East African BishopsEvery year each church in the CEC in American takes up an offering to support developing churches in Africa.  In years gone by, we did this at Christmas.  Two years ago, the Patriarch’s Council and the United States’ House of Bishops decided in consensus that it was best to move the collection of that offering to the Sunday closest to All Saints’ Day (November 1st).

100% of the money collect goes directly to Africa under the direction of Bishops Bernard Njoroge, Emmanuel Ngarimpatse, and Francis Gogo.  The Patriarch has created vehicles for accountability that are available on CEC Development’s Web-Site.  We encourage all of our members to participate inasmuch as they are able, confident that this money is being responsibly managed and strengthening the churches of the International Communion of the Charismatic Episcopal Church in Africa.

You may click below to download additional resources:

The Patriarch’s Letter on the All Saints’ Offering

The Accountability Report from the 2012 All Saints’ Offering