Archbishop Charles Jones Unanimously Nominated

From left to right: Bp. David Simpson, Bp. Michael Davidson, Abp. Charles Jones, Bp. Robert Northwood, Fr. Jimmy House, Bp. Chris Moran, Bp. Brett Crompton, Bp. Jason Epps, Bp. David Epps

The Primate’s Council of the Charismatic Episcopal Church of North America

The Primates Council of the Charismatic Episcopal Church of North America (CEC-NA) is overjoyed to announce the unanimous nomination of Archbishop Chuck Jones as the next Primate of the CEC-NA. This nomination now moves to the Patriarch’s Council of the ICCEC for affirmation, a step that will officially confirm his leadership in this sacred role.

This moment is the culmination of three months of dedicated prayer and fasting by all North American bishops, seeking the guidance of the Holy Spirit in this significant decision. The bishops gathered in Sharpsburg, GA, at the Cathedral of Christ the King on Thursday, January 30, for a day of worship, Eucharist, and prayer. By Friday, with unity and conviction, they discerned that God had spoken—leading them to nominate Archbishop Jones without hesitation on the unity of consensus.

In the coming days, the Patriarch of the ICCEC will officially affirm his nomination, marking the beginning of this next chapter for the CEC-NA. Shortly, Archbishop Jones will issue a pastoral message, sharing his heart for the church and the path ahead.

We give thanks for the Lord’s guidance in this process and invite the church to join in prayer, support, and celebration as we move forward in faith.

Letter on the Upcoming Feast of Our Lord the Giver of Life

Please take a few moments and read this letter on the upcoming Feast of Our Lord the Giver of Life by Archbishop Charles “Chuck” Jones, the Interim Primate of the Charismatic Episcopal Church of North America.  

Dear brothers and sisters in Christ,

Jesus uniquely identifies with “the least of these,” those who are the most vulnerable and fragile. No living thing is more vulnerable and helpless than a human infant, and no infant is more at risk than a pre-born child in a culture that promotes abortion.

We are all so grateful that Roe v.Wade was struck down in 2022 but the rescue continues for many states that tragically still promote abortion. In light of that reality, our ministry on behalf of the “poorest of the poor” continues.

On our collective behalf that ministry goes on daily through CEC for Life and the leadership of Fr. Terry Gensemer, and once a year we all give voice to the heart of Christ for the pre-born by celebrating the Feast of the “Lord and Giver of Life”. This year the Feast Day will be Sunday, January 19 and on that day we ask all of our churches to not only echo with words the message of life that is the heartbeat of Jesus, but to also give financially to CEC for Life to continue to make incarnation our commitment to the pre-born.

Jesus said, “Truly, I say to you, as you did it to one of the least of these brothers and sisters, you did it to me.” In every pre-born infant Jesus is clothed in His most vulnerable disguise. To give for them is to give for Him.

With great love and affection for you all,

your servant,


All Saints’ Day Offering on November 3rd

On November 3, 2024, All Saints Sunday, churches across the International Communion of the Charismatic Episcopal Church will be gathering a special offering to support mission work in different regions of our Communion. Here in the United States, these contributions will be dedicated to our mission efforts in Africa.  Please take a few moments and watch the video below to learn more about this offering and how the money received will be used.  You may click HERE to donate to the All Saints’ Mission Offering through Church of Messiah.


Important News for the Church

Below are two important announcements regarding the future of the International Communion of the Charismatic Episcopal Church.  The first is from our Patriarch and Primate, Abp. Craig Bates.  The second is from the Primate’s Council of the Charismatic Episcopal Church of North America. 

Dear Brothers and Sisters,

Greetings in the Name of our Lord Jesus Christ.

At the meeting of the Primate’s Council (October 15-17) in Sharpsburg, Georgia, I announced my intention to resign from the Office of the Primate of the Charismatic Episcopal Church-North America. This resignation will take effect on December 28, 2024.

It is time for me to retire and spend quality time with my wife, children, and grandchildren. We will continue to be active members of the CEC and worship at our new home church – the Church of the Messiah, Jacksonville, Florida.

I am thankful to the Lord our God for having had the privilege and honor of serving the Church for forty-four years and serving as Primate and Patriarch of the ICCEC for 16 of those years.

I also announce my resignation as the Patriarch of the International Communion of the Charismatic Episcopal Church, one year from now on December 28, 2025.

Be assured of my prayers and my enduring affections.

Under His mercy,

The Most Rev. Craig W. Bates, M. Div

Statement from the Primate’s Council (House of Bishops)

The Primate’s Council of the CEC-NA convened for its fall meeting from October 15-17 at the Cathedral of Christ the King in Sharpsburg, Georgia. During this meeting, Archbishop Craig Bates announced his intention to retire as Primate on December 28, 2024, and as Patriarch of the ICCEC on December 28, 2025.

