This year, Church of the Messiah invites you to celebrate the birth of the Messiah by joining us at our special Christmas Services.  On Saturday, December 24th, beginning at 7 o’clock, we will have our Christmas Eve Family Service.  This service will include special Christmas songs and praise & worship, a wonderful presentation from many of our youth and children, Fr. Looker’s annual Christmas children’s sermon, the Holy Eucharist, and concludes with Christmas Carols by candlelight!

At 10 o’clock on Sunday morning, we will gather on Christmas Day to celebrate the birth of Our Lord!  We always gather on Christmas Day, even more so this year since it is a Sunday morning.   We will take a few minutes to gather, praise God, read Scriptures, reflect on the birth of the Messiah, and take Holy Communion together as we celebrate the Incarnation of Our Lord.

We invite everyone to join us for these incredibly powerful and moving services.

“Unto us a child is born!  O come, let us adore Him!”