Holy Week at Church of the Messiah!

We are about to enter one of the most powerful and moving seasons of the entire Church year and we would love for you to join us.  Holy Week is the week before Jesus’ Resurrection and includes so many incredible events in the life of Our Lord.  This year, Holy Week begins on Sunday, April 2nd, and Church of the Messiah will be having five services throughout the week.

Holy Week begins with the celebration of Palm Sunday.  This morning we remember Our Lord’s Triumphal Entry into Jerusalem when the crowd received Him with shouts of “Hosanna in the highest!”  Our service begins Sunday morning, April 2nd, at 10 o’clock, and you will not want to be late because we begin in the church courtyard with the Blessing of the Palms and process together into the church remembering how Our Lord entered the Holy City.  The service also includes a special dramatic reading of the Passion Gospel.

On April 6th, we will observe Holy Thursday and recall the evening Our Lord celebrated the Passover with His Disciples on the night before He was handed over to suffering and death.  Following Our Lord’s instructions, this service includes the powerful foot-washing ceremony in addition to the deeply moving Stripping of the Altar as a symbolic re-enactment of Jesus having everything taken from Him as He was arrested.

From noon to 3 o’clock on Friday, April 7th, we will commemorate Good Friday.  Church of the Messiah’s Good Friday service is unique and impactful.  The service is built around a series of prayers, reflective worship presentations and meditations on the seven last words of Jesus.  The service also includes a reading of the Passion Gospel, veneration of the Holy Cross, and the Mass of the Pre-Sanctified.  While this service is three hours long, it is structured in such a way to allow for worshippers to enter and exit without disruption, so, please, plan on attending even if you cannot stay for the entire service.

On Holy Saturday morning, April 8th, starting at 9 o’clock, Church of the Messiah will gather outside of A Woman’s Choice of Jacksonville, one of Jacksonville’s local abortion clinics, to pray the Liturgy for the Pre-Born, a special service which was created as both a service of Last Rites for those children who will die during this holy season and a series of prayers to end abortion in America and the world.

Having recalled Our Lord’s passion and death, we can triumph in His Resurrection as we celebrate Jesus’ victory over the grave on Easter. We will have an incredible time of praise, special worship offerings and events for the children including an Easter Egg Hunt immediately following the service.  We look forward to celebrating the most incredible moment in the history of the universe with you on Sunday morning, April 9th, beginning at 10 o’clock.

Each of the services will be live streamed via Facebook Live for those who are unable to attend in person.  Childcare will be provided at all service except Holy Saturday.  Facebook events have been created for each service so that you can easily invite you friends and family to join you at any or all of our services.  Simply click the underlined service to visit the Facebook event and share the event.  We are so excited to celebrate these incredible moment in the life of Christ and these wonderful church services.  We pray that you will worship with us and invite your friends and family to gather and celebrate with us the saving deeds of Jesus Christ Our Lord.

The Patriarch’s Message for Easter

Dear Brothers,

It is hard to believe that Holy Week and the Paschal Feast are here. The ancient liturgical events from Palm Sunday through Holy Week and culminating on Easter morning are so rich. I know each of you will be preparing sermons, and that is good. But the liturgy will do a great deal of the preaching by itself. The message is simply the victory of Jesus over Satan, sin, and death. It is the glory of Jesus!

In the 1960s and 70s, spearheaded by Dr. Elizabeth Kubler-Ross, a Swiss Psychiatrist, we saw the beginning of the field of Thanatology. Thanatology, or the study of death, led to the Hospice Care movement, which stood absolutely opposed to any idea of euthanasia, like that advocated by Jack Kevorkian. Dr. Kubler-Ross and Hospice suggested that there was much “human work” to be done when we are dying and in death itself. She did massive studies of near-death experiences. And she was most famous for developing the five stages of death and dying.

Out of this movement, which continues today in the Hospice Program and Palliative Care Units in Hospitals, came a revolution in medicine and psychology, social work, and Pastoral Care. Many of our CEC clergy work in or are associated with the Hospice Program. It was a revolution that built on the obvious that we are all dying. The significance was not the fact of death, but the significance of the movement was the acceptance of the reality of death and the care and spiritual direction that can be given not only to the dying but to all of us. Something that has been sorely lacking in a culture that sterilizes death. I am thankful for all the CEC clergy who do Hospice and Palliative Care work.