Archbishop Bates has led both the ICCEC as Patriarch and North America as Primate since January 2008. Over the years, he has faithfully served as our spiritual father and guide, nurturing the Communion with his tireless efforts, wisdom, and pastoral care. His leadership has been instrumental in navigating many challenges both in North America and across the globe. His contributions are many, but notable highlights include the establishment of a Catechism, the Sacramentary, and the revision of The Canons. He has served as chief consecrator to more than fifteen bishops, led church growth seminars, and facilitated strategic planning initiatives. His steadfast advocacy for the sanctity of all human life, particularly for the protection of the unborn, has resonated powerfully both within the United States and abroad. His impact on the ICCEC cannot be overstated.

Upon Archbishop Bates’ official retirement as Primate, Archbishop Charles Jones, as the senior bishop in North America, will assume leadership of the Primate’s Council. The Primate’s Council will then undertake the prayerful task of discerning nominees for the office of Primate and submitting those names to the Patriarch’s Council for consideration. The canons of the ICCEC give the authority to appoint a Primate of a Territory to the Patriarch’s Council.

Foundation Day is June 23rd

Foundation Day began as Founder’s Day. It was an offering to be taken on a Sunday close to the date of the consecration of Austin Randolph Adler as the first Bishop of the Charismatic Episcopal Church. The offering would be given to him to be used at his discretion.

I am not sure how the name changed from Founder’s Day to Foundation Day, but I assume it had to do with a decision made by Abp. Adler to use the offering for the purchase of property and the repair of property. One-third of the money would be given as direct grants, one-third as low-interest loans, and one-third to be put in interest-bearing accounts.

So much has happened with the money given to this account. The most recent event is the building of a cathedral in the Mid-Atlantic Diocese. I have seen the land and the pictures of the construction. The building will soon be finished, and I am already planning on being there on July 28, 2024. At the time of the CEC-NA Convocation in Orlando, the building will have been completed (except for many small details). I am sure Bishop Northwood, his wife Sarah, and each of their children (and spouses) will have plenty of pictures on their phones to share with you. They can be proud. And we can be proud that we were a part of it.

There is a long list of projects funded in one way or another by the Foundation Day Offering. My own cathedral, which, under Bishop Brett Crompton, is now debt-free, also benefited from the offering as we added an addition to our very small facility. Again, the folks of Intercessor gave and gave over the years, but we are well aware that it was also sacrificial giving on the part of people all across the country who helped contribute to the endeavor.

So this year, once again, we will take an offering that will be given to the Primate of the Church in North America. Yet again, it will go into that special fund. The only difference is that the money is no longer being used only for buildings and property but also for activities and ministry that will grow the communion.

I believe the money in the account is “legacy money.” It is always tempting to spend “savings” or “investments” rather than wait. We have spent some, but this is a fund that the founding generation, many of whom are now retiring from the ministry, is leaving the new leadership who are living the future. The Primate—that’s me—believes that this “passing of the baton” is critical.

I hope that each rector or vicar will take this offering seriously. It is $10 per person. Cathy and I are always thankful to put in our $20, plus $80. I am particularly excited because the Church I attend somewhat regularly is looking to purchase a building. The future is still before us.

Under His mercy,

+Craig W. Bates,


For more information, visit the Foundation Day website.

Church of the Messiah Co-Sponsors March for Life Florida

As State Supreme Court Prepares to Hear Challenge to Abortion Amendment, Floridians Rally for Life in Jacksonville

JACKSONVILLE, Fla., Jan. 8, 2024 /Christian Newswire/ — This Saturday, January 13, at 10 AM, pro-life Floridians from across the state will gather at James Weldon Johnson Park in Jacksonville for the 2024 March for Life & Special Liturgy for the Preborn.

Speakers include national pro-life leader Frank Pavone of Priests for Life, Florida State Representative Dean Black, and Sarah Neely of Operation Rescue. Fr. Scott Looker will lead the special Liturgy for the Preborn.

The March kicks off with a one-hour rally set to be a time of encouraging words from national and local leaders, as well as a special moment of corporate prayer for the preborn, for their mothers and fathers, and for the end of abortion in the state of Florida. A prayerful walk that will pass by the nearby county and federal courthouses will follow.

