Lent With Lewis PromoBeginning Wednesday, February 25, Church of the Messiah will lead a four-part Bible study series through the season of Lent.  Continuing with the success of last year’s A Peek Inside the Devil’s Playbook: A Lenten Bible Study Based on The Screwtape Letters by C. S. Lewis, we will host our 2nd annual “Lent with Lewis” and focus on another classic work by the 20th century apologist C. S. Lewis.  In 2015 we will be studying Letters to Malcolm: Chiefly on Prayer, a collection of letters written by Lewis to his friend Malcolm on the subject of prayer. During the course of the study, we will address topics including private prayer, corporate prayer, using pre-written prayers, supplication, the Eucharist, and much more.  The book can be purchased through all on-line provided as well as at local book-sellers and is available in electronic formats as well, however having read the book in advance is not necessary for the Bible study.

Our 2nd annual Lent with Lewis Letters to Malcolm: Chiefly on Prayer begins February 25 and runs through March 18 beginning at 7 o’clock every Wednesday night.  The service ends prior to 8:30 each night so that everyone has time to return home in time for work and school the next day.  Everyone is welcome and childcare is provided.  We look forward to growing with you this Lent through studying prayer together.