I had the opportunity to sit next to the (retired) Archbishop of Canterbury, the Most Rev. Donald Coggan. We were participating in a “break out” session on leadership during Renewal Conference in Baltimore, Maryland. Archbishop was the plenary speaker. And he was awesome.

We did some chit-chat prior to the session’s leader giving an introductory talk on leadership in the Charismatic Renewal. At one point, he said, “we need to teach people how to live a good life.” Archbishop Coggan turned towards me and whispered, “Young Man, don’t you dare do that, or you will not preach the Gospel. Prepare people to die a good death.” Wow!

Any good life will be a life that was lived out in the reality of death and the hope of the resurrection. Any good life will be a life lived “participating in the suffering and death of Christ, in order to know and share in the power of His Resurrection.” Any discipleship program must begin and end with a deep understanding of Luke 9.23, “And He said to all, ‘If anyone would come after me, let him deny himself and take up his cross daily and follow me.’” Discipleship is having the image of Christ Jesus formed in us by the power of the Holy Spirit.

I love the Proper Preface for funerals (Mass of the Resurrection) in our, soon to be, new Sacramentary.

“Father all Powerful and ever-living God, we do well, always, and everywhere, to give You thanks through Jesus Christ our Lord who rose victorious from the dead and comforts us with the blessed hope of everlasting life. For to Your faithful people, O Lord, life is changed, not ended, and when our mortal body lies in death, there is prepared for us an eternal dwelling place in the heavens.”

How appropriate that the liturgical renewal changed the liturgical colors for “funerals” or “Burial of the Dead” from Purple/Black to White. Now we celebrate the life of the person and their resurrection in Jesus. Death recalls our own mortality and the hope of the new day now in our present life and the life to come. Even in the darkest moments of pain and despair, there will be, because of the Cross and Resurrection of Christ Jesus, an unending hope of salvation, healing, restoration, reconciliation, and new birth.

Right now, the Charismatic Episcopal Church in North America has been thrust into a season of hope and new birth.

There is a great deal of talk in the Church, not just our communion, about “three streams” or “convergence.” In the 1980s, there were only a few who talked about the “convergence” of the Catholic/sacramental/liturgical “stream,” the evangelical “stream,” and the charismatic “stream.” But like the birth of the Pentecostal movement, the Revival movements of the 1940s and 50s, and the Charismatic Movement of the 60s and 70s, there was a small group of, dare I say, prophetic Pentecostal and Evangelical men and women who saw these three streams as coming together. In fact, what they were saying, and I am going out on a big limb, is that the worship of the ancient Church was “convergence” in nature. And that the Church today should embrace all three streams.

But it is really important, I believe, that we understand that it is not about the “streams” as if one could pick and choose which “stream” they wanted to be a part of. It was about the “streams” coming together as a mighty river. Though the “streams” indeed are the source of the river, it is the river that gives life.

I could, at this point, go on and on about the streams of Israel that flow from the area around Caesarea Philippi. They are beautiful. Particularly beautiful are the Dan Stream and the walk-through Tel Dan National Park. The sound of the rushing streams is very soothing and peaceful, like a great classic composition, but it is nature’s music. These streams will flow into the Sea of Galilee, around which was the majority of the life and ministry of Jesus. The streams gave life to the people then and today. But Galilee is not the end as the Lake gives its life to the Jordan River. The Jordan River, where the people of God crossed into the Promised Land to a new beginning. They were no longer slaves but inheritors of the Promises of God. The Jordan River where John the Baptist called those same people to repentance and an awakening to the Lamb of God. And finally, the Jordan River, where Jesus was baptized by John and received the anointing of the Holy Spirit. It is the river where we are transformed.

The CEC, I believe, is called to be a River Church, not three streams. It is a Church called to reach out to the least among us and find ourselves ministering to Jesus. It is a Church called to find the lost and bring them to the Good Shepherd. It is a Church that is called to go to the lonely and embrace them and incorporate them into the household of God. Or, as the Celebrant and People proclaim at Baptism, “we receive you into the household of God.”

