Holy Week at Church of the Messiah

Holy Week is the most incredible time of the year for churches throughout the world and Church of the Messiah is no exception.  We are so excited to share with you all that we have planned as we relive the events of Christ’s betrayal, death, and, ultimately, His Resurrection!  We want you to join us for all of these remarkable services.

Palm Sunday: Holy Week begins with the fanfare and celebration of Our Lord’s Triumphal Entry into Jerusalem.  We celebrate this momentous event in Jesus’ life by gathering in the church’s courtyard, blessing the palms, and processing into the church together.  During this service there is also a special dramatic reading of the Passion Gospel.  The service begins in the church courtyard at 10 o’clock

Maundy Thursday: Join with us as we commemorate Jesus celebrating the Last Supper with His Disciples on the night He was betrayed.  This deeply moving service includes the once-a-year foot washing service as well as the solemn stripping of the altar in remembrance of Christ’s betrayal.  Prior to the service we will have our regular mid-week soup supper from 6-6:45.  The Maundy Thursday service itself begins at 7 o’clock.

Good Friday:  Without a doubt, one of the highlights of the church year is Church of the Messiah’s annual Good Friday service.  From noon til three o’clock we reflect on the Passion of our Lord taking inspiration from seven different meditations each coupled with solemn prayers and contemplative songs and dance offerings.  The service also includes the reading of the Passion Gospel and the Veneration of the Holy Cross.  While the service is three-hours long, it is structured in such a way as to accommodate those who are only able to attend a portion of the service.  Come for the whole service, come for thirty minutes.  For whatever amount you can attend, you will be blessed.

Holy Saturday: While Our Lord may have rested from His labors, the abortion industry does not rest from its and Saturday is one of its busiest days.  We will take a prayerful stand for those who are condemned to die that day and pray the Liturgy for the Pre-Born outside A Woman’s Choice clinic.  We encourage everyone to join us on this very solemn occasion.

Easter Sunday: Celebrate with us the most glorious and triumphant of Feasts, the Feast which makes all other feasts possible, the Feast of the Resurrection of Our Lord!  Death has been defeated and the grave has been overthrown!  This year we are especially blessed to welcome Archbishop Craig W. Bates, the Patriarch of the International Communion of the Charismatic Episcopal Church back to Church of the Messiah to preach and celebrate Easter Sunday.  Also that morning, be sure to bring spring flower for the annual “flowering of the cross.”  Help beautify our Easter cross by bring your own flowers to help decorate.  The service itself begins at 10 o’clock and, as always, we pull out all the stops for the most glorious day of the year.  Immediately following the service we will have an Easter egg hunt in the courtyard outside the church.

Everyone is welcome to attend all of our services and childcare is provided at all events.  To help facilitate inviting others to join us, we have created Facebook events for each of these services.  To find these events, simply go to Church of the Messiah’s Facebook page and click on the “events” tab or click on the each event’s bold name.

Church of the Messiah to Pray Liturgy for the Pre-Born

This Saturday, April 28th, starting at 9 o’clock, the clergy and people of Church of the Messiah will gather outside of A Woman’s Choice, one of Jacksonville’s few abortion clinics and one which often performs abortions on Saturday mornings.  We will be praying for an end to abortion and especially for those who are about to die in that very clinic that weekend.

Please join with us as we pray for the pre-born children throughout Jacksonville and the world, but especially those a A Woman’s Choice, (Click HERE for a map) who will be murdered by the holocaust of abortion and have no one to pray for them. Let us pray for those who are about to die and for and end to abortion in America and in the world.

The best place to park is in the parking lot near the Payless ShoeSource (click HERE for a map) and walk to short distance to where we will be praying.  Be sure to park, however, away from the stores, because we do not want to be a nuisance to the vendors.

Fr. Terry Gensemer Will Preach at Church of the Messiah this Sunday

Fr. Terry GensemerFr. Terry Gensemer, the International Director for CEC For Life, will visit Church of the Messiah this Sunday, April, 28th.  Fr. Gensemer will preach and con-celebrate the Holy Eucharist at Church of the Messiah’s regular service beginning at 10 o’clock.

In addition to leading CEC For Life and sitting on the Patriarch’s Council, Fr. Gensemer is a Board Member of the National Pro-Life Religious Council, a Pastoral Care Associate for the Silent No More Awareness Campaign, and the Pastoral Director for the Society of Centurions, an organization which hosts healing retreats for those who have left the abortion industry.  Fr. Gensemer’s tireless work for the Pro-Life cause has taken him to five different continents and countless churches across the world.  On this trip, Fr. Gensemer will be joined by his wife Patti.

