This Wednesday night, April 5th, Fr. Looker will conclude the Lenten teaching series on Jesus and the Jewish Roots of the Eucharist by Brant Pitre.  Throughout Lent we have talked about Jewish expectations and understanding of the coming Messiah, as well as the significance of the Manna in the Wilderness and Showbread as it relates to Jesus.  This Wednesday, Fr. Looker will explain the meaning behind the four cups of the Jewish Passover meal and how they relate to the Last Supper.  This will will change the way you look at these events as well as the way you look at the Eucharist.  We have definitely saved the best for last!

As part of our regular Wednesday night worship services, we will begin each evening with our regular Soup Supper from 6:00 to 6:45.  The service itself begins at 7 o’clock and is a Eucharistic worship service.  Church of the Messiah’s Youth Group meets during the Bible Study for their own teaching and fellowship.  Childcare is provided during the service and we are mindful to end by 8:30 so that those with work and school the next day are able to get home and prepare for the next day.

Please join us this Wednesday night, beginning at 6 o’clock for our soup supper and 7 o’clock for our service and Bible Study.  It will be an amazing time of opening up the Scriptures and seeing the Last Supper in a new way, just in time for Holy Week!