Birmingham-Clinic-after-license-renuncedChurch of the Messiah and Prince of Peace, our sister parish on the west-side Jacksonville, have been asked by the organizers or the 40 Days for Life campaign to lead three consecutive Liturgies for the Pre-Born on Holy Saturday morning in front of A Woman’s Choice abortion clinic (click HERE for a map).  This is especially significant because Saturday is one of the days that this facility performs abortions and these are the hours that this clinic performs abortions.  We will praying for those women and children who will be entering this clinic and dying or having their lives changed forever.  The Liturgy for the Pre-Born is a modified form of the Litany at the Time of Death which is prayed on behalf of those children who will have no one to pray for them as their government, their society, and even their own parents betray and murder them.  Please join Fr. Looker starting at 8 o’clock, Fr. Bill Jordan at 8:45, and Fr. David Paysinger at 9:30 for this moving a prayer service.  Please consider coming for one vigil or staying for the entire time.  Parking is available at Prince of Peace Roman-Catholic Church (click HERE for a map).   On the day when Our Lord rested in His tomb and completed His atoning work on our behalf, it is a tragedy to think of children dying without so much as a single prayer offered up on their behalf.  40 Days for Life is a focused pro-life campaign with a vision to access God’s power through prayer, fasting, and peaceful vigil to end abortion.