Fr. Terry will be fresh from a national meeting of pro-life leaders in Titusville, FL, and promises that he will have a powerful word for Church of the Messiah.  Be sure to mark your calendars and plan on joining us this Sunday, April 28th, as our time with Fr. Terry is sure to be anointed by The Lord!

40 Days For Life Kick Off Tuesday!

40-days-for-life-flyerThis year’s 40 Days for Life campaign begins on Wednesday morning, but the Kick Off Rally to start the campaign off in prayer is this Tuesday night!  The Rally will start at the Women’s Help Center (click HERE for a map) at 6:45 pm.  Prior to the the Rally, there will be a Holy Hour at five o’clock and Holy Mass at six o’clock.  Both of those services will be at Prince of Peace Roman-Catholic Church.  (Click HERE for a map)  Prince of Peace has also offered up there parking for the Rally that evening.  Fr. Scott Looker has been asked to pray during the Rally that God’s blessing be upon the work of all the volunteers this year. Please join us this Tuesday night to hear more about 40 Days for Life and to get involved with this incredible powerful movement in Jacksonville and abroad.

Upcoming Pro-Life Opportunities

As Fr. Shiell discussed in his sermon on Sunday, The March For Life will be January 27th, 2017, in Washington, D.C., and we should all begin preparing to head to our nation’s capital now in order to be ready when the big day arrives.  But we do not have to wait until January to start choosing Life right here in Jacksonville today!  There are plenty of opportunities in the upcoming weeks to show your support for local Pro-Life ministries.  Below is information on some of these upcoming events.

jericho-marchJericho March on September 24th—Saturday morning beginning at nine o’clock, Christians from throughout Jacksonville will begin walking around the property surrounding Jacksonville’s Planned Parenthood.  They will march around the property a full seven time and pray for the facility to close and for abortion to come to an end in Jacksonville and throughout America.  For more information contact Rob Barnaby at (904) 504-1412.


kick-off-rally40 Days For Life Kick Off Rally Events on Tuesday, September 27th—An evening of special events begin the annual 40 Days for Life campaign.  Prince of Peace Roman-Catholic Church will observe and celebrate a Holy Hour and Mass from five o’clock until 6:30.  Following the Mass, there will be a Kick Off Rally at the Women’s Help Center (a Pro-Life center located in between two abortion clinics) from 6:45 to 7:30.  The Kick Off Rally will include an overview of the 40 Days For Life campaign, an invitation to join in, an opportunity to tour the Women’s Help Center, as well as light refreshments.  Church of the Messiah’s Fr. Scott Looker has been invited to lead one of the opening prayers at this year’s rally.

40dfl40 Days for Life Annual Campaign, September 28th—November 6th—Since 2004, Pro-Life activists in over 25 different countries have taken a peaceful and prayerful stand against a culture of death.

40 Days for Life is a focused pro-life campaign with a vision to access God’s power through prayer, fasting, and peaceful vigil to end abortion. The mission of the campaign is to bring together the body of Christ in a spirit of unity during a focused 40 day campaign of prayer, fasting, and peaceful activism, with the purpose of repentance, to seek God’s favor to turn hearts and minds from a culture of death to a culture of life, thus bringing an end to abortion.

This year, the 40 Days for Life campaign will be gathering in the public right-of-way outside A Woman’s Choice of Jacksonville from 7 am to 7 pm.  To get involved or stay up to date on upcoming events in the 40 Days For Life campaign, visits Jacksonville’s 40 Days For Life web-site.

Church of the Messiah to Host Baby Shower for Emergency Pregnancy Services

001 invite (1) (1)This Sunday, June 26th, Church of the Messiah’s Women’s Ministry will be hosting a Baby Shower honoring Emergency Pregnancy Services, from 1:30 to 2:30, at Secret Garden Cafe.  Please RSVP to Lizz Looker by Friday, June 24th.  EPS is especially in need of diaper bags, size 4 and 5 diapers, baby wipes, baby wash, diaper cream, and baby clothes sizes newborn through 2T.  Please come out to support this wonderful ministry which has been giving women in Jacksonville a Pro-Life alternative to abortion for over 35 years!

