This Wednesday is Ash Wednesday

when-is-ash-wednesday-2015-this-year-3This Wednesday, February 18th, begins the season of Lent with the yearly celebration of Ash Wednesday.  Lent is the period of 40 days which both commemorates Our Lord’s 40 days in the wilderness fasting and praying before He began His public ministry and helps us to prepare to celebrate the coming feast of Easter by fasting and praying in similar ways.   Ash Wednesday is the special celebration where we take time to remember that the Christian walk is called to be one of prayer, fasting, and penitence.  We will gather together at 7 o’clock and participate in the imposition of ashes, the litany of penitence, and then partake of the Holy Eucharist as a way to begin a Holy Lent.  We invite everyone to join us this Wednesday, beginning at 7 o’clock for our Ash Wednesday Service.

URGENT PRAYER for Bishop Jotham

Urgent Prayer for Bishop Jotham Kabonabe
May 31, 2011

Yesterday Bishop Jacques Muhindo of DR Congo accompanied Bishop Jotham Kabonabe to Butembo where he was admitted to the hospital. We just heard that Bishop Kabonabe is in critical condition. Please pray for him, for his family and for Bishop Muhindo who has been very faithful in his service to Bishop Kabonabe.

We will write if we hear anything further.

Henry Update

Bebe Reese sent us an update regarding Henry’s tests yesterday.  This is what she said:

More news, we guess.  Today at Mayo was interesting.  The short of it is that Henry needs to finish this cycle of chemo, go back to his pulmonologist for re-evaluation and another lung function test, and have an updated PT/CT scan.  At this point, probably the middle of March, we will probably confer with Mayo again to determine if he is a candidate for transplant. If he is, the stem cells will come from his own blood.   We understand that this is a very rigorous, 4 month long commitment, with a four week hospitalization period.  Help us pray for wisdom and peace.  The long of it is that the reality of the situation is almost overwhelming – with so many ifs.  As one of the oncologists said, “It is not for the faint-hearted.”  Once again, we thank you for your thoughts and prayers and we cherish your love and friendship.  Bebe