My dear brothers in the Lord,

Greetings in the Name of our Lord Jesus Christ.  Be assured that my prayers are with you.  I am reminded every day as I do the Daily Office or Preside at a Celebration of the Holy Eucharist that not only do we pray individually but our prayers are intimately connected.

On the Sunday closest to June 26th we are required by Canon Law to take up an offering. Which has come to be known as “The Foundation Day Offering.”  It should be noted that this is not an “option” or a “suggestion” but is part of vows to obey the Canons of the Church.  That aside this is a Thank-offering for the birth of the Charismatic Episcopal Church.

God called our Communion into existence.  It is now 21 years since the consecration of Austin Randolph Adler as the first Bishop of the Charismatic Episcopal Church.  Since then thousands of Churches have join us and we have Churches all around the world.  Daily we get inquiries about joining us.  We have so much to be thankful for in our Church.

The Foundation Day Offering is given to the Patriarch to be used for the purchase of buildings or property.  The small amount that has been collected has been dispersed in grants and loans to many churches.  This past year we were able to help three churches secure buildings.

We also invest money for the future.  Right now we have 100,000 USD in the bank.  It is collecting interest and we expect the amount to grow so that in the years to come we can have a much larger pool of monies to help.

Growth is happening around the world.  I just heard from Abp. Paulo about the growth in Brazil.  He suggests that we could see more Dioceses in the near future.  There are also so many new churches in Africa, Asia, and the United States.  We are building together.

Please take up the Foundation Day Offering.  Then send the monies to the Patriarch’s Office.

Again be assured of my prayers,

Under His mercy,

The Most Rev. Craig W. Bates,

Patriarch, ICCEC.

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