Wednesday Night Services Resume This Wednesday Night

Now that Christmas Vacation is officially over and the kids are all headed back to school, we are ready to restart Church of the Messiah’s Wednesday Night Services this Wednesday, January 9th.  Our service will begin at 7 o’clock and will include a time of praise and worship, a Biblical teaching, prayer, and Holy Communion.  Additionally, our youth group (6th – 12th grade students) meets during this time and our children have special planned activities as well.  Fr. Looker will be beginning a new teaching series on January 9th entitled: “Prophet, Priest, and King: Jesus and Our Mission.”  Because we are aware that there is a lot to accomplish to get everyone ready for work and school on time, we are committed to have the service end promptly by 8:30.  Please note that, in a change from previous weeknight services, we will not be having a community dinner prior to these services for the time being.  After almost two months on hiatus, we are very excited to resume our mid-week fellowship and can’t wait to see everyone again on Wednesday nights.  Be sure to invite your friends and we will see everyone on January 9th!