Fr. Looker to Open 40 Days for Life Kickoff Rally in Prayer

40DayforLifeThis Sunday, September 20th, 40 Days for Life will hold a Kickoff Rally to begin their annual fall campaign.  The Kickoff Rally begins at 4:45 and will include a preview of this year’s Fall Campaign, testimonies from Dr. Pete and Patricia Kuhlman on the importance of prayer in the Campaign, and prayer in front of one of Jacksonville’s abortion clinics.  This year, Fr. Scott Looker has been asked to open the rally in prayer.   The Kickoff Rally will take place in the parking lot of the pro-life Women’s Help Center.  Please park at Prince of Peace Roman-Catholic Church (Click HERE for a map).

For those unfamiliar with it, “40 Days for Life is a focused pro-life campaign with a vision to access God’s power through prayer, fasting, and peaceful vigil to end abortion. The mission of the campaign is to bring together the body of Christ in a spirit of unity during a focused 40 day campaign of prayer, fasting, and peaceful activism, with the purpose of repentance, to seek God’s favor to turn hearts and minds from a culture of death to a culture of life, thus bringing an end to abortion.”




ICCEC to Celebrate Life on Worldwide Feast Day

Dear Brothers,

I hope you are experiencing a fruitful time of reflection and anticipation as we move from the Christmas season and into Epiphany.  This coming Sunday (January 20), as always during the Epiphany season, we will celebrate the Feast Day of Our Lord the Giver of Life.  This Feast Day is unique to our own Communion, a day set aside to celebrate and stand in wonder at the gift of Life bestowed upon us by our loving Father.  It is a joy and an honor to celebrate such a day with each of you.

As all of you know, I was raised in the Anglican Communion. Hence, for all of my youth and for a significant part of my ministry, the Episcopal Hymnal was a deep part of my spiritual discipline. I grew up under a Pastor who was a retired Ensign in the United States Navy. Like every male adult I knew as a youth, he served in World War II. He was also deeply influenced by the ministry and writing of Dietrich Bonheoffer. As a result, so were all the members of his congregation.

Dietrich Bonheoffer had to confront directly the moral issue of his day – the rise of fascism, particularly National Socialism. It was the moral issue of my father’s generation and so, as a youth, I also heard a clear message that there really was such a thing as evil, and that it incarnated itself in the men, particularly Hitler, who attempted to rule Europe and enslave millions of people. In that War it is estimated that somewhere between 62 and 78 million people died either in military service, civilian casualties, or in the concentration camps. One hundred and thirty-five thousand, five hundred and six American military personnel were killed in action between D-Day and V-E Day.

My father and every veteran I knew talked of the horrors of war and their desire was that their sons would never have to go to war. Yet, they knew there was evil, and that evil was to be confronted, even if it meant giving your life – the greatest sacrifice.

My Pastor and my father also taught me that there was good and righteousness. There was right and there was wrong. They believed that virtue and all that was good was found in Christ Jesus and so, we, along with all the kids I grew up with, went to Church.

Today, the battle we face between good and evil is no longer contained within some foreign land; it is across the globe and against a very prevalent culture of death.  Whether we live in America or Africa, the battle for freedom, religious liberty, the inalienable rights of all persons, and the traditional and God-ordained pattern of marriage and family is being fought in our own back yards.

There can be no compromise on these issues. There can be no compromise on the right to life for all people – born and preborn. The murder of preborn children at the rate of 115,000 a day worldwide is wicked, and those involved in this holocaust are wicked. This is not a political issue, it is a battle between good and evil, light and darkness, righteousness and wickedness, and life and death.

In 1845, James R. Lowell wrote a poem protesting America’s war with Mexico. It was set to music by Thomas J. Williams and placed in the Episcopal Hymnal, until it was removed in 1982, along with “Onward Christian Soldiers”, for questionable theology. My Pastor had us sing this song at least once a month to teach us the importance of not remaining silent in the face of evil.

“Once to every man and nation, comes the moment to decide,
In the strife of truth with falsehood, for the good or evil side;
Some great cause, some great decision, offering each the bloom or blight,
And the choice goes by forever, ‘twixt that darkness and that light.

“Then to side with truth is noble, when we share her wretched crust,
Ere her cause bring fame and profit, and ’tis prosperous to be just;
Then it is the brave man chooses while the coward stands aside,
Till the multitude make virtue of the faith they had denied.