It is a time to renew our commitment to go into all the world. Around us, no matter where you are located, are suffering people. There are single mothers; there are fatherless children, there are grieving people, there are those suffering from addictions, there are women who have been raped or abused, there are women who have had abortions, there are adults who suffered from child/sexual abuse, there are those who have been abused even by the Church. I could go on and on, but all of us must be reaching out to become a place of worship. But a place of worship will become a place of healing and spiritual warfare.

It is a day of “baptism in the Jordan” for the CEC. It is a “changed” day. It is a resurrection day!

I want to encourage all of you. I know that Holy Week will be special for each of you, and it will be special for your people. God is going to send you visitors and family members. See God’s hand at work in them. See in their faces the very image of God.

Under His mercy,

+Craig, Patriarch

Easter and Holy Week at Church of the Messiah

Join with Church of the Messiah as we celebrate the greatest event in all of eternity: the Resurrection of Our Lord Jesus Christ and His triumph of death and the grave!  The entire week leading up to Easter is full of unique and powerful services that help lead us in worship and celebrate the last moments of the Life of Christ prior to His glorious resurrection.  We invite you to join us for all of these incredible occasions.

Our celebration of Holy Week begins Sunday, April 10th, at 10 o’clock with our Palm Sunday Service.  Palm Sunday commemorates both Our Lord’s Triumphal Entry into Jerusalem and His glorious Passion later that week.  You will definitely not want to be late for this service as we will begin outside in the courtyard of the church with the Blessing of the Palm and process into the church together in memory of Jesus’ Triumphal Entry into the Holy City.  In addition, we will have a special dramatic reading of the Passion Gospel from member of the congregation.  Palm Sunday is a powerful service and an amazing way to begin Holy Week.

On Thursday, April 14th, beginning at 7 pm, we will celebrate Holy Thursday.  Holy Thursday remembers the night Jesus ate the Last Supper with His apostles, washed their feet, instituted the Holy Eucharist, and commanded them to “do this in remembrance of me.”  It was also the night on which Jesus was betrayed into the hands of those who would murder Him.  We commemorate all of these events in an incredible evening that really must be experienced.

On Friday, April 15th, from noon until 3 o’clock, we commemorate Our Lord’s Passion and Death on the Holy Cross at our Good Friday service.  This service includes the reading of the Passion Gospel of St. John, intercessions and prayers, seven meditations on the death of Our Lord from different anointed speakers interspersed with reflective worship pieces from Church of the Messiah’s talented musicians and dancers. Although this service lasts a full three hours, it is structured in such a way that allows one to enter and exit easily without causing a distraction.  If you cannot come for the whole service, but are able to come for a few minutes on your lunch break, please do so.  We promise you will be blessed.

On Saturday morning, April 16th, we will observe Holy Saturday by praying the Liturgy for the Pre-Born outside A Woman’s Choice of Jacksonville (click HERE for a map).  The Liturgy begins at 9 o’clock and is a combination of Last Rites for those children who will die through abortion as well as a series of prayer to end abortion in America and the world.  On a day when Our Lord’s body was in the tomb and his disciples believed Him to be dead, it is appropriate that we remember all those innocent children who are doomed to die.

Finally, we celebrate the resurrection of Our Lord and His Triumph over death and the grave on Easter Sunday morning!  Join with Church of the Messiah and invite your friends and family as we celebrate the most important victory in the history of creation.  We will have special events for our children, incredible praise and worship, Holy Communion, an Easter Egg Hunt after the service, and even a few special surprises.  Be sure to join us for our Easter celebration beginning at 10 o’clock on Sunday morning, April 17th.

With all of our services, we will live stream the services for those who are unable to attend on Church of the Messiah’s Facebook page.  Childcare is provided for those younger than sixth grade at all services except the Holy Saturday Liturgy for the Pre-Born.  We cannot wait for you to join us in celebrating all of the events of Holy Week and, most especially, the Resurrection of Our Lord on Easter Sunday.

Celebrate Holy Week with Church of the Messiah

Starting Sunday, April 28th, Church of the Messiah invites you to join us as we celebrate the holiest week of the entire year!  Holy Week commemorates the final week of Jesus Christ’s life on earth before His betrayal, death, and glorious Resurrection on Easter Sunday.  We will be marking the incredible events with special, once-a-year church services that will help you grow closer to The Lord and experience Easter like never before!

