Bishop Announces Fr. Paysinger’s Retirement

Father David and JaniceOn Trinity Sunday, May 31, while on his annual visit, Bp. David Simpson informed the congregation that he had reluctantly accepted Fr. David Paysinger’s resignation as Rector of Church of the Messiah.  Bp. Simpson admitted that this had been a matter of prayer between himself and Fr. David for many months, and that they had both been diligent to affirm that this was, indeed, the will of God.  The exact date of Fr. Paysinger’s retirement is not set, although it will occur sometime this August and coincide roughly with Fr. Paysinger’s seventieth birthday.  While Fr. Paysinger will be retiring as rector of Church of the Messiah, he will continue to serve as the Archdeacon for the Diocese of Florida and as one of the members of the Bishop’s Council, serving Bp. Simpson as one of his senior priests and advisors.

David Paysinger was one of the founding members of Church of the Messiah who transitioned from St. David’s Episcopal Church in the Fall of 1992.  He was ordained to the Diaconate in December of 1993,  appointed Archdeacon for the Diocese of Florida and the Southeastern Province in May of 1995, and ordained to the Sacred Order of Priests in November of 1995.  During his many years of ministry, Fr. Paysinger has traveled extensively throughout the Southeast Province–and even internationally–for the sake of ministry.  Fr. Paysinger has served on both the Provincial Council for the Southeastern Province as well as on the Bishop’s Council of the Diocese of Florida.  On May 28, 2006, Fr. Paysinger was installed as the Rector of Church of the Messiah.  The announcement of his retirement comes nine years almost to the day of his installation as Rector.

Throughout his 23 years of ministry, his wife Janice has been ever-present by his side.  Janice has served in countless roles in Church of the Messiah including working in the Nursery and Kids’ Church, chairing the Women’s Ministry, heading up Care and Comfort and Hospitality ministries, and recently filling in as parish secretary while serving as the parish bookkeeper. In the Fall, Janice will likewise retire from her position at Church of the Messiah so that she can remain ever-present with her husband as they travel and enjoy their retirement together.

Church of the Messiah and the Paysinger family covet your prayers as Fr. David and Janice begin to transition into this new phase of their life and ministry.