Wednesday Night Services Resume Tonight!

After a long hiatus for the Summer and very successful 25th Anniversary Celebration, Church of the Messiah is excited to restart Wednesday Night services, this Wednesday, September 12th.  We begin the evening with a free community dinner from 6:00-6:45.  Tonight there will be two different types of soups, salad, and a kid-friendly option.  The service itself begins at 7 o’clock with a time of praise of worship, reading of Holy Scripture, prayer, a life-application Bible study on the First Letter to St. Timothy, followed by Communion.  Since we know that many have to prepare for work and school the next day, we are committed to be finished by 8:30.  During our Wednesday Night services, Youth Group, which is for students in 6th through 12th grades, meets in our Youth Room.  Throughout the entire service we have childcare provided.  For more information email or call Church of the Messiah at 904-721-4199.

Ash Wednesday is February 14th

Church of the Messiah invites you to join us this Wednesday night, February 14, as we observe Ash Wednesday.  As the traditional beginning of Lent, Ash Wednesday is a day of special prayers and fasting to help start the season off properly.  Throughout Lent we remember the forty days which Our Lord spent in the wilderness prior to the start of His public ministry.  It is a time for all of us examine our hearts and prepare worship the Lord without any guilt or reservation holding us back.  As such, the Ash Wednesday Service is an amazing way to begin Lent.  The service includes the Litany of Penitence and the once a year Imposition of Ashes.  It is a powerful reminder of our own mortality and the judgement which we will all face.

As part of our Wednesday night services, we still will have our regular community meal on Ash Wednesday.  We will serve community supper from 6:00-6:45 and vegetarian alternatives will be provided throughout Lent for those who are fasting meat.  The service itself begins at seven o’clock.  Childcare is provided for children up to fifth grade during the service time and our Youth Group meets during this time as well.  The service ends by 8:30 in order to all everyone who needs to prepare for work or school the next day to do so in a timely manner.

Ash Wednesday is a truly wonderful service in the life of the Church.  Whether you have never been or you have been every year, we invite you to join us, Wednesday night, February 14th, for what will absolutely be an incredible evening.

Wednesday Night Services Resume This Week

After the Jacksonville Blizzard of 2018, Wednesday Night Services will officially restart this Wednesday night, January 10th.  We will begin the night with our community supper from six o’clock to 6:45 and our service will begin at seven o’clock.  Childcare is provide for those up to fifth grade during the service time and our Youth Group also meets during this time.  Our service consists of praise and worship, readings from Holy Scripture, a homily, and the Holy Eucharist.  The service concludes by 8:30 so that those who have to prepare for work and school the next day may do so in a timely manner.

Wednesday Nights are an amazing time of fellowship and worship and we look forward to having everyone join us as we restart these services after our Winter break.

Join Us for a Night of Praise and Worship

This Wednesday night, August 16th, Church of the Messiah will have a night of Praise and Worship to begin the new school year.  After a summer hiatus, we will be restarting our regular Wednesday night services and, beginning with a bang, we will start with a night of extended praise and worship.

Our Wednesday night services begin with a community meal from 6:00-6:45.  Last year, the meal was almost always a variety of soups, but this year we will be having different meal options.  We are beginning this season with a “build-your-own” Taco Night.  We will still always have a “kid-friendly” option for the children.  If you are interested in helping with meals, please contact Janie Ganyard.

The service itself begins at seven o’clock and we will have readings from Holy Scripture, a time of extended Praise and Worship, and finish with Holy Communion.  Childcare is provided for children one year old through fifth grade.  Our youth group, which normally meets on Wednesday night, will remain with us for this service.  The service will end by 8:30 so that everyone who needs time to prepare for work or school the next day may do so in a timely manner.

Our Wednesday night services are back and we would love to have you join us starting this Wednesday at six o’clock!