Holy Week begins with Palm Sunday.  Our service begins at 10 o’clock on Sunday morning, April 28th.  Palm Sunday commemorates the Triumphal Entry of Our Lord into Jerusalem when the people of the city waved palm branches and cried out “Hosanna” as Jesus entered the city.  Our services will begin outside the sanctuary where we will bless palm branches and then process into the sanctuary together in memory of Our Lord’ Triumphal Entry.  We will also have a special reading of the Passion Gospel and other surprises to commemorate this historic day.

Holy Week continues on April 1st with our observance of Maundy Thursday.  “Maundy” is derived from the Latin word “Mandatum” and refers to Our Lord’s command to “do this in remembrance of Me” when He instituted the Holy Eucharist at the Last Supper.  The service will begin at 7 o’clock in the evening and contains two unique and powerfully stirring moments.  The first is where the priests volunteer to wash the feet of those who choose to participate in memory of Our Lord washing the feet of the Apostles at the Last Supper.  The second is the Stripping of the Altar as a sacramental sign and symbol of Christ’s betrayal and arrest in the Garden of Gethsemane.  You will not want to miss this moving and powerful service.

We remember Our Lord’s Passion and Death on Good Friday, April 2nd.  This service begins at noon and lasts until 3 o’clock in memory of the three hours Our Lord was on the Holy Cross.  During these three hours, we hear the Passion Gospel, meditations from different speakers on the seven last words of Our Lord, moving worship presentations, and participate in the Veneration of the Cross.  Many people say that the Good Friday service is their favorite service of the entire year!  This year we are blessed to have the Patriarch of the International Communion of the Charismatic Episcopal Church, Archbishop Craig Bates, deliver one of our meditations.

We will be observing Holy Saturday this year by praying the Liturgy for the Pre-Born outside A Woman’s Choice (click HERE for a map), one of our local abortion clinics.  The Liturgy for the Pre-Born is a set of prayers that combine prayers to end abortion throughout the world with the traditional Last Rites prayed when someone is near the moment of death.  On a day that we remember Christ laying in the tomb, we will be praying for those innocent children who will be killed in this holy season.  We will be praying for them, for the repentance and conversion of all involved in their deaths, and for an end to abortion in American and throughout the world.  This is the only service of Holy Week that will not be held at Church of the Messiah.  The Liturgy will begin at 8 o’clock on Saturday morning, April 3rd.

Finally, on April 4th, we celebrate Easter Sunday at 10 o’clock with the Feast of the Resurrection of Our Lord!  All of Holy Week has been building to this celebration and we pull out all the stops as we rejoice in Jesus’ victory over death and the grave.  We invite you to join us as we have special presentations for our youth and children, fabulous worship time, and incredible fellowship at the Table of the Lord.  After the service, all of the children are invited to participate in an Easter Egg Hunt as well!

All of our services will be held in the sanctuary of Fort Caroline Presbyterian Church (click HERE for a map) where we have ample room for social distancing.  For more information on our pandemic precautions, visit our COVID-19 Precautions Page. All of our services will be live streamed on Church of the Messiah’s Facebook page for those who are unable to attend in person.  We invite everyone to join with us as we relive these powerful moments in the final week of Christ’s life before His death and Glorious Resurrection.


Glory to God whose power, working in us, can do infinitely
more than we can ask or imagine: Glory to him from
generation to generation in the Church, and in Christ Jesus
for ever and ever. Amen.     Ephesians 3:20,21



Holy Week at Church of the Messiah

This Sunday, April 5th, marks the beginning of the holiest week of the Christian calendar, however, this year, COVID-19 has changed the way that Christians will be observing Holy Week throughout the world.  On Wednesday, April 1st, both the Mayor of Jacksonville and the Governor of Florida issued their own “Safer at Home” orders directing non-essential businesses to close, residents to stay home unless on essential activities, and for everyone to maintain safe social distancing practices.

