Celebrate Thanksgiving with Church of the Messiah

This Wednesday night, November 27th, Church of the Messiah will hold its annual Thanksgiving Eve Service.  St. James reminds us that “Every good gift and every perfect gift is from above, and comes down from the Father of lights, with whom there is no variation or shadow of turning.” (1:17)  Since every good gift we have comes from Our Father in Heaven, it is only right that we come together and give thanks to Him as we celebrate our Thanksgiving Feast.

Our service begins at seven o’clock and will combine our regular adult Bible study and Youth Service into one service for the entire congregation.  The service will include praise & worship, readings from Holy Scripture, a special guest preacher, the Litany of Thanksgiving, and the celebration of Holy Eucharist.  There will be childcare for those younger than 6th grade.  We know that Thursday will be an especially busy day, so we remain committed to conclude the service by 8:30 so that everyone can be ready to go early on Thursday morning.

Please join us this Wednesday night, beginning at 7 o’clock as we “enter into His gates with thanksgiving, and into His courts with praise. Be thankful to Him, and bless His name.”

Church of the Messiah to Host Financial Peace University

Church of the Messiah is excited to announce that this summer we will be hosting Financial Peace University by Dave Ramsey.  FPU is a nine-lesson course designed to help participants build a budget, dump debt, grow wealth, and leave money stress behind.  Each lesson, taught by Dave Ramsey and his team of financial experts, is based on biblical wisdom and common sense. In every FPU group, participants are motivated and encouraged by others who have gone through the same struggles and have succeeded using FPU’s proven methods. Whenever someone signs up for FPU, they receive a member workbook and one free year of Financial Peace Membership, with access to exclusive online tools to help them on their journey to financial security.  The first of the nine sessions will begin Wednesday night, June 12th, starting at 7 o’clock.  To sign up for the sessions now, click THIS LINK!  Contact Fr. Scott Looker or call the parish office at 904-721-4199 for more info.

New Bible Study Begins Wednesday Night


This Wednesday night, September 14th, Church of the Messiah will begin is newest Bible study series.  The title of the study will be “The History of the Biblical Church.”  Fr. Looker will be leading the study and he wants to make it clear that that this Bible study will not be a “Church History 101” class but rather,

We are going to look at The Acts of the Apostles in combination with the various Letters of St. Paul to put pieces together and get a more complete picture of what was going on in the Church during Biblical times.  We are going to see things that are in the Bible.  You’ve just probably never noticed them before.

This Bible study is going to be a fascinating look at the ministry and missionary work of the very first Christians.

“The History of the Biblical Church” will be part of Church of the Messiah’s regular Wednesday night services which begin with a soup supper from 6:00-6:45.  The service itself is a Eucharistic service which begins at seven o’clock.  Childcare is provided throughout the service which ends by 8:30 so that those who need to prepare for work or school the next day can be home early enough to do so promptly.  We invite everyone to join us and learn more about what happened in the earliest days of Christianity.


Wednesday Night Mid-Week Services Resume January 14th with Converting the Conversation

Converting The ConversationThis Wednesday night, January 14th, Church of the Messiah is pleased to re-start our Wednesday Night Mid-Week Services.  We will begin with a special teaching series led by Fr. Scott Looker entitled Converting the Conversation.  This series will take several of the highest grossing movies of all time, all of which have made over a billion dollars, and discuss how to reshape conversations about those movies into conversations about Jesus Christ.  This series will equip those who attend to better witness to their families, friends, and co-workers using conversations about wildly popular movies as springboards to begin conversations about the Gospel.  The five-part series begins with a discussion of the most successful Disney movie of all time Frozen.  The services begin at seven o’clock each night and childcare is provided.  We promised to finish by 8:30 every night so that everyone can be home in time to prepare for work and get their little ones ready for school the next morning.  These services are open to everyone so be sure to invite your friends.  We look forward to seeing everyone together on Wednesday nights again!

Tonight We Celebrate the Ascension!

The Ascension of Our LordThe Bible study might have ended but the Fifty Days of Glory are not over yet!  Tonight, Wednesday, May 28th, Church of the Messiah, will observe the Ascension of Our Lord into Heaven.  The Ascension is the culmination of Our Lord’s ministry on earth and the scene of His final words to His Apostles before returning to the right hand of His Father in Heaven.  The Ascension also marks the start of the ten days of waiting until the coming of the Holy Spirit on Pentecost!  This is truly a momentous event in the Life of Christ.

The service begins at seven o’clock and will be a Eucharistic service as we will celebrate this occasion by partaking in the Body and Blood of Our Lord.  Childcare will be provided tonight.  Make plans to fellowship with Our Lord and one another tonight as we commemorate this powerful moment in the history of salvation.