Beginning Wednesday, September 26, Jacksonville will be one of 314 communities joining together for a faith-filled, groundbreaking, coordinated pro-life mobilization—40 Days for Life.

40 Days for Life is a focused pro-life effort that consists of:

  • 40 days of prayer and fasting
  • 40 days of peaceful vigil
  • 40 days of community outreach 

This year, 40 Days for Life has a special focus.  This year, we are praying that a clinic, recently purchased by Planned Parenthood, never opens its doors!  Planned Parenthood has purchased a former clinic and is planning on renovating the facility and resuming their practice of providing abortions, a practice which they had previously stopped after a 40 Days for Life campaign a few years ago.  This facility-to-be is strategically located between two high schools, Englewood and Wolfson, all the better to reach their target market–teen-age girls.

What can we do?  There is plenty to be done!  We can pray.  We can fast.  We can intercede.  We can join with prayer warriors in front of the  new Planned Parenthood-to-be from 8am to 5pm, Monday through Friday, until November 4.  On top of that, there will be several special events.  This Saturday, September 29, will be a Jericho March.  Saturday, October 6, will be a multi-cultural Rosary Procession.  On two Saturdays, October 20 and 27, Prince of Peace (CEC) and Church of the Messiah will lead Liturgies for the Pre-Born.  This is the first time that two Charismatic Episcopal Churches will be leading inter-denominational worship services in the Pro-Life Community in Jacksonville!  Finally, on November 3, there will be a March for the Surviving Youth.  More information will be coming on each event.

Mark these dates on your calendar.  “With God all things are possible” and through our intercession, prayer, fasting, and making ourselves living signs and symbols, Our Lord can prevent another abortuary from ever opening in Jacksonville.  Planned Parenthood is the single largest provider of abortions in America.  By God’s grace, let’s make sure they do not harm any more babies in our home town!

For more information, visit 40 Days for Life.  A map of the new location in included below.

One thought on “40 Days For Life Begins Wednesday, September 26

  1. We stand shoulder to shoulder with our brothers and sisters in Christ to stand for the unborn! Members of the Sanctuary will be supporting the 40 Days for Life!

    Scott Lara

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