Thankfully, Governor DeSantis’ executive order specifically declares that churches and other houses of worship are essential during this time, but we will not do anything that might endanger either our congregation or those with whom they might come in contact.  The verse that Fr. Looker said would guide our actions during this time is still 2 Timothy 1:7, “For God has not given us a spirit of fear, but of power and of love and of a sound mind.”  We will continue to do everything that we can to share the love of God, but we will do so in a prudent way that makes every use of the sound minds which God has given us.

Recognizing that this current crisis makes for very fluid circumstances, here are our plans at the moment.  We will continue to live stream our Sunday morning services via Facebook Live.  We will do so with a skeleton crew that will be ten people or less, which follows the CDC recommendations and our Bishop’s directives.  Those people who are present in the building will do their best to maintain a healthy 6 feet of social distance whenever possible.  We will provide Holy Communion through the Host only to those who are present in the Sanctuary and those who join us in the parking lot at the designated times.  We believe that this allows us to be in submission to all of our earthly authorities while still remaining faithful to our heavenly authority which calls us to preach the Gospel at all times, and in all places; to be a light which shines in the darkness; and to bring hope to those who otherwise might have none.

In particular, we will hold our Palm Sunday service on Sunday, April 5th, beginning at 10 o’clock.  We will live stream the service through Facebook Live and those wishing to receive Holy Communion may do so in our parking lot from around 11 o’clock to 11:30.  At the time which we serve Holy Communion we will also distribute blessed palms to anyone present to take home.

Our Maundy Thursday service will be April 9th, starting at 7 o’clock.  While this service typically includes the clergy washing the feet of the congregation, we will obviously not be able to do that this year.  This service will be live streamed via Facebook Live.

Our Good Friday service will be release on our YouTube channel at noon on Friday, April 10th.  This will not be streamed live but we encourage those of you who watch it to share it on Facebook.  Our service will include the traditional reading of the Passion Gospel, the Solemn Collects, the adoration of the Cross, and, as is our tradition, seven meditations on the Passion of Our Lord.

We have yet to determine exactly how we will observe Holy Saturday.  In the past we have prayed the Liturgy for the Pre-Born outside a local abortion clinic.  We have yet to make a determination about this service.

Easter Sunday, April 12th, we will do our very best to celebrate the glorious resurrection of Our Lord Jesus Christ and to give that day all of the glory and honor it deserves.  Our service will be streamed live via our Facebook channel starting at 10 o’clock.  If you just cannot imagine an Easter Sunday without going to Church, then celebrate with us in our parking lot and receive Holy Communion from 11:00-11:30.

We know that these are anxious and uncertain times.  This will be a Holy Week unlike anything anyone has ever celebrated in over 100 years.  At Church of the Messiah, we are doing our very best to bring honor and glory to God, to bring hope and joy to God’s people, and to be that city on a hill that shines out God’s light in this dark time.  We invite you to join with us during this time.  By God’s grace, we will get through this together.

Holy Week at Church of the Messiah

Holy Week is the most incredible time of the year for churches throughout the world and Church of the Messiah is no exception.  We are so excited to share with you all that we have planned as we relive the events of Christ’s betrayal, death, and, ultimately, His Resurrection!  We want you to join us for all of these remarkable services.

Palm Sunday: Holy Week begins with the fanfare and celebration of Our Lord’s Triumphal Entry into Jerusalem.  We celebrate this momentous event in Jesus’ life by gathering in the church’s courtyard, blessing the palms, and processing into the church together.  During this service there is also a special dramatic reading of the Passion Gospel.  The service begins in the church courtyard at 10 o’clock

Maundy Thursday: Join with us as we commemorate Jesus celebrating the Last Supper with His Disciples on the night He was betrayed.  This deeply moving service includes the once-a-year foot washing service as well as the solemn stripping of the altar in remembrance of Christ’s betrayal.  Prior to the service we will have our regular mid-week soup supper from 6-6:45.  The Maundy Thursday service itself begins at 7 o’clock.

Good Friday:  Without a doubt, one of the highlights of the church year is Church of the Messiah’s annual Good Friday service.  From noon til three o’clock we reflect on the Passion of our Lord taking inspiration from seven different meditations each coupled with solemn prayers and contemplative songs and dance offerings.  The service also includes the reading of the Passion Gospel and the Veneration of the Holy Cross.  While the service is three-hours long, it is structured in such a way as to accommodate those who are only able to attend a portion of the service.  Come for the whole service, come for thirty minutes.  For whatever amount you can attend, you will be blessed.

