His mercy,

The Most Rev. Craig W. Bates, Patriarch


For more information on Foundation Day, click HERE.


Foundation Day this Sunday

Foundation Day is the Sunday closest to the anniversary of the consecration of Randolph Adler as the first bishop in the Charismatic Episcopal Church.  In honor of this event, we collect a special offering each year to help build the future of our Communion.  Due to an oversight, we neglected to collect the offering this past Sunday and will do so this coming Sunday, July 1st.  Below is a letter regarding the special occasion by Archbishop Craig Bates, the Patriarch of the International Communion of the Charismatic Episcopal Church.  Thank you for supporting the future of our Communion.

Brothers and Sisters
It is once again time for every Church in the ICCEC to take up an offering called the “Foundation Day Offering.” The original name of the fund was the Founder’s Day Fund and was to be an offering give to Archbishop Adler in honor of his consecration as the first bishop in the ICCEC. Archbishop was, however, a man of great generosity – he was a giver and not a taker. He decided that rather than receive the money for his personal use, he wanted the offering to establish a fund that would purchase property and buildings for the future generations of people who would call the ICCEC home.
What happens to the offering? It is collected in each country and is given to the Patriarch, who delegates the spending of the funds to the Primates. This money is then divided into thirds. One third is given as a one time gift to a congregation to purchase or build a church. One third is loaned to a congregation at a very low-interest rate for the purchase of building of a church. One third is put into an investment account where the interest can be used for the purchase or construction of a church. If you want a history of the account you can find out all the information on CEC-NA. (
The author, Ken Follett, wrote a novel, later became a mini-series, called “Pillars of the Earth.” It is the fictional story about the building of a Cathedral in 12th century England. It becomes clear that the beginning of a Cathedral is small (planting oak trees) and will take decades, if not centuries to complete. The largest Cathedral in America, St. John the Divine, is still under construction. The idea of a Cathedral for New York was first conceived in 1828, and it wasn’t until 59 years later, 1887, that the cornerstone was laid. The first service was held in the crypt in 1892.
The same can be said for St. Patrick’s Cathedral (the people’s Cathedral) on Fifth Ave., in NYC. Now a landmark in New York and a center for the spiritual life of the City of New York,  Archbishop John Hughes had a vision of a Cathedral for the glory of God. With offering taken from the poor immigrants and 103 larger donors (1,000 dollars each – 103,000 dollars), he began the work. He obtained property in what was then the wilderness of New York. People called it “Hughes Folly” But the lack of manpower, the civil war, and lack funds did not stop the dream.
These stories can be told about every Cathedral and most local congregations. The Church I served for 32 years, began in the dream of the Bishop of Long Island to have a local congregation for every town and village. In 1936, work began. The congregation has gone through many changes, including becoming part of the ICCEC. And, like the great Cathedrals, it is still a living organism ministering not only to present members but a next generation. Some in the congregation are the fourth generation.
The Charismatic Episcopal Church was placed into the heart of Archbishop Adler. He always reminded the early Bishops and clergy that the vision was a 500-year plan.  He once said, “all I can do is be faithful on my watch.” That is true for each of us. Are we faithful in what God has given us? Are we planting seeds for a 500-year plan? Are we opening our eyes to see beyond what our eyes can see?
This is what Foundation Day is all about. It is our participation in God’s incredible plan of a three streams community proclaiming the Gospel. Please take part.
Under His mercy,
Craig Bates

This Sunday is Foundation Day

Every year on the Sunday closest to the anniversary of the consecration of our first Bishop, Archbishop Randolph Adler (26 June, 1992) we collect an special offering. While this offering was originally inteded to present Archbishop Adler with funds to help him in his own ministry, Abp. Adler instead insisted that the best use of this money was to provide grants and loans to our churches that were building and expanding their facilities.  The money collected in the Foundation Day offering is dispersed in three ways:

1/3 of the donations received go to provide Grants.  Any funds not used in a given year are rolled over the the next year.

1/3 of the donation received go to provide Loans, plus the previous loans that have been paid back.  Loans are provided at 3% simple interest, with an initial 3 year grace period, in which no interest or fees incur. Funds not used in a given year, are rolled over to the next year.

1/3 of the donations  are Invested into and Vanguard S&P index stock fund.  These funds have been accumulating for many years, and at the present there are no plans to withdrawal or distribute the funds.

An accounting of all the money that has been received is available on-line by clicking HERE. Traditionally, the suggested donation has been $10 per person in their family.  Please prayerfully considering giving to support the long-term development of the Charismatic Episcopal Church through the Foundation Day Offering.

Foundation Day is June 26th


Each year on the Sunday closest to the consecration of our first Bishop, Archbishop Randolph A. Adler, who was consecrated on 26 June, 1992, every Charismatic Episcopal Church in North America takes up an offering. While this offering was originally made to present Archbishop Adler with funds to help him in his ministry, instead he insisted that the best use of this money was to provide grants and loans to our churches so they could build and expand.

Saint Pauls

St. Paul’s Church, Nevada

Church of the Resurrection, KS

Church of the Resurrection, KS

This year Foundation Day falls on June 26th  and we ask each church to take up an offering to help us continue this ministry of building churches to expand the Kingdom of God.  The offering has traditionally been $10 per member of each household.

Recently the Foundation Day helped two churches either get into a new building or expand on their property.   Saint Paul’s Church in Nevada and Church of the Resurrection in Kansas. 

For more information about Foundation Day, including financial reports for past grants and loans Click Here.