This Sunday is Palm Sunday

Church of the Messiah invites you to join us this Sunday, March 25th, starting at 10 am, as we celebrate Palm Sunday.  Palm Sunday, also called Passion Sunday, is the the Sunday one week before Easter where the church commemorates Our Lord’s Triumphal Entry into Jerusalem.  Church of the Messiah observes this celebration by beginning our Sunday morning services in the courtyard of our church with special readings and prayers to bless palms for the congregation.  Then we all process into the church together reading pilgrim Psalms and singing songs of worship.  It is a powerful way to relive Jesus’ entry into Jerusalem in the week before His death and resurrection.  This service will also include a special dramatic reading of the Passion Gospel according to St. Mark read by various members of the congregation.  It is a vivid reminder of all that our Lord endured on our behalf and a potent way to begin Holy Week.  We invite everyone to join us at this special service.  For more information,visit the Palm Sunday Facebook eventemail or call Church of the Messiah at 904-721-4199.