Celebrate Ash Wednesday this Wednesday Night

Ash Wednesday BannerThis Wednesday, February 10th, Church of the Messiah will celebrate the beginning of Lent with our traditional observation of Ash Wednesday.  Lent is the season which precedes Easter and commemorates Our Lord’s forty days in the wilderness and Israel’s wandering in the wilderness for forty years.  Christians throughout the ages have prepared to celebrate Easter by observing Lent with prayer and fasting.  Ash Wednesday, as the beginning of Lent, is a special service which includes the Invitation to a Holy Lent, the Imposition of Ashes, and the Litany of Penitence.  This incredibly special and unique service will begin at 7 o’clock.

In order make it easier for everyone to be a part of this service, Church of the Messiah will be serving a soup supper dinner beforehand in the parish kitchen.  Dinner will be served from six o’clock to 6:45.  Everyone is welcome to attend the service and soup supper.  Childcare is provided during the service.  The service will be over by 8:30 in order to ensure that everyone may be home in time to get children ready for school the next morning and prepare themselves for work the next day.  We want everyone to join us for the beginning of the season of Lent and Ash Wednesday, February 10th.