On Tuesday, we received this appeal from Bishop David Simpson who is not only the Bishop of Florida but also oversees the Charismatic Episcopal Churches in the Caribbean Sea as well.  Please read Bp. Simpson’s letter and consider supporting this incredible man of God in his missionary work.
Dear Beloved in the Kingdom:
 Grace to you peace from God the Father and our Lord Jesus Christ.  The purpose of this letter is to solicit your support for our priest, Fr. Ignatio*, and his congregation in the nation of Cuba. While circumstances are challenging for all Christian communions under the current communist regime, it is especially difficult for unregistered communions such as ours; denominations not in existence prior to the communist revolution.
One major challenge we face as an unregistered church, is our inability to purchase or rent
public facilities for worship purposes. Thus the only legal place for our congregation to worship is in a personal home. In this case, the home of Fr. Ignatio and his family; wife, daughter, and soon to be born son. Unfortunately, however, it is a rental, and the landlord has given notice that the family and congregation must vacate the premises within the next few months. Although Fr. Ignatio has diligently searched for a new residence, to date, he has been unable to find another rental within the price range we can afford. I say “we,” because Fr. Ignatio, as a pastor, is unable to obtain a work permit; another way the government makes life difficult for the Church. Thus the Diocese of Florida supports him with a monthly stipend. The long term solution, of course, is for him to purchase his own home thus securing both a permanent place to live and worship. The cost of such a modest home is $10,000 – $15,000 US currency.
We are appealing to the clergy and congregations of the Southeast Archdiocese to consider
contributing to this effort. Fr. Ignatio, his family, and his congregation are people of great faith and faithfulness. Under difficult circumstances faithfully reaching out in mission and ministry to their community touching hearts and changing lives in the name of Jesus; healing the sick, delivering the captives, and saving the lost. By supporting them, we are sharing in the great work they are doing for the Kingdom of God.
 We are grateful for your prayerful consideration of this appeal and also solicit your prayers
for Fr. Ignatio, his family and the growing church in Cuba.
In His Service,
The Most Reverend David R. Simpson
*Note that Fr. Ignatio is not our priest’s real name.  His name has been changed and his family’s names and the name of his parish has been removed from on-line correspondence for “Fr. Ignatio’s” safety and for the safety of his family.  If you would like to contribute to support our missionary activities in Cuba, you may click HERE and after following the instructions select “Cuban Missionary” in the drop-down menu.  Thank you for your prayerful support.