Holy Saturday: While Our Lord may have rested from His labors, the abortion industry does not rest from its and Saturday is one of its busiest days.  We will take a prayerful stand for those who are condemned to die that day and pray the Liturgy for the Pre-Born outside A Woman’s Choice clinic.  We encourage everyone to join us on this very solemn occasion.

Easter Sunday: Celebrate with us the most glorious and triumphant of Feasts, the Feast which makes all other feasts possible, the Feast of the Resurrection of Our Lord!  Death has been defeated and the grave has been overthrown!  This year we are especially blessed to welcome Archbishop Craig W. Bates, the Patriarch of the International Communion of the Charismatic Episcopal Church back to Church of the Messiah to preach and celebrate Easter Sunday.  Also that morning, be sure to bring spring flower for the annual “flowering of the cross.”  Help beautify our Easter cross by bring your own flowers to help decorate.  The service itself begins at 10 o’clock and, as always, we pull out all the stops for the most glorious day of the year.  Immediately following the service we will have an Easter egg hunt in the courtyard outside the church.

Everyone is welcome to attend all of our services and childcare is provided at all events.  To help facilitate inviting others to join us, we have created Facebook events for each of these services.  To find these events, simply go to Church of the Messiah’s Facebook page and click on the “events” tab or click on the each event’s bold name.

This Sunday is Palm Sunday

Church of the Messiah invites you to join us this Sunday, March 25th, starting at 10 am, as we celebrate Palm Sunday.  Palm Sunday, also called Passion Sunday, is the the Sunday one week before Easter where the church commemorates Our Lord’s Triumphal Entry into Jerusalem.  Church of the Messiah observes this celebration by beginning our Sunday morning services in the courtyard of our church with special readings and prayers to bless palms for the congregation.  Then we all process into the church together reading pilgrim Psalms and singing songs of worship.  It is a powerful way to relive Jesus’ entry into Jerusalem in the week before His death and resurrection.  This service will also include a special dramatic reading of the Passion Gospel according to St. Mark read by various members of the congregation.  It is a vivid reminder of all that our Lord endured on our behalf and a potent way to begin Holy Week.  We invite everyone to join us at this special service.  For more information,visit the Palm Sunday Facebook eventemail or call Church of the Messiah at 904-721-4199.

Relive the Life of Christ with Us!

Church of the Messiah invites you to join with us for the entire week leading up to Easter as we relive and celebrate those world-changing days in Jerusalem leading up to Jesus’ betrayal, Passion, death, and Resurrection.

Beginning April 9th we invite you to join us as we commemorate Our Lord’s Triumphal Entry in Jerusalem on Palm Sunday.  The service begins in the courtyard of the church at 10 o’clock with the Blessing of the Palms and the procession into the church waiving the palms while shouting “Hosanna in the highest!”  The service continues with a special reading of the Passion Gospel and helps prepare everyone for the incredible days to come.

On Holy Thursday night, April 13th, we remember how Our Lord gathered together his Apostles and celebrated the Passover with them at the Last Supper.  Following Christ’s example, the clergy of Church of the Messiah will remember that “the Son of Man came not to be served, but to serve,” and will wash the feet of the congregation.  We will celebrate the Holy Eucharist in remembrance of what Our Lord began that night, and then, symbolizing His betrayal by Judas Iscariot, we strip the Altar and prepare for Good Friday.  This is always a moving service.  The evening begins with a free soup supper from 6:00-6:45 and the service itself begins at 7 o’clock.

On Friday, April 14th, from noon until 3 o’clock, we will meditate on the sufferings Our Lord endured for our sake during His Passion.  The Good Friday service consists of a reading of the Passion of Jesus according to St. John, seven different meditations, prayers, and intercession, as well as the veneration of the Cross.  It is a powerful way to commemorate the day that the world was forever changed.  This service is specially designed so that those who cannot stay for the entire service may still attend a portion.  Feel free to join us on your lunch break and to come and go as you are able.

