For the Life of the World

ICCEC North American Convocation 2014 // A Prophetic Witness

 ICCEC North American Convocation 2014 is not just another series of meetings, luncheons, and workshops – it is a vision being brought to life.  A vision that looks into the future and sees an entire generation dedicated to LIFE in Christ and the building up of His kingdom.

It is a vision that can see the end of abortion in this nation, the strengthening of traditional marriage, and the sanctity of life acknowledged in all aspects of life.  It is a training ground, a think tank, and a new chapter in the North American pro-life movement. It’s for the Life of the World (John 6:51).

In July 2014, we invite every person in this nation — adults and youth — to follow your heart for pro-life work and join the International Communion of the Charismatic Episcopal Church (ICCEC) in Olathe, Kansas!  For three full days, the ICCEC, along with nationally known pro-life leaders, will offer expansive teaching on pro-life issues and hands-on training in effective pro-life activism.

Keynote speakers will include ICCEC Patriarch Bishop Craig Bates, Fr. Terry Gensemer of CEC For Life and other pro-life leaders. And, we have also invited pro-life ministries from around the nation to come and share the resources that can equip us all to build a culture of Life.

We will join together as a pro-life prophetic witness to the nation and strengthen our stand for the sacredness of all life.  Philippians 1:27 commands us to “stand firm in one Spirit, striving together as one for the faith of the gospel.”  We will stand for the least, lost and lonely — for those who cannot act for themselves — making visible the life of the Lord Jesus Christ in a culture of death.

Come together with your family, your church group, your pro-life community!  Bring that young person in your home church that has a love for justice and a heart for the preborn!

Come expecting The Lord to act! (Isaiah 64:4)

Bishop Craig Bates, Patriarch of the ICCECICCEC Patriarch Logo

Bishop Michael Davidson, ICCEC Central Province

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