“By the light of burning martyrs, Christ, They bleeding feet we track,
Tolling up new Calv’ries ever with the cross that turns
not back; New occasions teach new duties, time make ancient
good uncouth, They must upward still and onward, who would
keep abreast of truth.

“Though the cause of evil prosper, yet the truth alone is
strong; Though her portion be the scaffold, and upon the
throne be wrong; Yet that scaffold sways the future, and
behind the dim unknown, Standeth God within the shadow,
keeping watch above His own.”

We will be victorious in the fight to end abortion. I believe a generation of young people is being raised up in the international communion of the CEC who are not only committed to ending abortion in their own nations, but are Pro Life because they have a radical and passionate love for the Risen Lord Jesus.

We can and should give to all types of Pro Life activities, from Pregnancy Centers to Post Abortive Counseling. We should also be Pro Life from conception to natural death, which means we need to support ministries to the homeless, single mothers, fatherless children, and drug/alcohol victims. The Lord loves a cheerful and, might I add, generous giver. Yet the Lord, from the founding of the Charismatic Episcopal Church and through consensus of the Bishops and Patriarch’s Council, established CEC for Life as our voice in the Pro Life Ministry.

We agreed, in consensus, that every year Parishes, Missions, and Clergy should renew their memberships for CEC for Life. We agreed, in consensus, that we should encourage all of our parishioners to give annually to CEC for Life. We also agreed that the Lord directed us to establish the Feast Day of Our Lord the Giver of Life, to be celebrated every January with a special Sunday service during which each parish would take up a special offering to be given to CEC For Life.  This year that Feast Day will take place on Sunday, January 20th.

Times are tough.  Many of our nations are currently facing extreme economic crises, even here in America.  Some see this as a reason for cutting back on giving; I see it as a time to increase my giving.

We can give lip service to being Pro Life. We can even vote Pro Life. But the end to abortion will not happen until the Church is mobilized and called to apostolic action. And any mobilization will require the sacrificial giving of time, talent, and treasure.

On Sunday, January 20, please encourage your clergy to take part in this important offering. Bishops must take the lead. Your voice has influence in the lives of your sons in the Lord.

Be assured of my prayer and affections.

Under His mercy,

The Most Rev. Craig W. Bates,
Patriarch, ICCEC
Primate, CEC-NA

For more information on the Feast Day of Our Lord the Giver of Life, please contact Fr. Terry Gensemer through the Office of the Patriarch at frterry@cecforlife.com.


40 Days For Life Begins Wednesday, September 26

Beginning Wednesday, September 26, Jacksonville will be one of 314 communities joining together for a faith-filled, groundbreaking, coordinated pro-life mobilization—40 Days for Life.

40 Days for Life is a focused pro-life effort that consists of:

  • 40 days of prayer and fasting
  • 40 days of peaceful vigil
  • 40 days of community outreach 

This year, 40 Days for Life has a special focus.  This year, we are praying that a clinic, recently purchased by Planned Parenthood, never opens its doors!  Planned Parenthood has purchased a former clinic and is planning on renovating the facility and resuming their practice of providing abortions, a practice which they had previously stopped after a 40 Days for Life campaign a few years ago.  This facility-to-be is strategically located between two high schools, Englewood and Wolfson, all the better to reach their target market–teen-age girls.

What can we do?  There is plenty to be done!  We can pray.  We can fast.  We can intercede.  We can join with prayer warriors in front of the  new Planned Parenthood-to-be from 8am to 5pm, Monday through Friday, until November 4.  On top of that, there will be several special events.  This Saturday, September 29, will be a Jericho March.  Saturday, October 6, will be a multi-cultural Rosary Procession.  On two Saturdays, October 20 and 27, Prince of Peace (CEC) and Church of the Messiah will lead Liturgies for the Pre-Born.  This is the first time that two Charismatic Episcopal Churches will be leading inter-denominational worship services in the Pro-Life Community in Jacksonville!  Finally, on November 3, there will be a March for the Surviving Youth.  More information will be coming on each event.

Mark these dates on your calendar.  “With God all things are possible” and through our intercession, prayer, fasting, and making ourselves living signs and symbols, Our Lord can prevent another abortuary from ever opening in Jacksonville.  Planned Parenthood is the single largest provider of abortions in America.  By God’s grace, let’s make sure they do not harm any more babies in our home town!

For more information, visit 40 Days for Life.  A map of the new location in included below.