Holy Week at Church of the Messiah
Holy Week is the most incredible time of the year for churches throughout the world and Church of the Messiah is no exception. We are so excited to share with you all that we have planned as we relive the events of Christ’s betrayal, death, and, ultimately, His Resurrection! We want you to join us for all of these remarkable services.
Palm Sunday: Holy Week begins with the fanfare and celebration of Our Lord’s Triumphal Entry into Jerusalem. We celebrate this momentous event in Jesus’ life by gathering in the church’s courtyard, blessing the palms, and processing into the church together. During this service there is also a special dramatic reading of the Passion Gospel. The service begins in the church courtyard at 10 o’clock
Maundy Thursday: Join with us as we commemorate Jesus celebrating the Last Supper with His Disciples on the night He was betrayed. This deeply moving service includes the once-a-year foot washing service as well as the solemn stripping of the altar in remembrance of Christ’s betrayal. Prior to the service we will have our regular mid-week soup supper from 6-6:45. The Maundy Thursday service itself begins at 7 o’clock.
Good Friday: Without a doubt, one of the highlights of the church year is Church of the Messiah’s annual Good Friday service. From noon til three o’clock we reflect on the Passion of our Lord taking inspiration from seven different meditations each coupled with solemn prayers and contemplative songs and dance offerings. The service also includes the reading of the Passion Gospel and the Veneration of the Holy Cross. While the service is three-hours long, it is structured in such a way as to accommodate those who are only able to attend a portion of the service. Come for the whole service, come for thirty minutes. For whatever amount you can attend, you will be blessed.
Holy Saturday: While Our Lord may have rested from His labors, the abortion industry does not rest from its and Saturday is one of its busiest days. We will take a prayerful stand for those who are condemned to die that day and pray the Liturgy for the Pre-Born outside A Woman’s Choice clinic. We encourage everyone to join us on this very solemn occasion.
Easter Sunday: Celebrate with us the most glorious and triumphant of Feasts, the Feast which makes all other feasts possible, the Feast of the Resurrection of Our Lord! Death has been defeated and the grave has been overthrown! This year we are especially blessed to welcome Archbishop Craig W. Bates, the Patriarch of the International Communion of the Charismatic Episcopal Church back to Church of the Messiah to preach and celebrate Easter Sunday. Also that morning, be sure to bring spring flower for the annual “flowering of the cross.” Help beautify our Easter cross by bring your own flowers to help decorate. The service itself begins at 10 o’clock and, as always, we pull out all the stops for the most glorious day of the year. Immediately following the service we will have an Easter egg hunt in the courtyard outside the church.
Everyone is welcome to attend all of our services and childcare is provided at all events. To help facilitate inviting others to join us, we have created Facebook events for each of these services. To find these events, simply go to Church of the Messiah’s Facebook page and click on the “events” tab or click on the each event’s bold name.