FollowMe Advert 2Tonight Church of the Messiah will begin its newest Bible Study, Follow Me: an Introduction to the Gospel According to Saint Matthew.  After having taken a brief break following the birth of his son, Fr. Scott Looker will return to the pulpit on Wednesday nights and begin opening up the Gospel up in a way that will help illuminate the rest of the year.  Since the Lectionary moves in a three-year cycle, almost all of the Sunday morning Gospel readings for the rest of this year will come from the Gospel According to Saint Matthew.  As the Bible Study opens tonight, Fr. Looker will explain how St. Matthew arranged and ordered his account of the life of Christ in a way that you have never seen before.  We promise that you will never look at the first gospel the same way again!

Follow Me: an Introduction to the Gospel According to Saint Matthew is a part of Church of the Messiah’s regular Wednesday night worship service.  Each service begins with an anointed time of praise and worship and concludes with a time of intercessory prayer.  Childcare is provided throughout the entire service.  We look forward to seeing you tonight at 7 o’clock for Follow Me!