Sunday morning, April 16th, we invite you to join us at 10 o’clock as we celebrate the joy and blessing of the Resurrection of Our Lord on Easter Sunday!  Having been buried with Him, we shall also rise with Him, and we revel in all that He has done for us in this special service.  We will have a special Easter Egg hunt for the children immediately following the service.

All of the services are at Church of the Messiah at 3754 University Club Blvd (click HERE for a map) and childcare is provided during all services.  We cannot wait to commemorate all that Our Lord did for us leading up to His glorious and triumphant Resurrection on Easter, so please join us on Palm Sunday, Holy Thursday, Good Friday, and, of course, Easter Sunday.  For more information contact the parish office at 904-721-4199.

Holy Week at Church of the Messiah

Holy Week is the most incredible time of the year for churches throughout the world and Church of the Messiah is no exception.  We have amazings thing planned as we relive the events of Christ’s betrayal, death, and, ultimately, Resurrection!  We want you to join us for all of these remarkable services.

footwashing2Maundy Thursday: Join with us as we commemorate Jesus celebrating the Last Supper with His Disciples on the night He was betrayed.  This deeply moving service includes the once-a-year foot washing service as well as the solemn stripping of the altar in remembrance of Christ’s betrayal.  Prior to the service we will have our regular mid-week soup supper from 6-6:45.  The Maundy Thursday service itself begins at 7 o’clock.

GoodFriday1Good Friday:  Without a doubt, one of the highlights of the church year is Church of the Messiah’s annual Good Friday service.  From noon til three o’clock we reflect on the Passion of our Lord taking inspiration from seven different meditations each coupled with solemn prayers and contemplative songs and dance offerings.  The service also includes the reading of the Passion Gospel and the Veneration of the Holy Cross.  While the service is three-hours long, it is structured in such a way as to accommodate those who are only able to attend a portion of the service.  Come for the whole service, come for thirty minutes.  For whatever amount you can attend, you will be blessed.

HeIsRisenEaster Sunday: Celebrate with us the most glorious and triumphant of Feasts, the Feast which makes all other feasts possible, the Feast of the Resurrection of Our Lord!  Death has been defeated and the grave has been overthrown!  The celebration begins early.  Starting at 9 o’clock we will be serving hot cross buns, coffee and tea in the church foyer.  Also during that time, be sure to bring spring flower for the annual “flowering of the cross.”  Help beautify our Easter cross by bring your own flowers to help decorate.  The service itself begins at 10 o’clock and, as always, we pull out all the stops for the most glorious day of the year.  Immediately following the service we will have an Easter egg hunt in the courtyard outside the church.

Everyone is welcome to attend all of our services and childcare is provided at all events.  To help facilitate inviting others to join us, we have created Facebook events for each of these services.  To find these events, simply go to Church of the Messiah’s Facebook page and click on the “events” tab or click on the each event’s bold name.

Lots To Do This Weekend at COM

WeekEndThere are activities going on everyday this weekend at Church of the Messiah.  The Women’s Ministry kicks things off on Friday night with the movie night when they will watch God’s Not Dead.  The movie begins at 7 pm at the home of Diane Looker.  Snacks and drinks will be provided so just come looking to enjoy the movie.  Then the Men’s Ministry will takeover on Saturday morning with their “Labor of Love” Work Day.  The men will be doing some gardening from 9 am til noon at the home of a family who have recently been under some physical attacks and are dealing with a variety of medical issues.  The men will take a morning and make sure their yard is not one of their issues they have to deal with.  Contact John Cunningham for more information on this work day.  The the whole parish will gather together on Sunday as we begin the observance of Holy Week with the celebration of Palm Sunday!  Be sure to arrive a few minutes early for Church this Sunday morning because we will begin the Liturgy of the Palms in the courtyard in between the churches and process into Church of the Messiah singing Hosannas to the King of Kings!  This is an incredible service each and every year and you will not want to miss it this year.  Finally, Confirmation classes begin after Church on Sunday.  For those attending the classes, we will be going out for lunch following services on Sunday, having lunch together and discussing the topic for the Confirmation Classes.  Those interested in attending please download the New Catechism of Charismatic Episcopal Church (click the link to download).  It’s going to be a busy weekend.  You don’t want to miss any of it!