Mommy's Little ManThis Saturday the women of Church of the Messiah are throwing a Baby Shower for Hollie Soward and Baby Ashton.  Hollie is due on September 13th, so Ashton’s arrival is only a few weeks away.  Hollie and Ashton (and Dad Aaron and Big Sis Aliyah) are registered at Target, and have asked especially for 3-6 months baby clothes, diapers and wipes, receiving blankets, bibs, and gift cards to Target and Publix. The party begins at 10:30am at the home of Lizz Looker (Click HERE for a map.  Fr. Scott lives there too, but he won’t be there.)  If you would like to bring a dish to the shower, please contact Lizz at 904-424-8622.  So this Saturday, while the men are working away at moving the offices, join the ladies and Hollie as they celebrate Ashton’s arrival in just a few weeks!