This week is one of those week’s we thank God we have our own building because we will be getting a whole lot of use out of it and you will want to be there!  The weekend is loaded with fun, so be sure to read through to the end!

UltreyaOn Tuesday night, we have the September Ultreya for Northeast Florida.  The Ultreya is open to anyone who has attended a Tres Arroyos weekend or similar three-day weekend retreat (Cursillo, Walk to Emmaus, etc…).  We will begin at 6:30 with a potluck meal and begin working and an important project in preparation for the upcoming Tres Arroyos weekends this coming October.  If you have attended Tres Arroyos weekends in the past, please make an effort to attend this Ultreya to bless future candidates.  As always, we will end with the Holy Eucharist.

FollowMe Advert 2Wednesday is the final session of Follow Me: an Introduction to the Gospel of Saint Matthew.  This will bring to a close our very powerful study on St. Matthew’s Gospel as we focus on the Passion, Death, and Resurrection of Jesus Christ in the First Gospel.  Everyone who has attended this Bible study has said that they have had their eyes opened to the Gospel in ways they never imagined.  Come experience what they have been learning as this amazing Bible study comes to a close Wednesday night starting at 7pm.

womens retreatFriday night many of our ladies will be leaving for their women’s retreat at the scenic Epworth-by-the-Sea in St. Simon’s Island, Georgia.  Their theme for the weekend will be “Relentless: Reignited, Reclaimed, Revived, and Repurposed.”  They will be meeting Friday evening, all day Saturday, and returning just in time for the service on Sunday morning.  Pray for the ladies and for their retreat leader and speaker Shannon Clemons.

FusionSaturday is our monthly Fusion service!  Fusion is our service directed at young adults between the ages of 18 and 35 who either have no church home of their own or are attending a church without a young adults ministry.  We begin the service at 6pm with light appetizers and have a time or worship and testimony as well as amazing fellowship.  This week, because so many of the ladies will be at the women’s retreat, we still have a need for some of our men to volunteer to bring in “finger food” and other munchies.  Please contact Kevin Paysinger if you are willing to do so.

Finally, last but not least, we have an incredibly important service Sunday morning at Church of Messiah.  This is will be part of our regular service but will include a special speaker with a unique presentation.  This will definitely be a service you will not want to miss.  Even though it will have been a busy week, be sure to be here Sunday morning for a service that is sure to be full of surprises!