Fr. Scott Looker, rector at Church of the Messiah in Jacksonville and one of the main organizers for the event comments, “Florida is a true battleground state and stands at a crucial crossroads for children in the womb, especially as we await two huge decisions from our state Supreme Court — one that could uphold a previously passed six-week ban and one that could stop a dangerous effort to enshrine even late-term abortion in our constitution. Now is the time to stand together, to pray together, and to make every effort we can to peacefully, prayerfully and legally uphold the sanctity of life.”

It was recently announced that pro-abortion groups collected the required amount of signatures to move forward with an “Amendment to Limit Government Interference with Abortion,” which they aim to see on the November ballot. However, first the Supreme Court will hear a challenge from the Florida attorney general that could prevent the amendment from going any further.

Sarah Neely, Project Coordinator for Operation Rescue, says, “With Roe gone, abortion extremists around the country are pushing for constitutional amendments that will enshrine abortion in state constitutions and upend life-affirming laws that currently protect children in the womb at the state level. These amendments are shrouded in euphemisms and dangerously vague language meant to persuade voters to believe they are voting for so-called reproductive freedom when, in reality, they are often voting for unfettered abortion through all nine months of pregnancy. This proposed Florida amendment is no different.”

The Florida State Supreme Court will hear arguments for the amendment on February 7. Floridians are also waiting for the Court’s decision on a 15-week ban, which they heard arguments for back in September. If the Court upholds this ban, it will automatically uphold a 6-week ban that was passed in the interim.

The 2024 March For Life is co-sponsored by Church of the Messiah, Charismatic Episcopal Church for Life, Jacksonville for Life, Operation Rescue and Pro-Life University of North Florida.

Convocation Website is LIVE!

We are so excited about the National Convocation coming this Summer!  We are excited to announce that the CEC North American Convocation has launched its website.  By visiting the website, you can review the calendar and schedule of events, register for the Convocation, book your hotel rooms, and volunteer to be part of the team working to make the Convocation an incredible time of revival for the Charismatic Episcopal Church in North America and throughout the world.  Be sure to bookmark the website and check back in for updates.  The 2024 North American Convocation is going to be a phenomenal gathering to worship The Lord.  Be sure to get started making you plans to attend so you won’t miss any of what God is doing.

Diocesan School of Discipleship Begins in September

Bishop David Simpson has instituted the Diocese of Florida School of Discipleship.  This is an on-line, virtual opportunity for lay people throughout the Diocese of Florida to grow in their knowledge and love of Our Lord Jesus Christ as well as an opportunity to strengthen their relationships with other believers throughout the Diocese.  These courses are not seminary courses, but are rather discipleship classes intended to deepen one’s walk with The Lord.

Bp. Simpson will teach the first course in Apologetics, or explaining one’s faith to another.  The only text for the course will be I Don’t Have Enough Faith to be an Atheist by Norman Geisler and Frank Turek.   The class will meet Saturdays from 10 – 12 beginning on September 9th.  The deadline to register for the course is August 15th.

If you are interest in taking the course or more information, please reach out to Fr. Looker for registration information.

Foundation Day is June 25th

There are so many stories to tell about how the Foundation Day Offering has been able to assist churches not only in doing renovations but to purchase buildings and properties. Right now, we have given grants and loans to help churches around the United States. In particular, we have invested in building a new Cathedral in Bel Air, Maryland. The project is enormous, and we are so thankful that God has used you to provide sufficient funds to plant in our future.

Coming up on Sunday, June 25th, is the Celebration of Foundation Day. It is the Sunday closest to the consecration of A. Randolph Adler as the first Bishop of the Charismatic Episcopal Church. The event happened almost 31 years ago at St. Michael’s Church in San Clemente, California. Since then, we have seen churches develop around the globe. (Not only are we building a Cathedral in Bel Air, but we are also building a Cathedral in Manila.)

None of us can predict the future of the Charismatic Episcopal. I know that the CEC is God’s Church, and He is not a God of failure. The vision of the CEC is still in place, and the mission continues even as I write this letter.

On Foundation Day, we ask every member, young and old, to give ten dollars each to a special offering that will be used to plant seeds for our future and the next generation of believers. The money will be used for building, property, renovations, and for church growth projects. As the first generation, we are called now to continue being faithful. We are asked to walk by faith and not by sight. We are asked to hear God’s voice and obey.

I was taught, and I have lived, the truth that there are “givers” and there are “takers.” Givers understand the heart of God, who is generous in giving, even to the point of “giving” His own Son. His demonstration of love is in the act of giving.  As we participate in the life of Christ Jesus, we are made into givers who will give not only generously but sacrificially.

I continue to pray daily for all the churches. You are all so very faithful and obedient. I am humbled to be among you as one who is given the opportunity to serve you.

Under His mercy,

+Craig, Patriarch