On Saturday morning, May 6th, the men of Church of the Messiah will be gathering for a prayer breakfast.  This is a free event that is open to all men, young or old.    As part of Church of the Messiah’s re-vitalized and re-launched fellowship, our Men’s Ministry meets on monthly basis for an event that is either outreach, fellowship, or discipleship.  This prayer breakfast is an opportunity to grow deeper in our relationship not only with The Lord but with other men.  The theme of this month’s meeting is “Being a Godly Man in an Ungodly World.”  The event is free, but we would appreciate you letting us know that you will be attending.  You can do so in three ways: you can scan the QR code in the image above, you can fill out the sign-up sheet in the lobby of the church, or you can click the LINK.  We look forward to seeing the men of the Church gather together and grow in the knowledge and love of Christ on Saturday morning, May 6th, beginning at 8:30.

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